
Treachery Saga Online

Soma, A 30 year old geek, Had spent his entire life becoming the master of his favorite MMORPG ; Tales of Loracraft. Before the game is shut down, He is magically sucked into it to take down the final boss ONE MORE TIME. But something is wrong, This time it feels different. It was not like the 999 times before. He saw his teammates struggling and knew if he stepped in, it would all be over. So, He came to the conclusion that the only way they could all keep on having a good game….Is if he became the villain himself.

AustinAK · Fantasia
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5 Chs

“Let’s all have fun”(2)

We arrived at the cthulos castle

Of course we had to take down several mini bosses before fighting cthulos himself….But I wasn't in the mood so I blasted all of them with one hit attacks

There was a bug demon that went splat, an eye that was popped and worm demon that was fixed

I honestly don't remember them being this weak in the game

We got around to the castle doors

The castle was giant, it looked very aged and unkept

Three men had to push the doors open before we got inside

The adventurers immediately started running around picking the loot left by the corpses of previous adventurers

I was about to tell them not to mess with anything but then this mission would have ended up being a waste

Conroy walked to skeleton that had a pure gold armor on…It was where his father and best friend

He got demonic flash backs of cthulos in his head whispering something…He looked at the other side of the castle

To find two guys who were making fun of a picture of a demon squid that was painted upside down. They slashed it

Immediately they did, it started

The two guys formed a crooked smile before turning into demonic mana and splashing together

The ground was shaking and a loud shriek noise echoed across the room

"Cthulos is here" Conroy said with anger

He resembled a giant squid like demon, the one in the painting

You actually need to sacrifice two people after you destroy the painting in the game before Cthulos spawned and they would usually be npc's you'd see again after the boss was defeated

But since this game was somewhat real, I couldn't take my chances. My resurrection wasn't instant so the fight would've been lost without me

<<< Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh>>>

Cthulos let out an incantation, which took another portion of our fighters

<<<wgah'nagl fhtagn>>>

With every incantation, the lower level fighters began to die in the same way. They would float and die with blood gushing out of their eyes and mouth

It was the same way in the game, if you were simply not strong enough you would simply die in the early stages of the battle


Conroy screamed at the top of his voice, he was probably scared…This battle must mean a lot to him

"FIRE !!"

Magical archers who would shoot arrows made of mana, devil mana, hell fire, plasma had burst an array of magical arrows all over cthulos

Although, with every tiny scratch he had it would get instantly healed no matter what

Cthulos stretched his eyes open and some of those who looked him in the eye melted

"This bastard is ready to get serious huh"

I was starting to get worried about conroy, his anger could get him killed

He pulled out a moon slasher sword, a sword that was plain white and shot out crescent shaped mana slashes

He rushed cthulos as he shot the crescent slashes everywhere

Cthulos looked affected by it

Conroy slashed the ceiling to reveal the moon

He pushed his blade into the moonlight and charged it up and released a huge crescent slash

A tentacle from Cthulos was cut off

Another stretched out and grabbed conroy

I knew his anger would overwhelm him

Cthulos started absorbing his mana and conroy's body grew frail


Ralph came into the scene actually slicing off the tentacle holding conroy and let him down beside eris who was at the moment attending to other adventurers

Ralph grabbed her hand before she healed another adventurer and grunted

"Do him first"

What a barbarian

He drew another sword on his back, it was almost as tall as him. He balanced with the sword and dashed towards cthulos


Shit! That incantation was strictly for Ralph!

To my surprise, Ralph stood in a blocking position and was pushed back as if he was taking a hit

The sword, it could block incantations

Or he learnt how to use a sword to block incantations?

I wasn't a sword guy, neither did I know the name of the sword he used

So Ralph dashed forward cutting another tentacle, Cthulos grew more furious

Ralph went back to the floor and closed his eyes

He started a prayer,

"Father God, I pray for all those who faithfully serve to keep, protect and preserve justice, hope and love. May you encircle them with protection, and post angels to watch over your sons and daughters as they face danger."

And as he said the prayer the sword started to grow white…It was encased with pure mana

When it was fully glowing he grabbed the sword and hurled it towards cthulos

The sword affecting everything in its path, splitting the ground

Cthulos shrieked after suffering serious damage for the first time ever in the fight


A weakened eris, who looked almost out of many called on him

Finally it occurred to them that their hero did nothing but observe from the sidelines

Ralph's glare pierced me once again. I teleported to the spot eris was

I healed conroy and tried to comfort eris

"It'll be just fine, everything Is going according to-"


Ralph slammed me on the ground

He couldn't even push me a few hours ago, it must be the effects of the prayer he said earlier, it must have given him a plus side against demons

"Our men keep dying, our real hero almost died!"

"Why the hell are you watching from the sidelines expecting some nonsense to happen!?"

