
Traversing the Infinite Realities

(Okay, before you read the synopsis, I'm just gonna say this but you can a 100% skip to Vol3 because think of it as a different novel at that point, but I still recommend reading Vol1 and Vol2 so you can understand the later chapters and why everyone else is confuse at the start of Vol3 The synopsis for Vol3 would be: Born as a normal boy, Rintarou never had much of a dream other than living a normal life. But with strange dreams that appeared out of nowhere, he starts to see a new perspective on the reality he knows, for there is not just one but instead Infinite Realities. With a genius brain and a dumb poopy doopy brain annoying lizard by his side, he sets out on an adventure to Traverse the Infinite Realities, to gain power or reach the top, he'll follow a path set out only followed by few in the multiverse But you won't understand the strange things happening without reading Vol1 and Vol2 so you should still read it when you don't know what's going on) One day, a normal teenage boy with the name of a certain anime character was fuming with rage at the thought that he was writing for free! He realized that there are so much possibilities to become rich! And one defining thought rested on his mind, to become a nsfw furry artist on Twatter and rake in the money of so much furry coomers, he will start a Patronage, a Pansly, an Onlypans account, he started to create plans for his world domination of lust until that one fateful moment happened as finally, eons of planning shall now commence in this one grand saga of Rintarou Okabe, the dense, insane, chuuni protagonist of this 3rd novel of mine, go check out my other novels you sussy baka! Also follow me on Twatter, I post hints and cryptic messages for the upcoming plot of my novels and get some juicy info like what my voice sounds like. It's @NoNameDeityWN. (Started in January 2, 2022 - 39th day of writing) (3rd novel)

NoNameDeity · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
134 Chs

Ch 112 – A Fresh Start in B-2

Inside a lab filled with strange gadgets and tubes filled with gooey green liquid, Rintarou could be seen tinkering with a suit of armor in front of him reminiscent of modernized mechas that is more in line with being humanoid.

With a design similar to those of medieval knights, having the primary colors being black and white, the design seems to be streamlined for maneuverability, combat, and overall practicality without being bulky and large.

"Phew, finally added the resizing chip! That took too fucking long without magic," Rintarou mutters while wiping letting out a sigh.

And as he pats the Mechanical God v5 WIP, he takes a quick glance around his masterpiece called his lab where it holds most of his grand scientific creations… but…

"This doesn't seem like a science lab at all! This looks more like a wizard's lair!" shouts Rintarou while rubbing his forehead.

"Say Ddraig," Rintarou mutters, plopping down his plump ass on a floating chair while grabbing a glass holding strange blue liquid inside it.

[Mmm?] Ddraig says while taking his gaze away from the TV inside their mindscape.

"Don't you think *sips*, that this lab… isn't a lab of science?" Rintarou says, taking another sip on his drink as the air around the glass lets out cold mist, clearly showing that the drink is a bit… cold.

[Oh yeah, I totally agree with that sentiment. In fact, I've been meaning to say this to you yesterday but I forgot and went to sleep instead.] Ddraig responds, acting like this wasn't a big deal… well it is but not for Rintarou.

"What?! You should have said this to me sooner! Now that I think about it… My magic is slowly becoming a crutch to me!" Rintarou says in horror, with another glance around the room, he slowly realizes how most of the lab functions due to the help of his Annihilation Maker making everything convenient to make!

[So what?! It's not like your magic would just poof away into existence.] Ddraigs responds.

"Oh shit, oh shit! Fuck, my paranoia is getting rekindled!" Rintarou says with wide eyes.

[Shush, I'm busy watching this cool anime where the main character can reincarnate at will and could bring along stuff with him based on how strong he was in his previous life.] Ddraig says, stating what the anime he was watching's main theme was.

"Wait… that's it!" Rintarou says as he quickly went to grab and materialize multiple materials in front of him, haphazardly grabbing some random tools like a weird gun and a screwdriver.

