
Teen team

Me Mark and dad arrive at some tailor shop. dad leads inside with me and Mark following behind closely.

We meet Dad's friend and he immediately puts me and Mark through the ringer. examining our dimensions and stuff before fitting us in 2 suits. mine all black with a mask covering my entire face, "I don't think I like this suit very much." I speak aloud to voice my displeasure.

"Yeah, Max is right I don't like this. the orange and yellow sings but it doesn't sing the right tune y'know? it's not something iconic that I was hoping for. and what's with all these disk things?" Mark observes his suit more as I nod.

"I don't want anything iconic really, I want something different from the traditional superhero spandex and mask. something that will make me stand out. something unique." I let my desires be known as Dad's friend rubs his chin in contemplation.

"Hmm, I think I have exactly what you boys need."


I currently find myself smiling as I observe my current outfit. I have a dark blue leather jacket that stops at my ribs. some dark red sunglasses that stay attached to my face due to some optimizations.

Underneath my leather jacket is some red and blue spandex with the letter "S" in the middle. that simple "S" stands for something more, an echo of my past that I can't put my hand on. and the final piece of clothing I have is my dark black boots to match my jacket. (if you can't imagine how the outfit looks, use the cover photo for reference)

Mark stands across from me garbed in yellow and blue spandex with kneepads and a mask customized with some white lenses that cover his eyes his hair sticks out of the top of his mask as he also smiles.

We give each other's outfits a look as he laughs.

"You look like some punk," he laughs even more as Dad smiles. frowning, I mock his outfit "You look like a wannabe immortal. really, blue and yellow?" I smile as his laughter stops and he glares.

"Now boys, there's a time and place for when you can mock each other's outfits." 

"Yea, your father's right boys, if you want to fight take it outside. I don't want you two trashing my workplace--" Dad's friend is interrupted as Dad leaps up in alarm.

"Crap, gridlock is tearing up the eastside bridge! I've got to go!" Dad ignores his friends' words to use the north exit and zooms off. the sound barrier breaking as I smile.

"Well, Mark we have school tomorrow. unless you don't plan on graduating on time we got to go!" I pull my brother along as we fly off heading home. 


After a long boring class of geometry, I'm finally free as I leave the classroom, I head to my locker hoping Mark hasn't got himself into trouble as I sigh picking up my bags, I ignore the teachers' words about how the bell doesn't dismiss us. I don't need a few extra minutes of his lecture. I'm passing every class with an A+ it's not much of a flex considering this is my second time doing this high school stuff so it's easy. 

-DOOM- \

I hear a loud noise as I go running in the direction. praying Mark didn't do something idiotic with his super strength. when I arrive of course Mark has done something stupid as I spot him pinning a bully to a locker with his forearm. 

"Don't mess with him again," Mark says his voice laced with anger as he lets the big dude go. said dude immediately groans in pain. I can't walk over and tell Mark to calm down since I'm already on my second strike. one more and I'm getting expelled, so I just sit and watch as the principal drags Mark along to his office.

"That's your third strike maximus. you're done." the principal says to Mark as I barely contain my laughter. mark quickly scrambles "Wait I'm not Max I'm Mark dude!" the principal turns and examines Mark's eyes. it's well known that despite looking identical we have two different eye colors. 

"Hmm, well I see. you usually don't get into trouble so I can let you off with a warning. but you still have to come with me to my office.


leaning against my newly repaired car I smile as I hear marks approaching footfalls. "So-" I begin but Mark raises his hand "I don't want to speak about it." I respect his wishes as I drive us home 

As soon as we arrive home, we get dressed wasting absolutely 0 time as there is currently a bank robbery going on. suiting up in our new superhero clothing we smile at each other before blasting off.

"Mark grab their car I'm going to deal with them." Nodding at my words Mark sighs "Fine but I get the next one" I agree as we blast downwards towards the bank, our control over our flight reaching a new milestone as we no longer think to fly.

landing on the ground in front of the criminals I pay no mind to the asphalt cracking under my landing as I smile and take a few steps forward. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. put the money down and put your hands up." I command as the masked men look at me confusedly.

"Who the hell is this dickhead?" one of them says as they begin rambling. despite being insulted I keep my smile on my face as they decide to open fire on me.


The bullets bounce off my skin harmlessly as I smile even wider. 'Invulnerability is so busted'

Ever since I've gotten my powers I haven't bled once. Mark can say the same. we can survive nukes on whims now.

