This is my first time writing! It is purely to stave my boredom and give me an outlet for my overactive mind! Warning: Everyone in this novel is of legal age! This will contain sexual content(Not that I can guarantee its quality) A young man dies in the prime of his life with no notable achievements to his name. Now he sits in an endless void faced with an entity without any features. Some may say he's extremely lucky while others may say he drew the short straw.
It has been a few weeks since Ark returned home. After the camp, he had upped his training 10 fold. It can be said that he now spends at least 12 hours a day training, outside. Other than training himself, he spent the rest of his time getting close with Delia and Sylph as well as helping his Mother out. At this moment in time, Ark was sat around Delia's house under the excuse of coming to see Ash. Unfortunately, Ash was not home, much like the numerous other times Ark has visited.
Delia handed Ark a freshly made cup of tea and sat down opposite him.
"Honestly Ark, you've visited so much these past few weeks that I got you a cup to use every time you visit."
Delia smiled at Ark, who was looking at the pale blue cup with the word 'Ark' on it. Despite the teasing tone, Ark was genuinely pleased to see that Delia was slowly accepting him. Ark had made a new goal of using these next few years to get closer to Delia since when he leaves for his journey, Ark may not see her for a long period of time. Therefore he needs to make the most of his time here by balancing it with his training.
Right now Ark is not training Sylph as he hasn't technically caught it, besides it is very young and needs to learn about matters outside of battling otherwise he fears it may turn into a hot-blooded muscle head.
"It seems I always end up coming at times Ash isn't in, I am honestly so clumsy"
Ark exaggerated his hopelessness. Delia smiled with a hint of mischief held within.
"Oh? Is it really that unfortunate to have to spend time with me?"
Delia looked down to the ground in mock sadness. Even though Ark knew she was only teasing and joking, he couldn't help but feel guilty. He sighed and spoke.
"Unfortunate? I believe I am the luckiest guy in the world to get to even spend time with you, especially alone time"
Delia looked up into Arks eyes and smiled. She had heard similar things from Ark since the moment they met, yet she found herself never growing bored of it. In fact every time she heard it, she would have small bubbly feeling well up in her stomach.
"You really are a natural smooth talker. So Ark, I haven't asked yet, what are your plans for the future?"
Children in the Pokemon world are encouraged to think about their futures at a young age, this is to promote them to use their youth in a productive fashion such as chasing their dreams. Thus, Ark was not shocked when Delia showed interest in his future, especially since he was getting increasingly involved with her.
After the Serena incident, Ark made the decision to come clean about his future relationship goal so that he does not destroy any chances he has.
"My goals huh? My main goal is to have a large family with lots of wives. My other goal is to be a true Pokemon master."
Delia nearly dropped her cup. Everything she just heard was unbelievable. While polygamy was not uncommon, it was not an every day occurence to hear an 8 year old speak about it as though it's the most normal thing ever.
"It may seem like a weird dream, but to me it is the sole reason I train. I want to live my dream and protect it with a firm grip."
Ark stared at the inanimate Delia with serious eyes, the passion in his eyes was intoxicating to look at. After a few seconds of staring at each other, Delia placed her cup down and her signature smile spread across her face.
"I think it's a lovely dream, but I am more impressed by the firm resolve you have."
Ark was relieved as he was now one step closer to wooing Delia. She was accepting of his polygamous dream, thus that is one obstacle out of the way. As Ark was planning his future steps to get closer to Delia, the lady in questioned mumbled her thoughts to herself.
"This is probably why he has been trying to get closer to me, what a young devil"
Delia had already seen through Arks intentions, she was blatantly aware of how attractive she was, thus she was not so dense that she was ignorant of mens intentions for approaching her. At first, she played along since it was the first time she had seen Ash actively getting along with someone, however she has since started to warm up to Ark. While he may be young right now, his future prospects are looking more limitless by the day. Due to this, Delia decided to let go of all of these complicated thoughts and just see where the flow of life takes her in the future.
Unknown to Ark, his future chances with Delia had increased marginally. Ignorant of Delias thoughts, Ark decided to change the subject. Like this, days passed by as the two grew closer.
About a month after Arks visit to Delia, he had made sure to visit every other day. Ark was in the outskirts of the forest near Pallet Town. Ever since his struggle in the forest at Pokemon camp, Ark has been using this slightly more friendly forest to train. It had basically become Ark's personal training ground. He had borrowed an axe from one of the craftsman in the town to clear out a wide enough area so that he could perform all of his training without being interrupted.
In the middle of this training ground, Ark was punching a makeshift boxing bag. The material used was a fiber as tough as wood. While Ark was not aware of the specifics of where the material had come from, he had progressively increased the hardness of the material so that he could tone his body. Right now, he can punch his practice punching bag without fear of damaging his fists, this is due his consistent training daily. Luckily Ark had the Mastery system to observe the changes in his strength, not only did it provide an accurate view of his strength as statistics, it also gave him extra motivation to improve.
Ark thought about wanting to see his stats and a pale blue screen appeared in front of his eyes.
Mastery System
Stamina: 7
Strength: 9
Agility: 6
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 11
Vitality: 8
From what he had recorded the last time he had checked his stats, he could see a good increase in his stats. Ark was happy with the way he was growing, it was almost like a reward for the effort he had put in.
Ark wiped the sweat from his brow and sat down on the spot. He had grown accustomed to training for long periods of times and now his body had started to keep an internal timer of when his body needs a short break. Grabbing a full bottle of water from by his legs, he drank a few gulps before pouring the rest over his head. It was autumn at the moment so the temperature was still high, Ark had once collapsed in his backyard when he was younger from a combination of dehydration and exhaustion. His mother had panicked and basically threatened the doctor to come check his condition. Since that event, Ark was forced to carry around a bottle of water everywhere he went.
Ark stood back up and resumed training. As he knew his time was limited in Pallet, he had chosen to make the most of these monotonous peaceful days.