
TRTU [Temporary Hiatus]

Well Damn... I really died while taking a shit after my bath hey. I mean, really? The razor fell into the water and fucking electrocuted my ass to the end of time. I swear I even got heard at some point because of it! Sucks to be me hey. On to the void I guess since Im sure don't belong in heaven since I was never someone to go out of my way for others and I won't go to hell since I never did anything that can be considered evil. So the Void it is!

Norf · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


After running for a few hours the finally arrived at the Dark Spirit Mountains. Compared to the Ghostly Mountain Range it was like a hill but it was still very dangerous here because the wild beasts though were weak compared to demonic beasts were still vicious and merciless.

No weak cultivator dare to go in unprepared. The four disciples were here to try make some kind of breakthrough within 3 days to prepare themselves for the upcoming Luo family hunting contest which only disciples less than 18 years old could enter.

The reward this year for 1st place was very generous. You may enter the clan Pavilion, three spirit condensation pills and a Xuan stone which allowed someone in profound Pupil realm to easily enter the Profound Master realm.

However they knew they couldn't win it since Luo Lin who was at the Profound Pupil 8th level which was the highest cultivation of all disciples was participating all that they had to do was successfully hunt a demon beast and they would be able to become core disciples.

"Within 3 days we will definitely make some kind of breakthrough and become core disciples after the hunting contest." Spoke out one of the four.

They looked back and saw Luo Tian and Feng Lei with normal expressions on their faces much to their displeasure were hoping to humiliate them more of they couldn't manage the run.

"You trashes we are leaving you in charge of our horses, if anything happens to then we will hold you accountable." Luo Yan shouted out order to the two of them.

Luo Tian grinned. " You pitiful pieces of trash. I have no more need for you since you lead us to the mountain I was looking for."

Luo Tian didn't even give them time to respond as he released his conquerors Haki. He made sure to keep them conscious so they could witness each others deaths.


A crashing sound was heard around a 100 meters of Luo Tian which caused the 4 disciples to kneel on all fours.

"W-whats h-happening!" They all questioned feeling the mountainous pressure which was pressing them down.

Luo Tian smiled at them to show it was him."Feng Lei you can beat up one of the weaker ones until you're satisfied but kill the quickly I don't want to waste time." Feng Lei grinned wickedly and walked to Luo Xiu.

"Y-you t-trash st...ay aw...ay f..rom m..e!" Luo Xiu struggled to speak under Luo Tian's haki.

They four of them were extremely shocked that Luo Tian could release such pressure. 'wasn't he crippled?!' The same thought wandered through all their heads.

Luo Tian walked over to them. "Little wifey let's go have fun." As he said so Juewang's katana appeared in his hand as she replied in his head. " I'm looking forward to it husband~"

"L-luo....tian....we a..pologise..for our rud..eness. Please....L-let..us...go" Pleaded Luo Ming who was getting more and more frightened with every step Luo Tian took to them.

Luo Tian stayed silent up until he reached in front of them with a cold grin plastered on his face.

"No Mercy." As he said that he decapitated them one by one.

All of those who were alive watching as he decapitated Luo Ming pissed their pants. Leaving a foul stench in the area.

"You cowards...you kick me when I'm down but when I fight back you piss your pants....truly pitiful." Luo Tian was very disturbed by the smell of their piss so he picked up the pace.

"AAAARRGGGHHH" Luo Yan screamed out as he watched Luo Tian loop off everyone's head. Before he could make anymore noise he was also decapitated.

There was no blood on the ground from their bodies except for a few splatters since Juewang sucked them dry in an instant of them being cut.

As for Feng Lei he brutally beat Luo Xiu up until death. By the time he was done Luo Xiu's head looked like meat paste.

"All of these bastards are such cowards. The moment you stop hiding your power they piss their pants and beg for forgiveness....disgusting" Juewang was venting out her frustrations in Luo Tian's head after hearing what they said.

"Trash will always be trash little wifey." He replied

Luo Tian then activated his shadow monarch powers and his eyes turned purple. Having practiced controlling his powers so much with a 5x multiplier applied to all his efforts he was now able to almost instantly switch between each monarch mode now.

As soon as he switched to Shadow Monarch Mode he saw the black strands of the shadows from the 4 disciples trying to escape their bodies.

"Arise." He muttered in a domineering tone

Luo Tian said that single phrase and the strands of shadows emerged from the bodies forming the full figures of the 4 disciples.

"Y-young master what is this?!" Questioned Feng Lei as he saw the 4 shadows come out fron the bodies.

"Don't worry Feng Lei it's a new ability of mine that I learned, if someone dies I can turn the shadow of that person into my personal soldier." Luo Tian explained the basics since he knew it would be pointless to explain any specifics with Feng Lei.

