I was once human, ignorant like the everybody else of what lurked around us, the world is not as you think there are creature who live among us they are the supernaturals vampires, werewolf's witches and everything inbetween and not only have i discovered about them but i have become one of them and a target at that because of the potential power i possess. I must get stronger to protect myself and loved ones i must Evolve and Awaken the True Alpha in me.
As Jacob looked at the man he just shot who was still standing there staring at him
"I could have just dodged that but I wanted you to see with your own eyes" the man said as his eyes started glowing red
Jacob out of shock continued on shooting as the man walked towards him, until he was out of bullets
"Although it doesn't hurt, it still annoys me" the man said hitting Jacob with such force that he was sent flying until his back met the walls of the cave
Jacob could barely stand as his vision was blurry
"I must get going its almost day break, don't forget what I told you" the man said as he started walking towards the entrance of the cave being followed by Elena
Jacob ignoring the pains he was going through as blood dripped from the back of his head
"No Elena, don't go" Jacob said while trying to catch up to them but when he got out of the cave they were nowhere to be seen he tried going further into the forest but it was to no avail as he continued walking deeper into the heart of the forest he was feeling dizzy until the point his vision became completely blurry he went unconscious losing his footing as he fell down face flat to the ground
It had been a few hours since the first light of day when a woman whom was picking up herbs and other items in the forest found Jacob lying down face down on the floor
"Oh my I wonder, what happened to him" she said, she with the help of her daughter who was with her had carried Jacob back to their house which was not far from the forest; they lived alone in an open area near the forest.
After a day or two Jacob had woken up with a mild headache "so you're finally awake" the woman asked Jacob who was sitting upright on the bed
"What happened, where am I" Jacob asked as he was trying to recall the events that lead to his current predicament
"Don't worry your somewhere safe as for what happened, I should be asking you that".
"here you go, drink up" the woman said" she said handing him a cup of water.
Jacob was drinking the water halfway his memories of the last events he witnessed started flooding his mind, he instantly dropped the cup
"That monster, I have to go, I have to save Elena" Jacob said attempting to stand up only to come crashing back on the bed
"Am sorry but your body is in a bed shape and it's still recovering" the lady said
"But I have to go if not, who knows what he might do to her"
"Okay calm down why don't you tell me what's wrong, how did you end up like this"
After narrating the events which had happened with the town and his weird encounter with the man in the cave the woman simply kept a straight face
"So you said the bullets had no effects on him and his eyes were glowing red?" she asked
"Yes" Jacob said further confirming her suspicions
"Then there is no doubt then"
"No doubt about what" Jacob asked confusion written all over his face
"Am sorry but I don't wish to interfere" the lady said
"Please, just please he took her, and he is going to do more I don't know if I can do anything to stop him on my own"
Sympathizing the young man the lady said
"First thing you need to know is your opponent is no human being, he is a vampire"
"Vampire? " Jacob said with a puzzled look on his face
"yes a vampire, basically a being in-between life and death, they are far superior, faster and stronger than humans they posses abilities such as mind manipulations and others which are beyond the natural and for them to sustain themselves they feast on human blood, that's probably what all the missing people are to them food"
As Jacob was listening to her there was nothing but a look of shock on his face finally opening his mouth
"And how do you know all this" Jacob said
"Because I am a part of the supernatural world, but fear not for I am nothing but a harmless witch"
This did raise some of Jacobs's hairs, but he didn't react as much to this due to the hospitality he has received
"Hmm no reactions, you are different I suppose others would freak out on encountering a witch, I that's why I live out here away from town"
"So is there a way I can stop or kill these vampires"
"I might be willing to help you after all; these vampires do have a weakness, the first which is sunlight"
"Sunlight?" Jacob said yet again looking puzzled
"Yes they can't stand the sun; they burn in the presence of the sun although this weakness can be nullified by certain spell bound items"
"Another sure way to kill these creatures is a wooden stake to the heart"
"A wooden stake you say, but like you said they are faster and stronger, how would I be able to get close enough to deal the finishing blow".
"Although you have a point you are an average human after all unlike some who have trained their whole life to kill these creatures"
"Is there any chance for me, even though I have to try" Jacob said with a hint of discouragement in his voice.
"Although the vampires have an enemy said to rival their strength" the lady said, this got Jacobs attention
"An enemy you say, do you where I can find them" Jacob replied ready to do anything that might increase his chances of stopping the vampire.
"Forget about finding them I can make you one of them" the lady said with a sinister smile.
"You can do that"
"Yes but for a price" she replied with a smirk.
"Whatever the price maybe am ready to pay it"
And so the deal was done the witch after an ancient ritual was able to turn Jacob into a werewolf, using his new found strength Jacob went back to town prepared to face the evil that prowl's at night.