
Truck-kun Ran Me Over: Reincarnated in a Magical World!

Jeremy, an unassuming otaku whose mundane existence takes an unexpected turn when he meets an untimely end under the wheels of a truck. To his bewilderment, Jeremy awakens in a parallel world reminiscent of Earth, yet with a fascinating blend of advanced technology, magic, and the intricate discipline of martial arts. Rechristened as Li Tian, he finds himself born into a distinguished Martial Clan in The Land of Hua. Determined to stay off the stereotypical path of anime protagonists, Li Tian resolves to lead a tranquil life as a background character, basking in the protective embrace of his newfound family. Little does he know that his rebirth comes with extraordinary gifts—an SSS tier Intelligence Stat and a mysterious system that adds a layer of complexity to his seemingly ordinary existence. Beyond the grandeur of dominant nations lies an unexplored terrain fraught with peril—the domain of Demonic Beasts. In stark contrast to the structured societies of major countries, these wild expanses harbor creatures driven by instinct, launching indiscriminate attacks on unsuspecting humans. Look forward to Li Tian's quest for serenity, as he grapples not only with the complexities of his newfound abilities but also contends with the ever-present threat posed by these relentless adversaries. I would appreciate if you leave a comment or review for the novel!

Over_The_Horizon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Entrance Test 1


[You've triggered the hidden mission, 'School Life'] 

[Hidden Mission: School Life (1/3)] 

Following your interactions with children your age, you've discerned their level of immaturity doesn't align with your preferences. Consequently, you've made the decision to enrol in a high school instead. 

Reward: Receive the 'Chaos Annihilation' Cultivation Manual (Part 2/3) (After completing all three parts of the mission) 

Failure: Death. 

Deadline: 2 weeks. 

'No! What. The. ****!!! Not this again!' Crestfallen, Li Tian slump over and leaned against his mother. Li Xian just thought that her son was tired and decided to just let him be. 

In Li Tian's head, he was thinking, 'What's up with you gaslighting me into doing things now??? When have I ever said that the children my age were immature? When did I say I wanted to enrol in a high school?' 

The system did not entertain his complaints. Li Tian could only bottle it up and just go along with it. It was either do the mission or death. The boy easily knew which he preferred. 

Currently, mid-terms results had just been released for all high schools and so, after this week of school, the high school students had one week of break. If there was even a slight possibility of entering a high school in the middle of a semester, the best bet would be now. 

When Li Tian got home, he told Li Xian to invite his grandpa and grandma over for dinner, to which Li Xian gladly accepted Li Tian's proposal. She wanted to tell her parents about Li Tian's CPT anyways. Doing it in person was not a bad idea too. 

Hence, when dinner came around, where the family of seven sat around the dining table, Li Tian broke the news. 

"So, everyone... Lately, I've been feeling a little lonely at home. Hence, I would like to go to school now, maybe, make some friends in school. I was thinking about trying out for high school as middle school is too easy for me." 

"Ahhh!?!?" The whole table made some noise when they heard what Li Tian had said. Surprise. Shock. Disbelief. No one expected the twelve-year-old to say such a line. Li Tian, ever since he was young, never wanted to go to the private school in the Li Clan. He always gave excuse about how they were too slow for him and how he could learn faster by himself. The idea of making friends to Li Tian was always shot away immediately by him. Hearing that he was lonely now, suddenly felt extremely weird to everyone. 

"Um… Grandpa, is it there anyways I can enter a high school now? Preferably within the next two weeks?" 

'Or else I am going to die…' Li Tian finished the sentence in his head. The boy was counting on his grandpa, one of the most influential people in the land of Hua. Other than the President of Hua, only the join forces of the three other clan elders were the only people that could sway his opinion. 

"Hahahaha! My grandson has finally grown up and decided that he wants to make some friends! Good good!" Li Kui laughed heartily. From his tone, Li Tian knew that they shouldn't be a problem. Li Kui continued, "This request of yours can be considered as done. I'll get Ningguo High School No. 1's principal to set up an entrance test for you. Depending on how you score, you'll be placed in the respective class. Though I'm not expecting anything less than the best! Hahaha!" 

"Thank you, Grandpa!" When Li Tian heard what Li Kui had said, the boy immediately brightened up. This solved the looming death sentence over his head for now. 

