

While Rissa was running in the street, she run passed so many people as she cared less about what so ever and who so ever was on her way. All her mind was fixed on what her friend Jennifer had just told her concerning her mother's death.

Rissa had already totally believed in what Jennifer had told her because she had noticed that Jennifer while talking to her, there was some sort of seriousness in her look. And more over, death is not some thing to play with as it was not mentioned any how in the society by any one. Some people could be jailed simply because they wrongly used the word death.

Rissa finally at home, angrily threw her school bag on the ground. As she sat on the couch with tears that had already gathered in her eyes waiting once more to be released. As she finally started crying endlessly.

Rissa sitting on the couch cried out her eyes as that was the only way for her to express at that moment how she felt and to also show that she really loved her mother and missed her so much. Also the fact that she was not ready to lose mother at that kind of tender age.

While still sitting on the couch, she started thinking and reflecting about the evidents that could best justify to her that her mother was really dead as Jennifer had said earlier to her. It was a very difficult thing for her to accept as she was so hurt.

She decided to start thinking about the things that were kind of suspicions and different in the house. Firstly, Helen does not love travelling. she has never loved travelling up and down.

Helen has always loved to be beside her family no matter the condition that they are going through. secondly, in the case where she ends up travelling, she always makes sure that she comes back before two days for her family.

She has never loved to stay out for so long. it was unlike her. But in this case, her father had lied to her that she had gone to her grand mother. since she was sick and she had not not yet returned. It was unlike her mother since she has never stayed up til two days that she had travelled with out coming back home to her family. The kind of bond that they all had in the Johnson's family when they were still completely.

They were a very good family not until Helene died leaving all of them behind. Rissa, Tristan and Mr Johnson could not bare that kind of pain that they were all feeling. They all needed some space to think.

Rissa after thinking about all these options that could best justify the fact that her mother was dead, that was when she became more hurt than before. She did not even know what more to do again. The load was too heavy for her to carry. She could not believe that her mother was just dead just like that. With out even telling her a good bye.

Rissa at that moment angrily got up from the couch where she was sitting and hurriedly ran straight up stairs following the direction leading you to her room. She was so disappointed in her self as she accepted that her mother should leave her house that day. She felt so bad as she could not even stop her mother from going any where that day.

She was so sad that she started blaming her self for every thing that had happened to her mother. She could not stop crying, if tears could bring back the dead, that particular day Helen could have come back to life.

This was because the rate at which Rissa had cried that day it could have not been less for some one who was that hurt by the kind of news that she had just heard. Rissa after crying for about two hrs straight had already cried out a river in her room while sleeping on the bed looking at her mother's portrait on the wall on one side of her bed room.

While looking at that, Rissa became much more emotional than before. She had become so emotional that she could no longer concentrate. She had already cried her eyes out. It was not an easy thing to believe but it was very necessary for her to take things the way they were presenting them selves to her.

How ever, she had to calm down a little bit. The rate at which she was breathing could give her a heart attack as she could not understand why both Tristan and her father could ever hide such things that are very important to her for long. It was about a period of one week already since her mother died.

" This explains why so many people have been coming to visit us from time to time. Including the people we have not even met. " said Rissa to get self with a lot of doubts and a little bit of certainty concerning every thing that her friend Jennifer had told her at that moment.

But at least her thoughts were making sense a lot as to what concerned the situation at hand that particular moment that she was thinking on a disorderly manner. But what was certain at that moment was that she needed proves and only the truth about the whole situation.

And that was what she was going to get following the rate at which she was very bent on discovering the who truth about every thing that was happening at that moment. It was not an easy thing but at least it was not a good idea for they all to be keeping such things from him. That hurts a lot as no one of them could even tell them the truth.

Rissa knowing all these just now was just so disappointed with what she was seeing as she could not believe that her mother has been dead for about a week now and she had no idea about it. Rissa did not know completely that her mother was dead.

To Rissa, such things are not worth keeping away from her because that was some thing that she was supposed to live with all her life. Rissa was already very up set at her Father and Tristan as she could not believe that they could be able to hide such a thing that was very important from her for a long period of time as long as a week.

Rissa opening her room with a lot of anger now threw down her school bag on the floor as she hurriedly jumped on the bed with anger and continued crying as her eyes were all full with a lot of tears in it. Actually, at that moment, she could not stop crying. Her heart was already to heavy for her to carry. She could no longer think of any but just her mom.

Rissa loved her mom so much as she lied down on the bed missing her and all the lovely moments that they had all shared together with joy. Not only the lovely moments that they both shared together but also the lovely, sweet and amazing moment all spent together with each other.

Rissa lying on the bed could not just believe that all those things were all just memories now. All of those memories spent with her mother be it in family or just both of them were all memories now. How ever, there was no way she was going to ever take things lightly with both Tristan and her father because, they both were the ones who were supposed to tell her the truth and make her fully understand what was going on.

As Rissa kept on saying to her self that they both won't have allowed her to discover the truth just like that. In a very harsh way. The way Rissa had discovered the trust about her mother's death was not just the best one for a girl of her age.

At that point, she was under going a serious psychologically traumer in her head. As she could no longer think well and was shivering with out stopping. If Rissa continues Crying in that light, she will end up being sick and not only sick but real sick.

There was the need for Rissa to stop and start being just her as before. While waiting for her father and Tristan to come back home. At that moment, Rissa was supposed to keep her calm just like before while waiting for her father to come back home real quick as well as Tristan who was still at school.

As Rissa cried until she finally fell asleep and was very tired and so exhausted from the million tears that she had just shade just during that short period. It was very true that Rissa could not cry for the whole of her life but at least she could cry for this short while and mourn her mother a little bit so that she could show his much she really loved her mother and also as well as to show every one that she missed her mother's presence in her life.

