

Instantly, Melanie finally decided to go down stairs and meet my father since he had sent for me. Immediately, Melanie decided to tell her nanny to leave so that she could hurry up and do some things before coming down stairs to meet her father.

As her nanny decided to do as she had said left with all the respect that she had for her at that particular time. Immediately, Melanie ran entering her bed room, removing her dress and entering the bath room.

Once in the bath room, she brushed her teeth instantly and and took her warm bath just like the way she had taken it the previous day as it made her to feel so good just exactly as the way she had felt the previous day.

The feeling was just so nice and pleasant to feel. There was the need for her to hurry up because she was already feeling so hungry and she needed enough food as well as she was trying as hard as possible to make sure that she had done every thing she was supposed to do that morning so that she could head to the dining table and talk to her father.

Once done having her bath and doing all the things that she had to do that morning, which includes brushing her teeth, bathing and every other thing.

How ever, When Melanie entered her closet, she took a little slim gown and wore as the gown just suit so well on her body. The gown fit on her body so well it could bring out all her curves that were so charming as well as they were all so captivating to the soul.

Melanie just like the young lady that she has always been, was looking so beautiful like never before. The beauty was just so striking that if she was to be seen by any one in that place, she could not be resisted by any man that could ever set eyes on her.

As she now went close to the mirror to look her self. She went and looked at the mirror to see if every thing was ok with the out fit that she had just chosed to put on that morning.

As immediately, she ended up liking the out fit. Once done, she now decided to pick up her phone and go down stairs to attend to her father's call.

When she arrived there, she saw her father sitting down on the dining table still having his break fast. Melanie was shocked that there was still enough food found on the dining table as she instantly ran on the dining table trying to serve her self with all the goodies that were found on the table.

" Good morning father. "

Melanie said with a very low voice as she finally remembered that she had not yet greeted her father when she finally arrived on the dining table. She was so embarrassed at that particular moment but it was not actually her fault. She was just being carried away by the hunger that she was feeling at that particular time as she did not even want to waist any time in order to eat all what was found on the table at that particular time.

" Good morning Melanie. How are you doing today ? "

Mr Carter asked to Melanie with a very moderate and sound voice as he was just feeling so happy that at least, his daughter could listen to his call and come down stairs for him .

" I am doing just fine father, thank you. "

Melanie said with a very calm and slightly aggressive tone as she was still very annoyed with both her father and mother for all the evils they both have been causing to her. She wanted to make sure that they both are able to pay for all the suffering that they had both caused to her as well as all the pains that she had been feeling because of them.

There was the need for they all to know their stands. As she had already took her own side and that was to Shawn away from her parents and have nothing to do with them. while on her parent's part, she wanted them to be able to stay away from her and have nothing to do with her.

But all what she had wished was literally impossible. There was no way that her parents could ever stay away from her for any reason. The only thing that she wanted in her life could basically not be handed over to her.

That was so bad for her to ever think about as it was making her to be so upset with her parents every single day as well as so upset with her own self every single day. But any way, she had learned how to be her self and accept what life had offered her.

While answering the questions her father was asking her coherently, she was literally putting her head down ward facing the table. She was facing the table because, she did not want to have eye contacts with her father.

Nor did she want to ensure that there was any further discussion with her father. There was the need for her to just shot her mouth in order to ensure that there was not going to be any other discussion than what they had just had together that morning.

As she was putting a lot of concentration on the food that she was trying to dish on the table as well as selecting the different foods that were on the table that she felt like eating them and she wanted to eat them as well.

Once done with selecting what she wanted to eat that morning, she now hurried up and put the different food in her plate as she started eating at once.

Melanie that morning had some scrambled eggs as well just like her father accompanied with some slices of toasted bread as well as some hot chocolate tea that was set aside to be sipped.

As she started digging immediately in to the food and was eating as well. As Melanie was eating, she kept on adding the food. That was to show that the food was actually perfectly made as well as it was being so exciting for her to eat because she was first of all very hungry considering the fact that she had not had any thing to eat since the previous day.

How ever, having that one for break fast that morning made her to feel so good as the feeling that she had that morning was just so exceptional. How ever, it was a very nice thing to see and know that she had some thing to eat finally.

Melanie was feeling so relieved as she was already at the third round. Her father seeing her eating that morning was just so amazed as he has literally never ever gotten to see Melanie eating in that manner as week as seeing her eating so much.

That was not like her at all. But any way, her father could understand that she was as hungry as he was and was ready to eat even a full elephant if it was been brought in front of her at that particular moment. His father was thinking about all these because he had seen from his daughter's look as well as what was happening to him that, there was nothing that could even be happier than seeing his daughter being so lifely at that particular moment.

" Melanie, I wanted to let you know that if I and your mother have ever done any thing bad that has ever made you to be so angry please forgive us. "

Melanie's father said with a very low voice as he did not want any one to listen to what he was saying to his daughter at that particular moment.

He really meant every thing that he was saying at that particular moment as he did not want that all the mistakes that both him and his wife had committed while raising up their daughter that is not being always there for her when she has always needed them.

Mr Carter was ready to end all of that. And he wanted to end it that morning. He wanted to make sure that he does some thing that is nice for his child even if it meant that he was to do even some thing small. There was the need for him to do what was necessary.

Even though Mr Carter while doing that felt as if it was too late for him to be doing that, he at least had all the right to be doing that if he wanted to because it is better to be late than never.