"Young master is so cool!!" Feng Lei as usual had an stupidly happy look on his face.

Luo Tian called out Beru and Igris much to Feng Lei's surprise since their shadows were much taller. He just stared with wide eyes unable to say anything. All his shadows were black and purple because he already had the black heart.

Luo Tian couldn't name them yet so he just pointed at the two of them. " You will go into the forest for the next 5 days and slaughter any beast in your path and absorb their essence. By the time you come back I hope you are stronger now go." All his shadows were able to absorb the essence of anything they killed like Luo Tian. Some of that essence would even go to Luo Tian to increase his power.

As he said that Beru ran into the depths of the forest leaving Igris behind. Igris picked up the heavy sword and followed behind him.

Luo Tian looked back at the 4 new shadow soldiers. " You four will work together and go slaughter as many beasts as you can in 5 days. Make sure to come back stronger now go.

As he said that the of them 4 drew the swords at their hips and ran into the forest.

'Let the massacre begin' Luo Tian thought to himself

Luo Tian looked over to Feng Lei. "I will go hunt a beast so you can finally eat meat."

The carnivorous and beastly eyes that Feng Lei developed when he heard about meat sent shivers down Luo Tian's spine.

" Hehe young master is so nice to this one."Feng Lei said as he drooled.

Luo Tian shook his head and ran into the forest since he knew he couldn't do anything about Feng Lei's peculiarities.

Luo Tian returned after 30 minutes with two wolves in his hands. Feng Lei didn't even wait as he jumped and ran over to Luo Tian.

He stopped in front of him with a starving look in his eyes with a hint of hesitation.

Luo Tian shook his head seeing this. " Sigh... Feng Lei go roast the leg of one of the wolves and you can have the rest."

Feng Lei grinned stupidly again like usual. "Yes young master!" As he said that he prepaired the fire and roasted the leg for Luo Tian.

Luo Tian could have cooked himself but he was more focused on processing everything he was experiencing currently.

It had been 30 minutes since he sent Beru, Igris and his 4 soldiers out and he could feel his cultivation and body grow stronger gradually which was shocking considering they had just left.

'Just how many beasts are they killing?' He thought to himself as he meditated. After processing everything he ate with Feng Lei.

Feng Lei ate the raw and bloody meat of both the wolves like a starving beast. He held nothing back while slurping their blood and devouring the meat.

Luo Tian could feel the goosebumps rising on his skin as he shuddered while watching him. " Feng Lei the beasts in this place are not strong so you should be able to handle them. Take a sword from one of the corpses as a weapon I am going into the crest and I won't be back for 5 days so hunt for yourself. Don't worry I will be back, I can't bring you with me because it has something to do with the powers that those great seniors left me with when I come back we will leave to sign up for the hunting contest ."

Feng Lei was reluctant at first but hearing the reason he nodded with a serious expression. Feng Lei understood that the powers that Luo Tian was given could cause many powerful people to chase him so he understood why he had to keep them secret. "I understand Young master."

Luo tian materialised the 10'000 beast blood in his hands. "Feng Lei this is the 10'000 beast bloodline. The bloodline is not beneficial for me so you should drink it while im gone."

Feng Lei nodded as he continued to eat his raw meat and Luo Tian immediately left for the world crest leaving the bloodline with him.

Inside he was standing with Juewang looking at another bottle filled with blood.

"Husband....are you sure you want to do this now? The power that is coming from this bottle is very high....im sure it will cause you great pain...I...I don't want to see you suffer." Juewang was looking worriedly at Luo Tian who was about to integrate his 6 bloodlines at once.

The Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Tortoise, Vermilion Bird, Black Crow and Ice Phoenix bloodlines were mixed together into a single bottle for him.

Luo Tian cupped her cheek rubbed it and smiled. "Little wife, I understand your worries but I must do this. Without strength I may end up losing people who are important to me. I don't want to be in a position where someone stronger than me forces me to give up someone I love. If I end up losing you to anyone because of my own weakness I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I....I love you too much to allow such a thing to happen, I can't imagine myself ever having you leave me so if I have to endure pain and risk my life to gain power to protect you and anyone important to me I will gladly do it."

Juewang was extremely touched hearing what he said. " Husband I love you too...good luck." She didn't want to stop him after hearing what he said. As his woman it was her duty to support him and she did just that.

Luo Tian kissed her passionately for a few minutes. " Little wife I'll be back". Juewang nodded with a smiled as she moved back.

Luo Tian sat cross legged and took a deep breath. ' Sigh....this is going to hurt..'