
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Making an Army

Trevor sat down and started concentrating on refining his third personal clone.

This time was far harder than the others due to the stress on his soul to split further.

Trevor started to imagine his soul, a light blue orb sitting in some place of imagination, and started to cut a piece of it off.

Trevor started to brace for pain, but just as the invisible sword started to slowly slice it, it quietly rebounded and didn't go in.

Trevor frowned a bit, the situation of him not being able to easily cut his soul confused him, it must be because I broke into the next realm, then again, breaking through shouldn't do that right? Never mind.

Trevor swung much harder this time, the invisible blade slashing halfway through the edge of his soul, stopping immediately. Trevor braced once more for the pain, but the pain, though still there, wasn't so great as the previous times. This time, my willpower should have increased from breaking through.

Trevor pushed a bit harder, slicing right through, like a butter knife through some rock-hard butter. Trevor felt a slight itch but nothing else.

He quickly moulded the soul piece into another him, changed some features and characteristics and birthed him.

He opened his eyes once more and opened the system.

[Time Elapsed: 31:57:354]

[Time Elapsed: 31:58:248]

"How interesting. It is harder to cut, less painful and takes a shorter time."

Trevor thought for a bit, but soon forgot about it.

The first order of business is to start to properly sort out his army, now that he has a good number of troops.

He moved to the room where he first met Lannan and Ferdinand and sat down.

He started to slowly scribble a bit.

{1. As quickly as possible, produce more clones}

{2. All clones at the lowest current generation must be in the field most of the time gathering resources and strengthening themselves}

{3. Older generations must always be able to defeat their clones. If not....}

Trevor tried to think of an apt punishment. Killing is not possible, nor is giving them more resources to cultivate faster. Can't exile him now can we? A light bulb lit up

{3. Older generations must always be able to defeat their clones. If not you will not be able to relax for a period of time based off of cultivation and must always be out in the field during it}

Trevor was happy with this decision until he remembered that they could die.

"Hey Alice, if I or some of my clones were to die, would that mean that all of the clones beneath him would die as well?"

[No. The clones are considered independent existences and will survive. But obviously, there is the link between the main soul and the subsidiary souls. But they will die if the subsidiary soul hasn't had the time to recover and become a proper soul once more]

Trevor was happy with the answer as he didn't have to worry whether they die or not. We could just revive them, though that would take longer I guess.

Trevor just realised something.

"Hey Alice, where are you?"

[I am right here Trevor, like I have always been]

"No, the new one."

[What do you speak of, I am the new one]

"Nah, you don't sound like her."

[What do you mean Trevor, you want me to sound like this all of the time huh? You want me to shout at you or what. I never thought that my already useless master can go down further and be a masochist]

Trevor slightly blushed listening to her words, but quickly recovered and leant back in his chair, pulling up the chat.

[Created: Minister Gang]

[Current Members: Trevor Bianchi, Lannan Sterling, Ferdinand Lorenzo]

[Group Description: All the cool guys ruling it up]

[Trevor: Hey guys, lets talk a bit, come back to the place that we first met again]

Two seconds or so later.

[Ferdinand: Of course sir, coming right up]

[Lannan: Got it, coming right now]

Trevor closed his eyes to wait the short bit. Lo and Behold, the soft sound of footsteps started to ring in the room eventually becoming louder.

Bong, Bong, Bong. "Can we come in please." "Sure thing guys."

Lannan opened the door and walked in, Ferdinand coming in next. They both obviously follow good etiquette in front of their now respected leader in their hearts.

"So how it the management so far?"

The President and Prime Minister both sat up straight and started talking one-by-one.

"Good as of now. We have already formatted all the jobs so far and have started a democratic system right now. Considering that there are no countries to speak of, we have decided against splitting the human race up again into small areas and have decided to come and properly do things together."

"Yes, we have invited many influential leaders from the previous world to come together and form a Legislature and a Court in order to start to form proper order and law and start things running properly. We have made sure that people appointed by the system join the group and they all seem excited by the prospect of having dealings with all sorts of beings and ruling them. Oh well, the other races should be doing the same as us would they not?"

Trevor thought a bit.

"There is no need to restrain colonialism. My main goal is for the human race to become stronger. I don't want to hurt the innocents, but if need be, I will, as what all humans should do."

The two were happy with the answer. There is no need for an idealistic ruler who wants peace. This is death. Peace before is fine as there is no harm in doing so, but who knows, peace if we choose to take it could lead to some powerful cultivating race destroying humans. The ancestors did not die so that we could do nothing and wait for death.

Trevor continued on.

"Right, I went down to the first sub-city and I must say that right now, it is a complete mess. We need a proper army to enforce the law and make sure that there is no evil. Of course, we can accommodate those evil people and give them two sub-city's to play about with. Its not like they can travel millions of miles to the next sub-city just to steal and kill them."

Lannan and Ferdinand were extremely happy with this decision. Not only would it make it so that those evil bastards won't go and rummage and destroy peoples livelihood, they would go and kill each other. On top of this, no innocents would get hurt because they have the choice of not going there. If they do, their fault, who told them to go and be curious? Its more than three birds with one stone. Its like shooting a stone that can change directions and kill hundreds of them.

Trevor didn't think that deep. He just wanted to round them up and kill them in one fell swoop.

"Of course, we will form an army based off of what system you think?"

Trevor had already formulated a plan before this and scribble the notes down. He pulled the paper out of the air and placed it in front of the two men who had leaned forwards.

[Specialisation: Divide the army into specialised units based on their cultivation system. Each unit will undergo rigorous training to excel in their specific roles. Of course, we need a black ops unit]

[Training and Discipline: Implement thorough training programs to hone soldiers' skills and instill proper discipline. Regular drills and exercises keep the army prepared for any situation]

[Chain of Command: Establish a clear chain of command, with experienced and capable officers leading each unit. This ensures effective communication and decision-making during battles]

[Modern Tactics: Incorporate modern military tactics and strategies into the army's training. Study past battles and learn from successful historical campaigns]

[Intelligence and Reconnaissance: Establish a specialised intelligence unit to gather information about potential enemies, their strengths, and weaknesses. Reconnaissance missions aid in planning strategic moves]

[Teamwork and Unity: Foster a strong sense of camaraderie and teamwork among soldiers. Encourage mutual support and loyalty, creating a cohesive and motivated army.]

[Support and Logistics: Ensure a robust logistics system to supply the army with provisions, medical care, and equipment during campaigns. We have the system but just in case]

[Rewards and Recognition: Offer incentives and rewards for exceptional performance, motivating soldiers to strive for excellence]

The two smiled. "This is good and well thought out. Though of course, it needs a bit of hashing out. Normal armies won't work too well in this world can it?"

The three discussed some normal and critical things before dispersing and carrying out orders.

Trevor smiled whilst in bath. How nice, I got a private army the size of earth and another one with the strength of it. I can just relax now can't I ~~~