
Chapter 14

Mr Johnson after sitting on the dining table for about five minutes already decided to call on his children to hurry up up and come down stairs for dinner.

" Tristan, Rissa, you guys should hurry up. Dinner is getting cold already. And you guys are taking a lot of time being up stairs. " Tristan's father said with a very loud voice as he was shouting from the top of his voice so that his children could hear him out and come back down stairs on the dining table to him. So that they all could have dinner together as one family.

The deepness of the sound of his voice was so deep that it could barely be heard some times by his children also by other people that were related to him in all departments of life. Mr Johnson having a really deep voice it is not his fault but just nature. As it is a normal thing for all men though some men end up not getting a deep voice in all their lives.