[What is it? You mean the anime? It's called S-] Ddraig was unfortunately cut off by Rintarou as an explosion appears right in front of him.

"This!" Rintarou shouts while holding a strange device in his hand that looks similar to a tablet with strange markings all over it.

[Hmm?] inquired Ddraig, interested in what the new device could do.

"Okay, I've decided what would be our next adventure! We will reincarnate and start all over again but this time, I'll restrict my magic usage and if I successfully manage to reach Satan Class without the help of magic, I'll consider that a win!" Rintarou explains what his plan is with shining eyes.

[You mean like the anime?] Ddraig inquires.

"Yes! And I've already determined what I'll bring. It would be you, Annihilation Maker, The World, Yamato v2, and the AI chip! Just like how I'm still Tier 5!" Rintarou says while slicing off his arm without hesitation and putting it inside a strange tube.

[Oh, Tier 5 means 5 items. So how will you even reset your current strength?] asks Ddraig while watching Rintarou fiddle around with the holograms in front of him.

"I'll make myself a new body with generally the same appearance. I'll reset my race back to pure human without cancer cells. You will be transferred into a version of yourself that has no consciousness due to a mishap by God while making your Sacred Gear form. The World is immortal so no problem with that, and I can just replace Annihilation Maker and Yamato whenever I want so bam, plans made!" Rintarou said while another tube opens from the ground and out came his new body he will stay in for this new adventure because Rintarou finds his science side lacking.

[Well let's do this then!] Ddraig shouts, and as Rintarou plucks out a red glow from a cube that pops out of nowhere, he inserts it into the soul of the Rintarou clone in front of them.

"Okay Ddraig! It's time for our new adventure in a random universe!" said Rintarou, and with the cloned Rintarou being put into a similar tube Rintarou enters, their consciousness fully enters their new bodies and was shot out of the tube and into a flash of light that appears right in front of them.

(An Unknown Amount of Time Later)

"H- huh?" Rintarou mutters, opening his eyes with a groan, he felt a sharp pain shooting up his legs as the bite of a rat targets his precious legs.

"HA!" Rintarou shouts, kicking the rat mercilessly and pummelling its head into a puddle of blood.

As he felt his legs bleeding, he takes a quick glance around him and funnily enough, he finds himself in a random dark alley and lets out a large chuckle.

"Back to the good old days of A-2, but now… I have reincarnated while also bringing along some new tools for this new difficulty level," Rintarou mutters, and with a swish, the Yamato appears in his hand from nowhere, and with a flick, he finds himself on top of a building butt naked as his schlong flutters where the wind blows like a majestic flag of flesh.

"Oi Ddraig, wake up!" Rintarou shouts while sitting down on the searing hot floor of the roof due to the sun's blazing heat that rests high above them.

[H- huh? Oh, the reincarnation succeeded?] Ddraig asks while taking a quick glance around them.

"Yeah, I've successfully started all over again!" Rintarou said with a wide grin plastered on his face.

[Oh, well that's great. I'll go back to watching my anime then.] Ddraig says, leaving Rintarou all alone again.

"Welp, I think I should get some clothes for myself, can't have myself being seen naked now do we?" Rintarou says, and with a swish, he appears right in front of a clothes store, and without anyone looking, time went to a standstill and with rapid movements, he manages to steal a pair of white shirts and black pants and teleport away just as time was about to resume.

"Phew! That was pretty nerve-racking," Rintarou chuckles while putting on his new clothes, though it was pretty uncomfortable, it would do for now.

"So, the end goal is to reach Satan Class in power through science, besides that, all is fair game, go to another reality? I could do that. Go back in time or the future? Easy. So right now, I'll give myself back my regeneration to spam The World's time stop ability. No time like the present to steal back that slab of uranium in New York," Rintarou said, with a smirk plastered on his face, he appears in a parallel reality directly in New York on top of a skyscraper.

"There it is!" Rintarou said, directly looking at the Nuclear Power Plant in the distance while holding the Yamato in his right hand.

