
Traveling the multiverse after waking up

I'm writing this for fun. There will be Harem. English is not my first language, there will be a lot of errors, I am using google translator.

Gravity007 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

CP1 - Getting out of hell


This chapter was like a question and answer game, but I thought the fight was cool, I will see what world I will do in the next chapter.


"Hahahaha, we'll finally get mastering hell, no one will get to stop this time," I hear a voice when I just wake up.

You should be thinking how am I in this situation, right? Good. I do not make the idea of the idea. And now another question came to your mind.

If you are a God not to you know that? Good, technically yes, nor do I know how I came to stop here to be exact. It has been so long that we do not agree, that I have no idea if this is a dream or reality itself.

And another question came to his mind, how does a god unscrew dream reality?

Well, you have to think that even though you call God I also have sense of humor ....

Good. Cutting the pause stuck we go to what matters. It seems like I'm in hell, next to mad vampires from the head. Looking on one side to the other I see I'm in the laboratory and my body is all strangled .....

Without legs, arms, I'm not at all, good, at least I'm feeling pain, that means that it's not a dream ....

And another question came up in his mind. But if you are a god how you feel pain? Well, it's not because I'm feeling pain I'm going to get screaming like a clown, talking I'm pain.

Pain is something normal at least for me, of course. It's like taking a cold coca and I'm not absolutely not masochistic, is that I feel alive feeling pain ....

How does that say saying? It's ... if you feel pain you are alive, you're only sure you will be dead when you can not feel pain ... I think it was something like that ... I do not remember very well.

Well, it's not easy always to have existed and staying so long, you should know how it is ....

Well, let's get out of here. I do not want to be part of a hell planning of hell. Thinking about that my body began to regenerate at an impressive speed, for the vampire's eyes it is clear.

"Huh, what years are we?" It's been so long that I could not tell me? " I ask as I get up from the stretch and melt me.

the vampire seeing as I was panic:

"... I-W-impossible, you have no way to be alive after all of this torture," the vampire said he was widened up, nor vampires as they have the biggest regeneration of the universe could take all of this torture.

"No, compare me to vampires please," I said as I formed a spear of blood beside me and took it ....

Can he read my thoughts? The vampire was horrified he never thought that something like this could exist:

"Well, you know how it is. It's not like I want to meddle or something, but it's natural, you know?" I said as I reached his side and stuck my spear in his head and sucked all the energy out of his body.

"It looks like someone is very hungry here," I said as he looked at my launcher.

That sounded a little strange but so much, it's done, the important thing is always to be happy, do not you think?

"Well, let's get out of this hell soon", the signal from the whole laboratory was ringing because I just left it ....

Walking down the corridor I realize that I'm naked: ...

"It looks like I still have to finish waking up, how could I forget clothes?" , well it looks like it won't be a problem, I think as I look ahead and see a group of vampires in front of me ....

Well, I want to get out of this fast, zero complications, thinking about it all the vampires in front of me fell flat on their faces unconscious.

Even if I didn't stick my spear in them, it would suck all their energy, she is so hungry, it seems like a long time has passed. Well, when I leave this place I will take a trip, sleeping will only make things worse.

So I take some clothes from one of these vampires and put them on me. Creating a mirror, I see my reflection in it, it seems that I am not out of shape, I think as I give a thumbs up.

Ah, what a bag. How did hell become so organized? Full of complex things, I think as I look at the map in my hand.

Then I start walking towards the exit after memorizing the map. Well, another question must have come to your mind, right? If you are the creator, are you not supposed to be omniscient?

"Well, you're right, I'm omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent, however, there comes a time when it starts to be boring, especially omniscience ...

There is a good side to keeping it, which is clear to know everything, and if maybe I had it, I wouldn't have come to that place, and be an experiment. You know it's kind of boring to be with her, and also if I had her active I wouldn't have that vision in front of me.

millions and millions of vampires were looking at me as if I were a dead man, it seems that I am important to their experiment.

Looking at this, I smile, it was a long time since I had fun, well I am not to blame if they are throwing themselves into death, not that it matters, the only important thing now is fun.

"It looks like we're going to have a little fun, my friend," I say looking at my spear that was shaking with happiness.

She is my only companion, since ancient times, well now is not the time to remember the past.

Finishing thinking of my spear with more force and attack, it was going with such speed that it seemed imperceptible in space.

When she came into contact with the ground, the impact was so great that thousands of vampires died.

Dark energy was going towards my spear, that was the energy of the bodies of the dead vampires.

I teleport to her side, and I start cutting off all the vampires I was seeing as I laughed.

You can say that I am crazy, however I was happy, everyone will one day find happiness, and my happiness at this point was to kill these vampires who dared to experiment with me.

I was going to show them the real hell, the real terror.

"HAHAHA, come on little vampires give me some fun," I say as I finish impaling a vampire.

Could I finish them off with one thought? It could, but it had been so long since I had fought that I decided not to.

Then I start running towards a mountain and quickly reach the top, seeing the vampires down there I attack with a little more force.

When the spear came in contact with the ground, the entire territory of the vampires was destroyed, without even leaving a trace, it seemed that he never heard anything in this part of hell.

Seeing this I sit on a rock that was beside me, with a smile:

"Only one cigarette left to finish with a golden key," I said as I created a cigarette case and a lighter, and put it in my mouth.

"Well, let's get out of this place now," I say as I jump and reach the side of my spear that has finished sucking all the energy:

"Well, it looks like someone's filled it up," I say as I make it blood again and it enters my body.

"Huuh, how am I going to leave now? I could have left someone alive", I say as I start walking towards somewhere that I think will have the exit.


In another place


"Demon God, Demon God, p-p-p-it looks like the vampire race has been completely destroyed," a little demon kneels in front of his god, while he gives the news.

"Destroyed? Who could do that?" , 'any person who could do such a thing could not be a normal person', he added internally.

"Our sources show that he appeared to be a very handsome man", "who took these documents?" he thought internally, how could anyone describe someone like that.

"Try to find him, and don't be silly, a being who can exterminate a race like that, is on a completely different level, now go," the demon God said as he snuggled in his chair.

Little did they know that they would never see this being again who destroyed the entire race of vampires.

"Huuh, it looks like I found the exit," I say as I look at the exit in front of me, two colossal-sized skeleton heads hovered in front of him.

"Ahh, I'm so sleepy, not even destroying this whole race made me wake up, it doesn't matter, maybe I think it's cool from now on", I say as I walk towards the exit of hell.