
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Splitting Souls

Trevor woke up gasping for breath, his entire body limp.

His entire body was drenched with sweat as he lay on his massive bed.

"Damn. That really hurts."

Trevor slowly opened his eyes to his chamber, before slowly leaving room to clean up.

[Hello Trevor, how was the experience. Painful?]

"Damn you Alice! You never told me it would be this painful!" Trevor was full of anger as he hand never thought that the experience would end up like this.

[I did tell you. Idiot]

Sighing, Trevor cleaned himself up. Wait.

"Hey Alice, how can I see this soul?"

[Oh, you have to look inside of your soul and chant this: Oh my god, Alice is the best!]

"As if I believe you. You obviously just want me to say that." No normal person would imagine that such words were true.

[Hmph. Then don't. I don't care]

Disgruntled, Trevor allowed himself to say it. "A-Alice is the best."

[You forgot to say oh my god]

"You! Oh my god, Alice is the best!" Trevor was starting to turn into a strawberry from the embarrassment of having just said that.

Suddenly, a soft glow appeared out of nowhere, the light slowly turning into a blank figure. The figure instantly developed facial expressions and then clothes appeared. By god it is an exact replica of Trevor!

"Ho-ly shit. That is sick."

Trevor started to admire himself from all views, however, the ten cultivators felt something was off, Jasmine herself more so felt something. She quickly moved to the direction of the naked and wet Trevor who was standing in the bathroom admiring himself.

She quietly slipped out from the void only to be left shocked. Not at Trevor's naked body but at the fact that there were two of him, one being normal and the other being semi-translucent. And though Trevor cannot see it because he is just too weak, Jasmine can easily see that the clone is getting more opaque.

"A soul clone. But, how interesting."

Soul clones aren't very rare on their own as most soul transformation cultivators have some made from fragments from their soul, however Jasmine had never seen a soul with the ability to recover on its own. On top of this, she had never seen such a low level body refining realm cultivator managed to do this.

Jasmine wanted to rip all of Trevor's memories out of his brain. Lucky enough for her, she didn't do so and slipped back into the void to think about some things. Good for her as she would have been disintegrated instantly by the residual force of the chaos realm, Trevor only surviving because of Alice.

Trevor should truly be saying Alice is the best because, after all, she is making sure he doesn't die.


Trevor finally finished showering and teleported off before immediately started to prepare to split another soul apart. He wanted to create an entire army of souls. But before that, he was going to bring the split soul into its peak condition so that it can split, giving 3 clones. The good thing is that the pain won't go to me according to Alice. Who knows if she lies.

Trevor felt some discomfort as soul power was siphoned from him to the soul next to him. For normal people, they would be screaming in agony and almost dying like how Trevor had done to make the first clone, but he has good pain tolerance from his growing cultivation and all his experiences of pain.

[Hey Trevor, I forgot to add that the clones produced by the clones won't be directly controlled by you. You have to tell your clone which will tell their clone. So.... Yeah. Oh yes, I also wanted to say that at your current stage, you are only capable of producing 2 clones in total otherwise your soul will dissipate. On top of this, you can only have 2 generations or again, you will die]

"Okay... thanks for the reminder. Damn! What the hell! I can't immediately create an army?"

Trevor simply wanted to create an army and let them do all of the work and he can just sit back and rest but right now, he can only create a total of 6 clones.

(Trevor is the 0th Generation)

[By the way, as you know, your clones have a consciousness. So when they fully recover, they can do everything you can do and will have all your memories. So make sure that they don't look completely like you. That would be weird looking at hundreds of your ugly face]

Trevor silently made it a goal to spank Alice, no matter how pretty she is, after creating her body later on.

[As if you will get that chance. I will always be stronger than you]

Trevor grimaced as Alice increased the intensity of the recovery. The grimace then turned into tears and then into screams. In less than four minutes, the job that should have taken more than an hour was finished.

Trevor lay sweating on the ground as a familiar voice appeared.

"Oh damn. I'm now a bloody clone. I don't want to do work. That's shit. Hey Alice, can you let me split my soul."

Though Trevor who was on the ground and couldn't hear Alice's voice from the clone, he could immediately guess her words as the clone of himself dropped on the ground, frothing.

Frowning because of how similar the clone is to him, he similarly asked Alice to split his soul.

Alice let out a light laugh as Trevor's head immediately fell back. She had never told him that it would be more painful as he splits his soul more. Too bad for him.


Trevor woke up in his cultivation room where he last was. Next to him was a clone of himself and a translucent being that looked exactly like the first clone. The clone was grimacing in pain as well.

Trevor quickly made a decision on how to control his army.

All of his soul clones would have their memories altered and their appearance changed. Ain't no way I am going to have exact copies of myself like this. However, he decided to change this so that only the second generation and later would experience this. He wants the first generation to only slightly change their look. Then the later generations would keep changing like how Trevor would change the first generation.

Trevor has to do this or by the time he could have nine clones and nine generations, or he would have 435,848,049 exact replicas of himself. That is not good.

Trevor was satisfied with the current status and asked the clone to follow his orders. However, the clone didn't want to do so as his entire self had already been formed so Trevor decided to left him off the hook. The rest of the first generation wouldn't be let off though.

Whilst recovering the second clone, he somewhat altered the clone's appearance and personality. The clone did the same with the upcoming second generation. An hour later with no interruptions by Alice, the first clone had finally produced the clone. The clone went through two generations of changed because that is what should happen, and thus looks only somewhat similar to Trevor.

The clone received orders from the first clone to go out to train. The clone was angry by this because he had to work. Personality still runs though the generations. However, he did so as he could not disobey orders. He simply wanted Trevor to grow stronger so that he could also create clones and push the work to them.

He teleported off as the first clone's head flung back and started frothing harder than before.

Trevor sighed softly as he didn't dare complain to Alice after waking up. He continued siphoning power into the clone.