
Chapter 115: Merciless

'Where am I?" He asked himself as he floated in what seems to be the void. He saw nothing but darkness, but in that darkness millions, maybe even billions, of tiny shiny stars could be seen. It was bright, almost blinding, yet, at the same time, he saw darkness engulfing everything. It was as if two incompatible forces were trying to take over each other, they were trying to eat each other. But at the same time, he felt a strange sense of sereneness around him.

He felt something changing inside him, inside his soul. He can feel it, the power overflowing inside of him. While the power of those rings were nothing but temporary, this one is permanent, it will never leave him.

Divine power coursed through his body, strengthening it. He felt as if he could take on anything, but he knew that's not the truth at all. He kept a calm mind as he closed his eyes and tried to control his unstable power.

And then, he felt time pass. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days, days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and finally, months turned to years. Two decades had passed while he tried controlling the divinity inside of him, and finally, finally! He managed to control it, the unstable divinity.

Then, his body started changing into something, something divine. He felt himself become a deity, a divine being. His power became more and more controllable as he conquered his divinity.

Then, he woke up in a white room filled with fog. He heard a familiar voice, a voice he hadn't heard for years.

"So you've woken, I thought you would be sleeping a bit longer than 10 seconds." Deus sounded impressed.

Hikaru couldn't help but tear up as he finally heard a voice after 20 years… wait… did he say 10 seconds? TEN SECONDS!?

"I assure you, it would've taken normal people more time than what you have experienced. They would've spent millions of years inside their mindscape, and thousands of years in reality to conquer their own divinity. You are an exception, for you are someone too talented. Your soul is extremely powerful, I might say. Your soul is as strong as mine, yet you haven't unlocked most of its abilities, how tragic." Deus sounded amused as he said that.

Hikaru kept his calm as he assessed his body, and felt everything was fine. His mana reserves and physical strength has increased by 100 times, without the rings.

Speaking of the rings, he decided to keep them on. Right now, with his powers, he might even be able to obliterate an entire galaxy that is containing billions of planets, with the rings on of course. Without the rings, his power is just enough to destroy a hundred solar systems or so.

But there was still one thing bothering him; he ate Chaortos. He ate her, flesh and all. But he can feel shards of a divine soul inside his mindscape, as if it was all broken to pieces.

"Now," His attention turned to Deus, "You might be feeling shards of a soul inside your mindscape, but you don't have to worry about that, that is just Chaortos's soul. The moment you sunk your teeth into her flesh, you also broke her soul and absorbed it inside you. Right now, her soul is reforming inside your mindscape as we speak." Deus explained.

Hikaru knew there was something more, "But what about that hunger I felt when I saw her mana? Was it your doing? DId you modify my body to be this way?" He wasn't angry, he was just curious.

"Yes," The disembodied voice said bluntly, "I was the one who gave you that ability. It's an ability feared by all deities, even the olden gods. It is called [The Devourer Of Gods], and as the name implies, it can devour gods. But unless you're not as strong as the deity, you cannot devour them. You have to be stronger, stronger than that to devour them."

Even though heard the explanation, Hikaru still had to voice one more concern, "Will the previous thing happen again? Like when I saw her mana, I suddenly hungered for her, and my mind was taken over by this hunger."

"Ah, I can understand your concerns, but you don't have to worry. That is just a one time thing, it will never happen again. It was because you just awakened it, thus it went on a rampage. But now, you can activate it at your will. Granted that your mind will be taken over again once you activate it, but only if there's a god in front of you." Deus explained patiently, he's used to this kind of thing.

Hikaru nodded in understanding, and said, "I understand. Now, I'm in quite a rush, so I would hope to go to the next world. Show me the list."

A transparent screen appeared before him, and there, 7 worlds were presented in front of him. Though, the [Shinobi World] option was already darkened out.

Hikaru then asked out of concern, "Can I still go back to previous worlds?"

"Yes," Deus answered, "But you will have to defeat another olden god for that. As I've said years ago, you cannot pick another world without sealing or defeating the olden god in the world you picked. I know your concerns, but you will not have to worry. As my gift to you, 1 year in another world from now on will just be 1 week in the Shinobi World, where your family lives. Is that all right for you?"

No, he was more than happy. He was overjoyed! That means he can go on an adventure for decades and only a few months would pass in the other world he is going! That would barely count any time for his family!

Hikaru smiled and said, "Well, I am more than grateful for that. But, I might ask, what world do you reccomend for me to go to?"

This is his list of worlds.


{Shinobi World}

Swords and Magic World With A Little Twist

Dungeon Crawling

Modern Sword and Magic World

World Filled With Myths and Legends

World Filled With Immortals (And arrogant young masters)

A World Of Mysteries (HxH)


Deus then replied, "I would recommend the one that says [World Filled With Myths and Legends], but be careful in this world, there are beings there that are capable of destroying that dimension's universe. But with your abilities, you might be able minimize your deaths."

Hikaru nodded, and quickly made up his mind, "Hum! Let's see what that world has to offer!" He yelled entuisatiscally.

He heard Deus chuckle, but only for a brief moment. He decided not to be bothered with it as a black portal appeared in front of him. He walked through the portal as he heard the disembodied voice telling him something.

"Good luck, and try not to cheat at your wives that much."

What was that? Nah, maybe it was nothing.

(In An Alley In New York City, USA)

A black portal appeared in the dark alley as the moon shined brightly in the night sky. A person came out of the portal, an asian man around his early twenties. He has waist-length black hair with streaks of white flowing down, crimson eyes, pale white skin, sharp jawline, and tall for someone like him. He wore expensive clothing, which doesn't correspond with his surroundings.