Walking forward despite the gunfire I continue to put on a show as the men freak out "shit his skin is tough as hell! Run to the car!" the supposed ringleader yells as they turn around and make a break for it.

Before I can chase them Mark fly's in front of them with a car overhead. "You mean this car?" he says as I groan at him showing off. it's only cool when I do it. 

"Damn it! drop it freak or we will blow you away!" The ringleader yells as they point their guns at Mark. 

"I wouldn't try that... I'm invincible!" I smile at the name. 'At least he nailed that one' as I dash at super speed. knocking every criminal out as I and Mark share glances.

"So invincible huh?" I ask trying to get under my brother's skin as we fly away. The cops picking up the unconscious forms of the bank robbers.

"Yeah, it's better than anything you can come up with punk." Mark takes a jab as I keep my smile while we fly. "Nah, I can do better," I respond as Mark's mocking smile drops.

"Oh yeah? then what's your hero's name?" I smile as we come to a halt a couple of thousand feet off the ground. just a bit over the clouds as I take a thinking position crossing my legs midair as I rub my chin.

"How about sentry..." I grin as Mark frowns "Hah! even you know it's better than invincible" I tease as me and Mark resume our flight heading home. 

"It's not, it's just better than what I expected," Mark responds as we begin to bicker.


At night me and mark decide to sneak out due to boredom. we were going to have a race to see who can circle the planet more times in five minutes in our pajamas, but we found the now escaped mauler twins committing a crime.

Frowning as me and mark fly high above the skies leisurely I point down. "Yo Mark you seeing what I'm seeing?" Mark nods as he zooms down with no hesitation

"Wait idiot you're in pajamas- oh what the hell." I follow mark as we land in front of our first-ever enemies.

The twins were in the middle of stealing video game boxes as me and mark land "hey put that down!" mark speaks out as I get ready for a fight. the twins ignore us as they continue walking so, we share a look before blitzing forward.

"Eh?" One of the twin's mutters but he can't alert the other because my fist finds the way to the back of his head making him drop the crate and go stumbling forward. 

Mark is slapped away by the other one as we get ready for a fight. I and Mark fly forward in sync as we get ready to end this quickly. 

One of the twins' growls. "Aren't you a little past your bedtimes children?" I opt not to respond as Mark speaks up "Actually yeah."

Meeting in the middle the four of us get ready for a fight but an explosion happens in between us.

It doesn't hurt but it packs enough force to send me and mark flying backwards as we skid along the asphalt.

looking to the left I spot 2 girls flying one with orange hair and a pink suit another with white wings an all-white cloak and golden blond hair. in between the two of them is a flying machine piloted by a robot. as a dude in orange speaks up.

"That was a BB you don't want to see what I can do with a golf ball. now who started it" The orange guy speaks as I bite back a snide remark on how that bb didn't even sting a little.

One of the mauler twins grabs the flying machine "I will give you one guess." he says sinisterly as he tosses the flying machine with the three passengers still on it.

The three of them leap off before the flying vehicle crashes in a fiery heap. the robot sounds annoyed as it speaks to the guy in orange. "Way to go rex we had the element of Suprise." 

Before the robot can continue one of the mauler twins charges at the three of them. I immediately burst into action as I use about 75% of my full strength and uppercut the big blue guy. sending him crashing into a Nerby brick wall as he groans.

Mark handles the other one as quickly as I handled mine as we stand over the two unconscious criminals with our fist clenched. 

The robot looks rather impressed with our quick moving "Wow, nice moves kids." it says as it helps up the black-haired girl. 

"I'll have a new vehicle delivered here in just a moment. Kate, may you please drag these two away, so we don't attract any civilian attention." The robot asks the black-haired girl -Kate- as she nods and splits into 6 clones.

looking over at the two airborne women I immediately feel like I've seen the two of them before. As I stare. Mark seems to do the same as the orange haired one remarks "I think I've seen you two before." the blond girl seems ever so silent as she bores holes into me and mark with her gaze.

It's as if she's judging our souls themselves.

"Well, our rides here but I can see that a brief introduction is needed before we depart." the robot speaks to me and marks as I turn my attention to him.

"We're the teen team. My name's Robot. the person in orange is rex splode the one in black is duplikate and the two girls in the sky are angel and atom eve." I nod as the teen team flies away. 

Mark seems to stare at Atom Eve for a while as she waves goodbye. smiling I elbow mark once they are out of view, "Don't tell me little Marky has the hots for someone other than amber~" I tease as Mark groans before we fly off