
Gods Meeting

As the few first gods who came to be, they had been known to grow close to each other, Ouranus as the god of the sky and Gaia as the god of the earth.

Together they saw the births of many other gods and saw the death of some who were forgotten by men.

At first, there were only a few of them, those who knew the peace of men and their love for each other, until mankind had seen the evil within them.

Evil gods have been born and similar to them, they were giving blessings to those who are praying for them, however, like how similar they are, they can't be untoward to them.

The peaceful time has wilted, changed to chaos and wars and death, corrupted by those evil gods that have grown powerful as man has seen the beauty of darkness.

But they still waited until mankind could find the way back to the beginning, but those times never came.

Oblivious to the change, the new gods came without knowing what and where they came, playing and frolicking with those men that had created them.

Until one day Gaia was also corrupted by those gods that they never minded and as a result monsters deep in Tartarus that were within the Genkai started spawning.

Tartarus is a place where men had thought where evil is condemned, at first it has worked as intended, evil beings were held until they were cleansed.

However, a god named Echidna has used it to corrupt Gaia for her purposes; the souls that were sent to Tartarus were forever imprisoned to spawn her creation.

And by deluding and captivating Gaia, she had ensured that Tartarus will forever be within her to dissuade the gods and man alike to destroy them.

Eradicating the dungeon will also kill Gaia, which will end mankind along with all gods down in the Genkai or Tenkai.

That's why, until this day, Ouranus can only pray and lull the Dungeon and Gaia to prevent the end of humanity by promising that they will never attack it.

However, some of those foolish gods never listened and still released their Arcanum within, resulting in the spawning of the three great Calamities as the dungeon thought that it was a breach of their Promise.

Until they can find a hero to defeat a god down in the dungeon, the Promise Time will always have a noose already set in their neck.

However, that noose has already been set and tightened.


"So we must clear the dungeon before we lose our divinity?"

Hestia questioned again even after being answered by Loki, which gained her irritation.

"And I don't think there are any adventurers strong enough to defeat it; we don't even know how strong Echidna is down there!"

"That's the purpose of this meeting shrimp, now shut up and curl aside like the shrimp you are"

Loki snapped at her friend's insistence that even when the world is ending, all she ever knows is to press her button and annoy her.

"Anyway, I have an idea to suggest."

Freya ended their banter before the meeting would be sent to chaos again, knowing that it would take ages before someone backed down.

"I would like to ask all of those Familia to lend all of their strongest children to delve down in the dungeon along with the remaining Familia to support us on our journey."

Freya glanced around the room to wait for anyone's opposition, however, it seems like there is no other choice but for them to join.

Now that most of the gods in Genkai are slowly losing their power, they can no longer scoff aside the changes that were now happening for the first time after an eternity of living.

When Ouranus has used his power and authority to set a limitation unto them, they can still resist it in exchange for expulsion from the Genkai.

However, the world is now slowly limiting their Divinity at an alarming rate, those gods that have to use their Arcanum can no longer use their ability while those people like Freya and Loki can still manage.

"Now that Gaia has forcefully choked us, I have a proposition to make."

The surrounding air suddenly turned stagnant, that everyone could feel it.

"Before my Divinity runs out, I would like to use my ability to charm everyone to use their all to resist this impending doom."

Without any hesitation, she dropped a bomb that no one has expected, Loki can only sigh at Freya's sudden change.

No one has been so devastated after knowing that David.

At first, Freya was cold, calculative, and manipulative; however, her life changed when she finally met her Vanadis Odr, but that happiness was short-lived after he suddenly disappeared.

"I am not asking for anyone's permission, I am just informing you all before I ascend."

A sharp gasp could be heard at the now shock-filled members of the meeting; they all knew about Freya's new toy obsession.

However, now that they knew that she would chase his soul in heaven, they can no longer deny her true feelings.

"I know that I have destroyed so many Familias and devastated so many lives, however, let me use this chance to apologize for my mistake and to use this as my final gift."

The god of Love and Beauty bowed to them, the most sought woman that they have respected had been broken by the death of just one man.

And by that, the grim situation that they are facing has ultimately seeped into them.

"Ummm how can we kill a god exactly? I mean she can use her Divinity freely, right? How can we kill her with that?"

Well, most of them understand the situation except for one.




Suddenly a hollow sound echoed in the room.

"I will permit it even without asking Freya, however, you must only use it for those level 2 adventurers and above."

Ouranus agreed with Freya's earlier statement as for the longest time he never obstructed those gods as long as they did not disturb the dungeon and now Freya even volunteered without him asking to use her ability.

"Don't you think something is wrong with that?"

Suddenly a voice broke the tension between all of them, even knowing that it would break the trust between the mortals and gods they know that they must still do it, however, Hephaestus solely voices out her intent.

"Even after all you did prove that you have changed Freya, you still tried to commit what you've promised to never break to David?"


Freya's sudden outburst had frightened everyone in the room, her immaculate face had contorted to a great change.

"Not even a single word nor a single party to search for him?! And yet here you are teaching me what is right over wrong!"

"Because I know that he is alive and pretty well."

With a serious and determined face, Hephaestus confronted Freya without backing down.

"Just believe in him like how he believed in your word, Freya."

Before turning around to leave the room behind her while holding her chest to hide the now beating light that getting stronger.

"Or else not even in his next life he will ever embrace you."