
Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Chapter excerpt: Charlton knew what was running in her head and in truth he wanted to mock her. ’You truly are a whore, aren’t you?’ he wanted to say. However, he was not planning to make this a one-time thing and he had more in store for her. So instead, he leaned forward as he started kissing her tears away. "Serena, I love you so much, do you know that? So please, don’t give me that look." Serena’s tears did not stop but what was the use. They were already like this and no matter how much she denies it, that she even let something like this happen… there’s only one conclusion. She still loved Charlton. Or at least she was that greedy for his love. She could not push him away so she could only raise her arms and envelope him in her embrace. "We’re going to burn in hell for this…." She whispered. Charlton burrowed his head on the juncture of her neck. He licked and kissed that part, careful not to leave a mark as they still will be meeting with the others later. He smirked when he felt her tremble. Why was she so easy? Regardless, he was enjoying what she can offer before he ruins her himself. "All the more reason to get as much heaven as we can now." He said, then he started moving. -- A year after his father’s death, grand duke Charlton Daniel finally responds to the summon of his uncle, the king, to return to the capital. Of course, his reason for compliance was not due to his subservience to the crown. Four years ago, his life has been turned upside down. His lover betrayed him for his cousin, the crown prince. His father was sent to prison because of a crime with dubious evidence. While he, himself, was sent to exile with a mission to capture the revolutionists. All of which, he took in strides because of his steadfast belief in humanity and justice. However, time changes everyone. Four years may seem short, but to some, it’s enough to change their perceptions and priorities. Once a pacifist at heart, Charlton is now going to return to the royal capital with a personal vendetta. -- To the public eye, Serena William, nee Maxwell, was living the perfect life. She was beautiful, rich, happily married, and has the unwavering support of her maternal family. Oh, and did I mention that she was also the crown princess and the most loved personage? Yes, that she was. Kind, generous, and approachable. She was a woman who was completely unlike any other. No one in the royal family was as well loved by the masses as she was. At least, that’s how her life was perceived to be. Behind closed doors, life was not as glamoured up as it was in the tabloids. Her first pregnancy ended up in stillbirth, while the next two ended up in miscarriages. Was this her retribution? She could not help but ask herself. This led to her guilt and self-blame which further developed her insecurity, and even inferiority complex. Aside from what she was undergoing herself, it doesn’t help that the queen mother kept on rubbing salt to injury by implying that she should let her lady-in-waiting, the queen’s first choice for crown princess, take over. Crown prince Geoffrey William was Serena’s saving grace, her knight in the shining armor, the man who sticked with her through thick and thin. Would she ever be willing to make way for another woman for his own good? Then worse, comes her old flame who seems to still be enamored with her. What lengths would she be willing to take to keep the pandora’s box shut? However, there are no secrets that time does not reveal. What will she do when she later finds out what her greatest champion did to her? -- Hearts will break, heads will roll. All is fair in love and war. This novel is not for the faint hearted. — This novel is the sequel to the first titled, ‘Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the Villainess’, and is set four (4) years after the royal wedding. (But you don’t need to read the first to understand this one, sequence is not important)

champilyn · Histórico
Classificações insuficientes
157 Chs

Chapter 2: Four years in passing II

Charlton could never live in peace with the suspicion that his father did not die naturally. However, his own circumstances were not in his favor.

First, he wanted to protect his mother. The fact that she chose not to do anything and even advocated that her brother, the king, was innocent, did not paint her in a positive light to everyone in Suffox. Aside from that, she was already the way she was. How could he just leave her in his quest for vengeance when that knowledge would most likely cause her death first before he could dismember someone?

Second, he understood too well how precarious his situation was. He just came back to Suffox from a mission which demonstrated his devotion to the crown. Add his mother's stance and his undeniable blood relation to the one who was most likely his own father's murderer, he knew that even those who have always shown loyalty to him were bound to have some dissatisfaction.

Third, to take action towards the suspect without due evidence would be futile. The king was guilty on his father's murder no matter how one looks at it. He too agreed that this fact was irrefutable. Even if the king was not the main perpetrator, just by the fact that he sent his father there and did not adequately protect him already made him a culprit. However, Charlton wanted to be sure that the king was not only being used as foil by some people.