With a blur, he appears right in the power plant, and without care, he went towards the room where the uranium is stored as the guards were quickly alerted by his presence.

"Halt!" shouts the guards while pointing their gun at him, quite surprising how they easily point a gun at someone but it's America so that's pretty normal for them… maybe.

With Rintarou's smirk widening, he puts his hand on the handle of the Yamato and with a single draw, blue lines appear right on the neck of the two guards guarding the building in front of Rintarou as their necks roll down to the ground, leaving behind a fountain of blood from their beheaded bodies.

Continuing his steps, he walks through the puddle of blood barefooted feeling the cold hard cement below his feet, and after entering the room, he finds himself encountering a horde of guards who instantly pointed their guns at him when they saw the bloody mess behind him.

"The World," Rintarou mutters, and with a flash of invisible yellow light behind him, the guards in front of him each take a punch to the chest from The World as their chest and body caved in from The World's punch, easily decimating the group of guards in front of him leaving the building all to himself.

"Good job," Rintarou says as The World nods in response, reentering back into Rintarou's body, continuing his walk through the bloody hallway, Rintarou opens a random door that holds some precious uranium.

"Oh, they also have the stuff I need to give myself cancer! How neat!" Rintarou says, entering the room and grabbing some plastic bottles, some water, and other strange materials like soap and acid.

Tossing the pebble of uranium in front of him into the air, he does a quick draw with the Yamato leaving multiple blue lines in the air as the uranium became a fine powder that directly falls into the bowl of water in front of him.

Then after tossing in some random soap, acids, and strange glowing chemicals, the concoction glows green and with a quick bite on his index finger, a drop of his blood falls into the green concoction as the color green darkens.

"That's easier than I thought. I've really become smarter, huh, now it only takes me a few seconds to make immortality granting stuff, kinda wild!" Rintarou said, grabbing the bowl with his right hand, he pours it all down to his open mouth and felt a burn coursing through his whole digestive tract.

"Fuwah! That's the good stuff!" Rintarou says while the color green glows through his whole body like a radioactive glow stick, and soon, rapid changes start to happen all around his body like peeling skin, his head becoming bald while new hair quickly erupts back, his nails plopping out of his fingers and toes and quickly regrowing back and more grotesque scenes continues to happen all around his body.

"Burp," Rintarou let out of his mouth as green bile covers his mouth, and with a yawn, the green color of his body recedes and after flexing his muscle, he nods at the success of his new concoction.

But he soon hears the sound of gunfire along with the sound of multiple vehicles appearing in the distance so, with slow and steady steps, he bypasses the floor of dead guards and towards the open door where the military was staying.

"Ddraig, you want to take a quick test drive with your host's new body?" Rintarou asks Ddraig.

[Sure.] Ddraig chimes, and with a flash of green light, the Boosted Gear envelops Rintarou's left arm while the Yamato appears in his right hand.

"Halt your fire!" shouts the one in command as they pointed their guns at him.

"Who are you! And are you the one who killed the guards!" the man shouts once more.

But Rintarou simply kept quiet waiting for the 10 seconds to end.

"If you don't answer in 3! We will apprehend you!" shouts the man, and as the 3 seconds passed by, a rumbling sound suddenly appears from nowhere.


And soon, a bloodbath ensues.

With a flick of his blade along with a yellow flash appearing all around the area, Rintarou continuously teleports everywhere along with The World punching all of the people around them, from cars to people, everyone was defeated in one blow as multiple blue lines cut open the chest of multiple soldiers, ending their lives for simply encountering this maniac called Rintarou.

With nothing but a massacre, Ritnarou keeps defeating the guards for a few minutes to test out his new body.

AN: This is 2022 words, you're welcome.

The Sword of Damocles hangs above each and everyone one of you with its ever present threat of despair, so send me some power stones with your power of friendship and save the thousands perhaps even millions to come who will read this masterpiece immortalized in the tunnels of time.

(May 8, 2022 – 165th day of writing)