He was getting a little bit loud so I launched him off me, got up and dusted my clothes

"There are two parts to winning this thing. Your part which involves weakening it and my part which involves giving it the final blow"

I teleported out of there into a secret room in the castle

An Easter egg by the developers, I was shocked to see it here

I lied to ralph

There were no parts, plans, methods….I could kill that thing in a heartbeat

But that sight, everyone fighting

The npc's acting out the emotions we were told they had

This was something I did for 15 years of my life with non stop dedication

I learnt languages, techniques, enormous amounts of lore

I wasn't ready to let it go, it was my life

Now, my life is shutting down. Converting the hours I've spent in game it would have only been less than 15 minutes left till the game was down in the real world

I can't let it go, I don't want to

I want these people to have purpose

I, want to have purpose.

I teleported back to the scene to see conroy back in action with Ralph doing significant damage to cthulos

No matter what they did, Cthulos would just end up healing again

Eris was almost at her peak as well as Ralph and conroy

They were on the ground, exhausted and grasping for air

When I got there I teleported everyone to the back of the castle and put them under a healing spell

Right in front of cthulos, I drawer a sword

After I did that I gave them the softest smile I could to tell them….

"It's okay"

<<<Ngoka kadishtu n'gha Hero>>>

His incantations were nothing but a slight breeze to me

I cloned myself into multiple places flying and blasting cthulos

Brutally ripping off each tentacle with my bare hands

With another shriek all my clones disappeared but it was enough time

Ralph saw me struggling to hold something

"What is that?"

He looked at conroy expecting an answer but conroy couldn't believe what he was witnessing

The sheer sight of it took conroy to his knees

"My father told me it was nothing but a legend, a myth. I can utilize all the swords in this world except…."

Geez I can't believe it's such a big deal here , more importantly the pure mana burned my hand because of my selected demon race so I couldn't even utilize it well, any other demon would've been killed by the presence alone….

"The sword of infinite nights!"

Ever since I got into the world I've been activating it.

But you need a high amount of pure mana to do that and it wasn't like I had elven mana that was almost equal to pure mana or normal mana that could easily be converted

I had demon mana, so let's say a hundred ounces of demon mana was equal to a single ounce of pure mana

With that, the clouds rumbled, thunder clapping

The adventurers at the back claimed they heard angels sing

I raised the sword up to point at the heavens and a pure white hole started to form in the middle of the clouds

The light of the pure mana alone burned cthulos

Before he could squeak another incantation I let down my hand and the mana came crashing down

I quickly put a forcefield on everyone to block any surrounding damage

The entire castle and most of the forest was destroyed by the great attack

The blinding light dispersed and the dust settled

Cthulos was no more, only I stood as the hero

Everyone cheering, crying and praising

<<<Hero soma!>>>

It was the end ….Well, I wish it was

I flew right in front of them to tell them

"Can you not see how many people this event has united, the rekindled spirit of fighting…Without this what purpose would we have, so many people would be out of what made their lives"

I saw Ralph and a few other people trying to draw their swords

So, by looking at them

All of their swords snapped in half

Ralph got furious and looked up at me

"What are you saying…..'hero'?"

"I am saying I am offering that purpose free of charge…..zetsar"

Within the blink of an eye I dashed down and stabbed eris through the chest

Everyone stood in shock as no one was fast enough to process what was happening before it already happened

But after that, everything looked like it was happening in slow-mo

Conroy pushed everyone back, Ralph rushed towards me and i shot a huge blast at everyone

Ralph came rushing once again trying to land some high speed punches, but it was nothing with the slow mo enchantment.

I dodged every attack playfully before allowing him to land one blow on me, which completely shattered his arm

I put my hand on his stomach and said

"Rest, brute"

With some wind magic he was sent flying back to the party

I looked at them with a crooked grin

Eris bleeding on conroy's laps, The party members having serious injuries, ralph unable to move

Two mages ran in front of them. As they did, one mage turned into mana and was absorbed by the other who casted a mass teleportation spell

I had no problem with that, besides if they were going to have a chance at beating me I couldn't kill their strongest

They teleported back to the guild's base and called on every healer available


Ralph almost with tears in his eyes as he saw eris lose enormous amounts of blood

I broadcasted my voice into the minds of everyone in the world

Every one, At every town, race, gender and age

"Cthulos has been defeated, by me"

"The world unified sharing a united front against a common enemy. You might not want to believe it but that is your destiny, it is what you were made for"

"A land of warriors and fighters who were born to battle"

"With all your bosses dead what do you live for ?"

"To spend the rest of your days in boredom, playing politics acting like you weren't destined to do something more"

" I am more than a hero, I am a liberator, Freeing you from the idea that there is nothing more to life other than defeating cthulos"

"I stand in the place of cthulos, to offer you something to fight for, live for, die for"

"I defeated cthulos to take his place and revoke my hero title"

"I am the final boss of loris"

"I shall bring you purpose and joy"

"Let's all have fun"