This is Hikaru. His looks had changed due to him becoming a deity, but he still had a few of his noticeable features, like his pale skin.

He looked around and saw nothing but a dumb. He was in an alley in the middle of the night with trash just lying around. Which was strange, since there was a huge ass trash can just near the corner. But he saw that it was also full of garbage, he can even see shit-stained panties in there. God, he hasn't been in this world for a few minutes and he is already close at regretting going here.

Paying the dark and creepy alley no mind, he walked towards the corner to get out of the alley. He saw a few cars passing the road just outside the alley, so he just went out of the alley and observed his surroundings.

Tall modern buildings, cars parked in front of those buildings, and some people walking with plastic bags in their hands. He noticed that the people walking on the sidewalk had western features, and they talked in a foreign language, though he noticed that they were speaking in english, so he concluded that he must be in America.

There were few people on the sidewalk, but they all had tattoos and some kind of gothic makeup. While he hasn't visited america or any other countries in his past life, he wanted to at least experience what it feels to live in a foreign country. And this is just the place for it.

He walked towards the gothic teens that were talking with each other. They seem to notice him, so he waved his hand and said in broken english, "Hello, I quite lost, don't know where I'm." He knew that he wasn't the best at english, so shut up.

There were three gothic teens in front of him, two of them were dudes and the other one was a girl. While he frowned at their tattoos, he didn't want to bother them about it. It is their life, after all.

The girl dropped her cigarette and stomped on it before she pointed somewhere without bothering to speak to him. Rude.

He looked at where she was pointing and saw a sign that says: [Franklin Ave. Brooklyn}

He didn't need anymore and just said, "Thank you," Then he turned around to leave, when he felt a hand grabbing his right shoulder.

He turned around towards them and saw one of the dudes smirking at him cockily and handed out his hand as he said, "Hey chinese guy, we helped you, didn't we? Then give us a few bucks, I heard chinese people are quite well off. Oh wait, we have to speak with your language, huh? Hey, ching ching chong! Hahahaha!"

The other two laughed together with him.

It didn't take twice before the body of the teen exploded in a bloody mess. Hikaru didn't even bathe an eye as he heard the organs of the teen plopped to the ground somewhere on the streets.

He might not be that good at speaking english, but he understood a few things from the now dead teen's words. It seems like they were rebels that has gone off far too deep into the business of the adult's world. He'll have to teach them a lesson that they will take into their next life.

The other two teens' eyes widened in realization as they saw their friend explode just like that. Then fear took over their bodies as they felt his killing intent engulfing their bodies.

Hikaru disappeared and reappeared in front of the male teen, before grabbing his head. He quickly absorbed the teen's memories to quickly learn about the english language. He would've done this to criminals later on if these teens didn't harass him.

The body of the male teen plopped to the ground as foam came out of his mouth. His eyes were hollowed. Hikaru stole the teen's memories, so he should be having amnesia right now. He will never remember anything, not even his own family.

He got a quick summary of the male teen's life. He is a rebel who left his home due to his parents disagreeing to things he's done, like bullying a kid in school. The teen is just staying in his friend's house, which was the guy he just killed. But it seems like this kid grew up in a nice household. Two parents with a steady income, and two older siblings who are already in college. Hikaru now understood the reason why he decided to rebel against his parents, because he had this unnecessary jealousy towards his older siblings. They were smart, while he was dumb. They were athletic, while he was just a slob. All of this brings him to just one emotion; insecurity. This is just insecurity, nothing more.

He just ignored the teen's memories and focused his attention on the girl. She's on the ground, her body was shaking with tears coming out of her eyes.

He leaned forward a little and grabbed her by the neck. She tried fighting back, she tried scratching her arm to make let go of her, but it was futile. His skin is harder than any kind of steel. His face was devoid of emotion as he asked in perfect english, "Now, I was just asking where I am and you and your friends insulted me. And look what happened to them." He gestured around them, proving his point, "Also, I was planning on sleeping in some abandoned building earlier, but when I stole that guy's memories earlier, I saw that you are in a well off family. Mind if I sleep in your house for the night?"

The girl knew that saying no to his request is a death wish. Even though she felt her oxygen leaving her by the second, she still managed to think quickly and nodded desperately.

And with that, Hikaru smiled and said, "Good, now lead me to your home."

He then dropped her and she fell to the ground with a thud.

*Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!*

She coughed violently as she tried to gasp for air. Hikaru merely looked down on her as he demanded, "Move it, I don't want to stay on this street any longer."

She nodded at him as she stood up with shaky legs. And out of curiousness mixed with fear, she asked, "W-W-What a-are y-you…?'

"Me? Well, you can say that I am a god. Now, chop chop."

Ah, I don't know much about america, so forgive me I made any mistakes regarding that specific location. Also forgive me I represented your country in this chapter awfully, my knowledge of america is sourced by Memes.

Anyway, next chapter will be him bothering the family of the girl. While she won't be an important character, at least I think so, I can still at least make something out of her story.

And oh yeah, he is indeed in the DxD universe but he is in america. He'll go to Japan eventually, but he will at least encounter some mythologies in america. Tell me in the comments below about brooklyn, and the mythologies around it if you can.

Anyway, I won't be writing for three days since this chapter came out earlier than expected.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, stay well, and as always, thank you for reading!

Also, this is 5 years before canon.

Miko_Sayakicreators' thoughts
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