
An Unexpected Reversal

After the banquet, the Emperor and the Crown Prince stood together. The Crown Prince smiled, "Your Majesty, please continue to support me in the future."

The Emperor smiled slightly, "Of course."

At that moment, a eunuch approached, whispering, "The manager has instructed me to fetch the medicine."

The Emperor asked in confusion, "What's the situation? Speak up."

The eunuch replied urgently, "Your Majesty, there is a situation."

The Emperor signaled for the eunuch to continue, "Bring him in."

The guards brought Seventh Prince out of the dungeon. He looked at the Emperor with a victorious smile, "Your Majesty, wasn't I right?"

The Emperor nodded, "Boy, you will meet a terrible end."

Seventh Prince said coldly, "Take this traitor and hang him."

The guards quickly dragged the Regent to the execution platform. The Emperor asked, "Tell me, how did you know about the Regent's conspiracy?"

Seventh Prince smiled slightly, "It's a long story, but saving you is all that matters."

The Emperor asked coldly, "What reward do you want?"

Seventh Prince thought for a moment, then suddenly said, "A reward? Oh, I want you to quickly execute me. I need to return."

The Emperor, surprised, asked, "What? Execute you? Why?"

Seventh Prince said firmly, "Don't ask why, just execute me quickly. I need to see if I've changed my family's fate."

The Emperor frowned, "But before I execute you, let's deal with him first."

Turning to the Regent, the Emperor showed a complex expression, "Shooter, I considered you a brother. We've fought side by side for years. I have just one question: why did you betray me?"

The Regent sneered, "Now that my plot has been exposed, there's nothing more to say. But I can't understand how this boy knew about such top-secret plans."

Seventh Prince mocked, "Unbelievable? I know a lot. I even know your bed sheets are red, and your wife is a fair-skinned beauty with long legs."

The Regent shouted angrily, "I would have killed you and your entire Yang family myself if I could!"

Seventh Prince feigned innocence, "What? The Yang family? Oh, no worries, I'm also a Yang. We're family."

The Emperor coldly looked at the Regent, "Regent, considering our years together, I won't torture you. Choose your own death."

The Regent sneered, "Choose? Sure, I'll choose. Your Majesty, do you have the guts to carry it out?"

The Emperor, enraged, said, "Scoundrel! Even at death's door, you dare speak insolently!"

The Regent confidently replied, "I'll bet you, within the time it takes an incense stick to burn, you'll release me and even bow to me."

The Emperor, furious, said, "Do you think I won't execute you right now?"

Seventh Prince calmly said, "Execute him, Your Majesty."

The Regent smirked, "Did you forget about someone?"

The Emperor frowned, "What do you mean?"

The Regent sneered, "You'll find out soon enough."

Just then, a guard rushed in urgently, "Your Majesty, the Empress has been kidnapped!"

The Emperor was shocked, "What? The Empress kidnapped? Who did it?"

The guard replied, "It's the Regent's men. They threaten to kill the Empress if you don't release the Regent."

The Emperor looked at the Regent in fury, "You despicable villain!"

The Regent sneered, "Your Majesty, now you understand? Release me, or the Empress dies."

Seventh Prince urgently said, "Your Majesty, do not release him."

The Emperor took a deep breath, struggling internally, and finally, with a wave of his hand, said, "Release the Regent."

The Regent laughed triumphantly, "Haha, Your Majesty, you finally understand."

Seventh Prince was filled with frustration and anger, but he knew he needed a new plan.

After the Regent was released, the Emperor said painfully, "You were right, we fell into his trap again."

Seventh Prince said firmly, "Your Majesty, we cannot give up. There must be a way."

The Emperor sighed, "But what can we do now?"

Seventh Prince thought for a moment, then his eyes lit up with determination, "Your Majesty, we must find the Empress and ensure her safety. Only then can we solve the problem of the Regent once and for all."

The Emperor nodded, "Alright, I trust you. Guards, mobilize the Imperial Guards and search for the Empress with all your might!"