The joy of having a mummy for her is just so inexplicable. She had to just live along side with the grief that has already been installed in her due to the worse news she had ever heard in all her living on earth with her parents.

While being lost so deep in her sleep, her father came in. It was already getting very late, the moment her father got to the house, the whole house was very cold and calm. It was like there was no one present at home.

There was the need for her him to find out if there was any one at home. How ever, Mr Johnson could have never believed that there was no body at home. This was because, he believed that by that particular time, both Tristan and Rissia must have already been in the house.

As he now decided to climb up stairs to check if any one was there. Mr Johnson first of all started by looking at Tristan's bed room to find out if he was there. But u fortunately, to his greatest shock, he did not find any one there.

This incident just made him to be so disappointed and discouraged to check out Rissa in her to check if she was there or not. But how ever, he has to check on her.

As Mr Johnson now just left going towards the next room which was supposed to be Rissa's bed room and where she was supposed to be found. Immediately as he arrived at the door of Rissa's bed room, he immediately opened it and entered.

Rissa did not hear any thing when her father had entered the room. She was so lost in her sleep that she could not hear any thing that was going on around her for even a second. How ever, she was already very tired due to the fact that she had cried for so long. Her father could see tiredness in her due to the position that she was sleeping.

So Mr Johnson simply went back out side and closed the door behind him. Even after doing this, Rissa was still very lost in sleep that she did not hear any thing.

Going down stairs that same even evening, that was when Tristan had just come back to the house. Tristan was so exhausted from the tough day that he had just had that day. From his countenance, one could see that he was actually really tired.

" Good evening father. " said Tristan with a low tune trying to figure out his way to his bed room with out waisting any time. Tristan was really do tired that he needed a lot of rest.

" Hey son, why are you coming back home this late? What happened? " asked Mr Johnson with a very normal tone trying to discover just like every father will do the reason why Tristan had returned back home very late unlike before. This was unlike the usual time that he was supposed to close back from school. So there was the need for him to know what was wrong that made him to come back home very late.

" Father, I was at my friend's house trying to do some left over home work. Those ones were too difficult for me to do all by my self because I did not understand the topic. So I needed some help from one of my friends. " Said Tristan with a normal tone as his voice was supposed to be. Tristan was being so honest as he was trying his best to say just the truth to his father.

" Alright son, go upstairs, have a shower and come down stairs for dinner. Ok? " Said Mr Johnson with a very calm and subdued voice as he tried to console his son Tristan and as he tries to be a more good father so that he can make his children not to miss their mother's presence in their lives that much.

" Alright father, Will be back in a bit. Just give me some time to freshen up and come back down stairs for dinner. " replied Tristan with a very cold voice that reflected how decent, innocent and respectful he was at the time, when Tristan was still only just at the age of fifteen.

As Tristan rushed up stairs to do the essential things so that he could finish doing every thing and get ready so that he can come back down stairs to have dinner.

Mr Johnson was at the kitchen trying to make some food for them to eat that evening for dinner. That day, Mr Johnson was making ground meat stew accompanied with some boiled macaroni and a little bit of boiled rice. All those food were very nice as they smelled good. Mr Johnson was indeed a good cook as well.

Mr Johnson made some baked chicken so that they all could eat. It was indeed a good thing because, the flavor from the food was so attractive to a point that they all could no longer hold it. As Tristan could perceive the smell from the food even while he was up stairs bathing.

The smell from the food was just so unique all the different ingredients, condiments and spices that were been used to cook that food were all coming out back to the whole house in a harmony with each other as all the ingredients that were been used to put in the food were just so perfect.

All the ingredients that Mr Johnson had used that were found in the food that he cooked was just cooking were just a perfect combination as they all were a perfect match and understood each other. That's the main reason that they just bring out a perfect smell for the food.

No one could ever resist the kind of smell that was coming out from that food. Tristan, perceiving the smell from the food for over a long time now, decided to hurry up so that he could finally go down stairs and see what his father was cooking that was bringing out such an amazing smell which could not allow his nostrils rest for a second.

Once done bathing, Tristan now hurriedly wore his dresses as he tried arranging any thing that was not well arranged in his room. it was not a good thing for him to allow things being scattered like that because his father will be so angry at him.

Immediately as he was done arranging his things, he decided to rush down stairs in a hurry as he was going straight towards the direction leading to the kitchen. Just on his journey to the kitchen, the smell from the food was becoming more captivating like never before. He could no longer control his anxiety and longing to eat that food that his father was cooking.

At once, he entered the kitchen looking from left to right as he was wondering what must have happened and what his father must have put in the food that was making it have that very beautiful and pleasant smell like no other. The smell was just so one of a kind as well as it was so charming.

On entering the kitchen, he happened to meet his father there. His father had already finished doing every thing as well as he had already finished cleaning every thing that was found there in the kitchen and looked dirty.

It was a very good thing because every where was now sparkling and shining from top to bottom. Every thing was cleaned up and the only things that were left out were just the the different foods that were already on the fire for some time now. All of the different so she's were all almost getting ready.

It seemed like they all will get ready so fast at once as they all were almost put on the fire to cook at the same time. How ever, that was none of Tristan's problem. All what he wanted was to have a taste of that delicious meal that was found on the fire at that moment.

That was the only thing that he wanted because he was very hungry after stressing out the whole day trying to do his assignments. That was not just an easy thing as there was the need for him to eat as soon as possible. He could no longer control his hunger.

At last, all the different foods that Mr Johnson was cooking for some time now were all ready now. The whole kitchen was covered with the smell from the food.