Thus, with these factors to consider, he had no choice but to curb his own angst and bow his head like a coward. Of course, he knew that he was only doing so for show, but that did not make the experience less humiliating.

Right after his father's casket was buried to the ground, a meeting amongst the grand council of Suffox was held. As expected, dissatisfaction was imminent. Meanwhile, those who have long been eyeing the seat of the grand duke, particularly some of his father's relatives, sought to seize the opportunity.

Not wanting a bloody battlefield in his very own territory and home while securing his birthright, Charlton had to propel himself to the ground, hold the king's outstretched hand, and kiss his ring in a pledge of fealty for everyone in Suffox to see.

He felt disgusted, of himself, the king, or who else, it does not matter. Either way, he had to stomach at least that much on his quest for truth and vengeance.

Of course, he did not completely play the part of the ever-loyal lapdog to his uncle. If he did not show some obstinacy, even he would not believe himself. Thus, even when taking his hand, he has shown his reluctance.

His uncle was more generous towards him. Perhaps it was partly because of his guilty conscience, his mother, the combination of both or maybe something else, he was not certain. Anyhow, in contrast to his usual behavior, the king took the time to explain, as if to convince him that he was innocent regarding his father's demise. He even gave him the document which incarcerated his father when he demanded to see it.

A part of him wanted to push more buttons just to test how far his uncle was willing to indulge him, but he knew that touching that limit was not wise, and it was best for him to quit while he was still ahead.

In the end, he had to show that even though reluctant, he was not unwilling to reconciliate. This led to what he knew was a publicity stunt engineered by his uncle to display his allegiance to the crown.

In any case, stomaching everything that transpired was not for naught. He was able to secure his position, and to some degree, restore his mother's sanity. Yes, her sanity.

To princess Georgina (the grand duchess and Charlton's mother), the death of her husband has been a huge blow that in just a short period, she became a shadow of her former self. She became frail and prone to anxiety attacks. Charlton first noted this when he purposely tried to get her off his back that one time.

Make no mistakes, he loved his mother. However, having her hovering over him daily, though not literally, was getting annoying, not to mention counterproductive.

So, on a particular day, with no particular reason other than his desire to just breathe and clear his head, he left their palace for half a day without informing anyone where he would go or what he would do.

The result? When he came back, he was welcomed with the scene of his mother having a miserable appearance, one of her wrists, bleeding, while lashing out and pointing the dinner knife to the servants who, as he was informed, were only trying to stop her.

Thankfully, when she saw him and heard his voice, she was quick to let go of the knife. At once, she went to hug him, then, she began crying, sniffing, asking where he went, and telling him that she would never be able to live without him by her side.

It was horrendous. Honestly, he would have preferred that she used the dinner knife to stab him instead. He was the one at fault, but why did she hurt herself? Till this day, he still blamed himself for what happened.

In retrospect, he should have already anticipated the possibility of something like that transpiring given his mother's condition. Although he never expressed his desire for vengeance out loud, he knew that she suspected it. Due to that, she kept on hovering over him in fear of what he might do and where it might lead him.

He would not lie. A part of him loathed his mother for cowering in face of the injustice served to their family. However, he understood where she was coming from, and above all else, she was still his mother who he has loved all his life.

Hence, he tried to calm her with false promises of never trying to seek vengeance, and that he would try his best to accept his father's death peacefully.

His mother did not want to take his words for face value. So, to validate his claim, she demanded that he consider reconciliating with his uncle.

Though he did not want to, he already knew that it was the easiest and fastest solution out of his own predicament. The king's involvement would legitimize his title without causing blood to spill.

For a moment, he took time to scrutinize his mother. Wondering, wishfully thinking even, that there was a hidden agenda behind her words, that like himself, she had a grand scheme to seek justice for his father. However, she did not even blink.

Anyhow, his words and later actions were effective in his attempt to assuage his mother. Then, not long after he took the title grand duke, he was able to successfully get her off his back. This granted him more freedom to pursue his investigations.



I know, that's a lot of backstory, but I have to write these down.

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