So Mr Carter prefered that he should ask his daughter to forgive him and her mother as we as give them a second chance too. Melanie was still eating, trying to finish up her food quickly so that she could now go back up stairs to her bed room.

She did not even want to talk to her father as she was snubbing at him acting as if she did not have any thing to do with her. There was the need for her to behave like that because to some extends her parents deserved all what she was doing to them but to another extend, her parents did not deserve all what she was doing to them because they are still her parents no matter what and they both still remain her parents and she needed to show some respect to them.

How ever, Melanie had already made up her mind and there was no way that she could ever do that again because she had already made up her mind and it was final. As she kept on keeping her silence and concentrating eating her food while her father was trying to talk to her about all what was happening.

" Melanie, I am talking to you. Are you not going answer me ? "

Mr Carter asked with a very moderate voice as he tried increasing the tone of his voice a little bit so that Melanie could finally decide to talk to him as well as they all could talk about what was going on between them that always gets her so upset with both her mother and father.

" Father, I have nothing to say concerning what you have just said to me. "

Melanie said with a very calm and portraying voice as she did not want that any thing bad should come out from her mouth that could make her father to be very mad at her.

But all what she had wished was literally impossible. There was no way that her parents could ever stay away from her for any reason. The only thing that she wanted in her life could basically not be handed over to her.

That was so bad for her to ever think about as it was making her to be so upset with her parents every single day as well as so upset with her own self every single day. But any way, she had learned how to be her self and accept what life had offered her.

While answering the questions her father was asking her coherently, she was literally putting her head down ward facing the table. She was facing the table because, she did not want to have eye contacts with her father.

Nor did she want to ensure that there was any further discussion with her father. There was the need for her to just shot her mouth in order to ensure that there was not going to be any other discussion than what they had just had together that morning.

As she was putting a lot of concentration on the food that she was trying to dish on the table as well as selecting the different foods that were on the table that she felt like eating them and she wanted to eat them as well.

Once done with selecting what she wanted to eat that morning, she now hurried up and put the different food in her plate as she started eating at once.

Melanie that morning had some scrambled eggs as well just like her father accompanied with some slices of toasted bread as well as some hot chocolate tea that was set aside to be sipped.

As she started digging immediately in to the food and was eating as well. As Melanie was eating, she kept on adding the food. That was to show that the food was actually perfectly made as well as it was being so exciting for her to eat because she was first of all very hungry considering the fact that she had not had any thing to eat since the previous day.

How ever, having that one for break fast that morning made her to feel so good as the feeling that she had that morning was just so exceptional. How ever, it was a very nice thing to see and know that she had some thing to eat finally.

Melanie while still eating, had remembered that she had forgotten to collect some thing from up stairs as she decided to go back there.

Melanie was feeling so relieved as she was already at the third round. Her father seeing her eating that morning was just so amazed as he has literally never ever gotten to see Melanie eating in that manner as week as seeing her eating so much.

As she was putting a lot of concentration on the food that she was trying to dish on the table as well as selecting the different foods that were on the table that she felt like eating them and she wanted to eat them as well.

Once done with selecting what she wanted to eat that morning, she now hurried up and put the different food in her plate as she started eating at once.

There was the need for her to make sure that she had not come there to bother her again once more about her parents because she will not hesitate to talk back at her as well as start keeping a very long distance away from her.

Melanie did not want to have any thing to do with her parents no matter what. She had already started putting it in her mind from the unset that she was alone in this world and that she had no father no mother.

She was saying all these as well as bearing all these in his mind because, she did not want to put in her mind that she had parents where as they do not even care about her.

The feeling was just so nice and pleasant to feel. There was the need for her to hurry up because she was already feeling so hungry and she needed enough food as well as she was trying as hard as possible to make sure that she had done every thing she was supposed to do that morning so that she could head to the dining table and talk to her father.

Once done having her bath and doing all the things that she had to do that morning, which includes brushing her teeth, bathing and every other thing.

How ever, When Melanie entered her closet, she took a little slim gown and wore as the gown just suit so well on her body. The gown fit on her body so well it could bring out all her curves that were so charming as well as they were all so captivating to the soul.

Melanie just like the young lady that she has always been, was looking so beautiful like never before. The beauty was just so striking that if she was to be seen by any one in that place, she could not be resisted by any man that could ever set eyes on her.

There was the need for her to make sure that she had not come there to bother her again once more about her parents because she will not hesitate to talk back at her as well as start keeping a very long distance away from her.

Melanie did not want to have any thing to do with her parents no matter what. She had already started putting it in her mind from the unset that she was alone in this world and that she had no father no mother.

He really meant every thing that he was saying at that particular moment as he did not want that all the mistakes that both him and his wife had committed while raising up their daughter that is not being always there for her when she has always needed them.

Mr Carter was ready to end all of that. And he wanted to end it that morning. He wanted to make sure that he does some thing that is nice for his child even if it meant that he was to do even some thing small. There was the need for him to do what was necessary.

There was the need for they all to know their stands. As she had already took her own side and that was to Shawn away from her parents and have nothing to do with them. while on her parent's part, she wanted them to be able to stay away from her and have nothing to do with her.

But all what she had wished was literally impossible. There was no way that her parents could ever stay away from her for any reason. The only thing that she wanted in her life could basically not be handed over to her.

The gown fit on her body so well it could bring out all her curves that were so charming as well as they were all so captivating to the soul.