
Troublesome friends

21th century four thief who are together from there childhood without any family they make each other there family they all known as troublesome friend the one who mess with them they alway make there life a living hell. one day running away from police there car got in accident and they all thought that it's there end but ... . . . . . . "huh what is this why can't I speak why there is, to many people staring at me ain't I supposed to dead" think violet. "what is happening why I'm in a baby body" Rose complain. "I'm speechless" sigh lily. "why me god you send me in this baby body it will be better if other are here" whine cherry . . . . . . . Violet: i'm a villianes. Rose: I'm a side character and supposed to die. lily: I'm male lead sister who never show in novel. cherry: I'm not saying anything I just want to know that why god had give me the role of thief I mean I was a thief in my past now again. sign

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Reincarnation in ancient are.

A girl seating in the world of darkness waiting for someone who can guide her outside from this world of darkness but there was no one around her. she was felling sad, lonely and scared. after waiting for sometime she sign and decide to walk on her own.

walking further in darkness she walk for hours when she saw dim light of ray. the light start growing more and more making hard for her to see. soon she felt like someone is sucking her toward the bright light. she try to restrict the force but it was to powerful that she was unable to stay conscious soon black spot start appearing infront of her eye and she faint away.






opening her eye she saw a nervous middle age women looking at her before she can ask some things to the women she felt a slap in her butt. she widen her eyes in shock opening her mouth to complain only baby voice came out from her mouth filled with confusion she look at her herself only to see pair of baby soft hand and little body realising that she had reincarnation in a body of a baby rose felt like cry realising that no one will question her why she is crying. she start crying loudly taking out her anger toward god with her tear. the middle age women take a breath of relief when she heard baby crying. she look at the pale face of the women who had leave the world while giving birth with sign nurse clean the body of baby. rose had stop crying and start remembering her past life, her troublesome friend, those old street where they all together had done painting on the, walls of those old street with a sign rose decided to look at the room.

she notice that the nurse was wearing a simple Chinese skrit in light blue the sleeve of the skrit was decorated with blue color ribbon. the room where they are which she thing is her mother room. the room was decorated with light color the furniture was simple not luxurious or expensive there was a women laying on the bed with pale skin which she thing is her new mother but looking at her mother. she realise that her mother is not moving even a bit she narrow her eyes to see if she is breathing or not but to her disappointment her mother chest was not moving even a little bit pressing her lips together. she start struggling in the hand of nurse the women frown when she saw the kid start struggling it was not new for her to see a kid struggling in her hand she had take care of lot of kids so she held baby little tightly so the baby doesn't fell from her hand.

she take the baby outside of the room where a young handsome man with a nervous face was walking back and froth seeing the room door open the man rush toward the door . nurse smile at him before handing over the baby to the man then she spoke in low voice.

"it's a girl and miss had died while giving birth she had left her last word to you she said to take care the baby and not let her get hurt this was the last word of miss" as soon the nurse voice fell there was silence in the hall.

the man was shocked he don't know if he should happy that he had a daughter or sad that he had lost his love with a sad sign he look at her daughter who is also staring at him with her cute red doe eyes. she had gorgeous white hair that look like snow her hair is soft. she had unique feature making her look very beautiful just by a gaze anyone can say that she will up as beauty with her delicate beauty she can cause the downfall of the country. she has palm size face and innocent look which make people to protect her but her eye are steady and she is staring at him without any fear in her eyes there was, a faint light of fire around her eyes that came for just a sec if he was not looking at her then he had not notice. by looking at her he know that his daughter is not ordinary girl she will definitely make him proud in future.

looking at her he look at the silent baby in his hand who is not crying like normal kid but looking at him like she is asking his identity.

" hello dear my name is Wang lei and I'm your father you are so beautiful like a gorgeous fairy covered in rose but there is different aura around you which can make people bow down to you like a phoenix from now your name will be Wang Feng-yan Feng for phoenix yan for fire and my name wang will always with you like my blessing even when i'm away from house my name will always protect you".

rose who is now Wang feng-yan fell sleep in arm of her new father maybe it was because now she is baby or it father warm arm she sleep peacefully like she never had peaceful sleep.