


/"Who was that?/" Seth asked as Nicole sat down.

Nicole glanced up at him, starting to feel a lump in her throat as she suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable as she saw that the table - or at least Seth saw what had just happened.

Nicole awkwardly cleared her throat, /"Nobody.... I mean - it was just someone I accidentally bumped into../" She chuckled awkwardly by force, hoping that the topic would drop.

/"Thats weird,/" Celia chuckled as she shook her head.

Seth gave Nicole a weird look as he narrowed his eyes at her but Nicole simply looked away, avoiding eye contact.

/"So, what's everyone been up to?/" Zylen asked, changing the subject.

/"I hate history,/" Harley groaned. /"I'm going to fail./"

/"Why is it necessary to talk about school when we are outside of it?/" Zylen rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his Coca Cola. /"It just ruins the mood./"