
travling matchmaker

Lin Chenlong is a rich,beautiful and successful woman one day she died and met god. watch as she/he travling to different dimensions and met new people,be a matchmaker to people of different origins and race as Alexander D.von sliver or Alex. •The heroine villainess Villainess:”what are you doing?!!” And was about to yell at her. Heroine:”I…I’m…sorry.. i didn’t mean…sorry” Alex:”just let her go it time for class” Villainess hmp and go Heroine:”I’m sorry I’m sorry” Later Heroine:”is this okay?” Villainess:”yes my family also love you ”(I’m sure Alex will do something if not I will) Heroine:”I love you to”*blush* •the cultivars world •the hunter world •the sci-fi world •the apocalypse world •the supernatural world -The Mc will not have any love interest but there are people that like the Mc. -the Mc will have a party to travel with. -the party members will not like the Mc romantically they respected and treated the mc as their friend/brother/family/someone they look up to. - the pronouns of mc is whatever gender they are in that world -no Ntr -the romance will have some interface from the Mc but not all -the pictures is not mine credit to the owner -the romance has LGBTQ and some are also straight most most of them are GL and BL Tag: genderless mc,matchmake

Iweun · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1 reincarnated

In the dark street there can be seen someone was crossing the road then suddenly there was a flash of light.

*beep beep* it was a sound of a car when the person noticed it was already to late they got hit.




There was a normal living room when a person or you can call it a ball of light which can be seen clearly as a soul it has woken looking around with caution when a man suddenly said "do you like the room I put extra care in this room than other"

The soul was startled,looked and found a person that was standing there he was a handsome man with sliver hair and golden eye.

the soul look around the place and carefully observed it and finally said

"Who are you?"

The man replied by said "if I said I am a god would you believe me".

"No i don't believe in supernatural thing like that but the fact that this happened is supernatural itself so maybe if you can explain how I am here"the soul said.

"You died."he said and found that the soul was not surprise at all and began to explain it.

"Huh so that what happened" the soul said and sighed and said "what do you want since you call me here"the soul cut straight into the point.

He thought huh I guess it not surprising if you consider 'her' life up till now. And began to

Explain to 'her' from the beginning.

There are multiverse and there are many god in it just like In every world there are one that form naturally and is created by one ,there are also rank to every god on order of thing.

just as there battle god that doesn't need faith and is strong and there are god that need faith just like there are good god or bad god.

That why the reincarnation system for some god are sources of power and some for amusement.

Because as long as There some god influence

On a world they can gain little bit of power.

"You don't need to know that so I keep this short".

You have the chance to reincarnated so what do you want." The god said.

But the soul said "I'm tired just let me sleep or something I don't need to do anything ".

The god smile like it was expected but doesn't give up and said "if you want I can let you be my heir(child)".

The soul still said "what do I even do with all that power anyway I don't want to do anything".

The god said "you can have the chance to experience freedom and travel just like you always wanted and nobody gonna be there to tell you anything ".

The soul suddenly becomes interested but and thought there no way an offer like that doesn't have me doing something and said"what do you want".

The god smile and said "you just needed to do mission for every world you go because it causes energy ".

the soul nodded in agreement and the god said "what do you want in journey".

The soul said "can you change the gender of people?"

The god understood and said he can but suddenly ask "what gender do you want in your next life".

The soul said " I don't want to be of any gender I want to be genderless".

because of both gender there are always a disadvantage to it so I don't want both of them and because every world gonna be different,I need to be in a advantage I can just cover it up.

because if it not to manly and womanly I can be both genders and taking advantage of the situation as one of the gender and disguise myself as the other gender.

The god understood and said is there anything else you need.

the soul said no just do what you think I suit best in because I want to know what he think.

because I don't want to work anymore if he know me then he should know what to do.

"Then let it begin " the god said by insert something inside the soul and the soul disappears.





The god look up at the white space as the furniture behind disappeared and a person come from behind and hug him and ask

"Are you okay"

The god said " yes" and thought hopefully I can finally have my wish and you can have your wish and enjoy your life before "it" happened and he stare into the space and hug the person back.





In a faraway land there can be seen a couple of people running in a big mansion because the lady of that house family is giving birth.

English is not my first language if some spilling is wrong tell me and I try to fix it

Iweuncreators' thoughts