
Trial marriage: Life changed

Autor: KimRiPie
Realistic Fiction
Contínuo · 7.8K Modos de exibição
  • 6 Chs
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What is Trial marriage: Life changed

Leia o romance Trial marriage: Life changed escrito pelo autor KimRiPie publicado no WebNovel. Jessica's parents founded one of the top business all over the world. They have money, fame, a happy family moreover a peaceful life. And so they had many enemies because of which they died. On their ...


Jessica's parents founded one of the top business all over the world. They have money, fame, a happy family moreover a peaceful life. And so they had many enemies because of which they died. On their death day, Jessica was with them, she was saved but because of the psychological trauma, she forgot everything. She doesn't even know that she was adopted much less about her real family. But someone knew and was trying to get them together. Everything was going fine until one day, her best friend betrayed her and she was forced into a marriage.

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