"Wait, doesn't that mean little bro may enter a year or two higher than Li Mei and I?" Li Xi asked with a shellshocked expression. Currently, Li Xi and Li Mei were first year students in Ningguo High School No. 1. Judging their younger brother's study prowess, he would surely start higher than the both of them. 

"Hehe… Then you and Mei Mei should work harder to not embarrass your brother!" Ming Guang Rong ruffled Li Xi's hair. 

Li Mei, on the other hand, had a knowing expression. "I've already accepted my younger brother's superiority over me. Only Li Xi seems to still think that he could beat our little brother in a fight." 

"Ah? Is that true?" Li Tian joined in on the fun. He smirked at Li Xi. The last time Li Xi had requested a sparring with session with Li Tian was when the little boy was still 8 years old, while Li Xi was 12. Li Xi proceeded to fracture his arm after being thrown over the shoulder by his little brother who was a whole head shorter than him. After that day, Li Xi never asked to spar with Li Tian anymore. 

"What? No, no, no. Little bro is the strongest out of the three of us. When you enter the school, little bro should take care of me instead." Li Xi immediately started to suck up to Li Tian. Sometimes, the whole family wonders if Li Xi or Li Tian was the real big brother. 

"Alright," Li Kui said, "Since you're planning to enter high school mid-way, you should at least revise over the core concepts once over in preparation for the entrance test. Even though your CPT was an S tier, you must not get complacent. There are plenty of big fishes in high school No. 1 and all of them have many more years of training than you did." 

"Yes, grandpa." 

In Li Kui's heart, although he warned his grandson, deep down, Li Kui knew that it wasn't that Li Tian shouldn't get complacent. Rather, the seniors in the high school should not underestimate the little runt. Li Kui felt that the CPT must've not consider certain factors in his grandson and as a result, given him the S tier classification. 

Any of the four clan elders would agree with him that Li Tian was an SS tier martial cultivator. His technical prowess coupled with his intelligence could not be compared with youths that required the aid of a teacher's guidance. Everything with regards to Li Tian's cultivation, was completely self-taught. The Li Clan only needed to provide him with resources and Li Tian was able to be completely independent. There were many times when Li Kui would ask if Li Tian was willing to take him as his teacher, but the little boy would always decline, saying that if he ever needed help, he would surely come over and ask him. But time and time again, Li Tian proved to not need any guidance. 

The weekends soon came and went. As promised, Li Kui had helped Li Tian to communicate with Ningguo High School No.1's principal. The principal, Zhong Chen was Li Kui's old comrade who he had battled together forty years ago. When Zhong Chen heard that Li Kui had a prodigious grandson who wanted to skip grades and enter a high school, the principal immediately accepted his request. Zhong Chen knew the type of person Li Kui was. He was not corrupt and would not exercise his power without reason. In the Li Clan, there was no such thing as nepotism. This meant that this Li Tian kid was someone of great talent. 

Within five days' notice, Zhong Chen had worked alongside his teachers to prepare an extensive examination just for Li Tian. The entrance test came in two parts. One, a practical test that tested the student's cultivation level. Two, a written test that would determine the high schooler's theoretical knowledge. As Li Kui asked him to not show any mercy, Zhong Chen made sure that the questions set would be difficult even for the most gifted. Zhong Chen was also one of the question setters for the GPPT (Gifted People Proficiency Test). So, when Zhong Chen said that the paper was difficult, he was not kidding. 

During the period of the teachers preparing the test, Li Tian was holed up in the room, currently memorising something. The boy was extremely focused on the laptop. His eyes never left the screen. If anyone was in the room, they would realise that Li Tian was watching a video at ten times the speed. He was currently making use of his photographic memory to memorise the episodes of the animes he was binging. When he was at school, he planned to use his memory to slowly replay the clips. The peak of humanity's Intelligence was used the right way! Currently, Li Tian had memorised over a thousand episodes of "The Princess and The Bee", which was more than enough for several months of schooling. 

On the Friday of the school holidays, Li Tian headed to school with his grandpa. Li Kui wanted to take this opportunity to catch up with Zhong Chen, while Li Tian was taking his entrance test. When the pair reached the gate, the principal had long been awaiting their arrival. Zhong Chen walked up and greeted Li Kui and Li Tian, "Old Kui, it is nice to finally see you again after so long! This must be your grandson, Li Tian." 

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