
TRAVELING across the world

what will happen when a lazy otaku gets the ability to travel across the world. ------ English is not my first language. I. Bad Grammar too. If you can keep up then continue to read. ————————————— This novel is 70% Hentai, 10% adventure, 15% Slice of life, and 5% killing. ---------- tag: movie, anime, novel, hentai, strong to stronger, multiverse, harem like Pokemon,

dewon07 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

chapter 24

after the settlement of the drama, time passes quickly.

it's already afternoon, students are allowed to familiarize themselves with the environment around yokāi Academy.

" Alex, do you want to go out and walk together." just as class ended. moka come and hug my arms in her bosom. she invited me. but her face is quite close to my body like she wants to fuse with me.

I also didn't shy away. " why should I reject a beautiful, cute, and kind girl like." I accepted happily.

but I can feel hostile gazes on me become tenser.

" Muu, don't tease me like it. you know Alex when I told everyone I am a vampire, either they didn't believe me and made fun of me. or those who believe it, distance themselves from me. so when you became my friend I am quite happy."

" They have no eyes, how can not they see your beauty. if it was me. I will be obsessed with you." I said to her with a serious face. which makes her red in instant.

" Alex, stop making fun of me." moka said to me. but inside she is still happy.

" well, shall we go?" I ask her, and she nodded in response.

as we are walking closely. I can feel hostile gazes coming from all nearby boys on me.

as we are walking around in withered trees. moka falls on me. her blossom touches my chest. I put my hands around her for not to fall.

" I am sorry Alex, looks like my anemia comes again." after realizing our position, make her blush.

slowly getting out from my embrace.

as I was about to talk about her health I noticed two presence near us.

one of them moves towards us. as rustling sound of footsteps coming from trees.

" you are Alex, right?" the person who comes out is an ugly guy, which I don't bother to remember his name. his eyes fix on moka" can you tell me why a cute girl like you, bothers with a weak guy like him, who doesn't even have a single strain of demonic energy."

" Alex is my friend, whether I talk with him, is my matter," moka reply him with a disgusted look. as if looking at trash.

" so, that's the case. " saying that his body started to change. his body started to get muscles. which should be his transformation.

a few seconds later, his transformation is complete which should be his minstrel or hybrid form. minstrel itself has the blood of countless monsters. but they are a mix of low-level monsters' blood mostly. The highest rank they can reach is a rank.

if we fight his death is 100 percent. let alone me, even moka can kill him. but right now, with me is a pink moka, not a silver moka. pink moka whose strength is d level monster will be the weakest in this form among d level.

moka transformation itself is a problem. longer silver moka out, pink moka existence will disappear faster.

so it's better not to let her transform much. before pink and silver got separate.

" Alex, I am sorry, I can not help you. all my power is sealed." her eyes got red and wet. cause she can not transform into her real body.

" don't worry, I am strong to handle him alone." saying that I let her behind me.

" hey, why don't you transform." hybrid says to me.

" I don't need to transform for trash like you," I didn't want to scare another one, who is still hiding, and let run away, so it's better to play weak.

" what do you say, you call me trash."

" if you want to reconfirm then, yes you are trash."

hearing my ridicule makes him angrier. he runs to me with a punch that is bigger than my head.

I hug moka and jump away. taking advantage is a possible situation here.

" Alex, don't make him angrier." moka scold me. but from inside, she is happy being close to Alex.

" ok ok, I will end it." hybrid who is running at me. I look at him, I raise my wrist and shoot web on his face. which makes him lose his target. my web is not like spiderman, but tougher, than it looks.

after getting sprayed by the web. he tries to remove but finally, I let him remove it. but he already is out of the breath advantage of it. I sprayed on his legs to his head. and make him like a cacoon. and finally, shoot another web on cacoon, which is still struggling I throw him towards the sea.

moka who looks at this none violent fight makes her incredible.

" Alex, you are so strong. you defeat him without any effort." moka came closer to me. but this time her face look like drunk.

" Alex, you know I am a vampire. " saying that she rush at me and now towards my neck and bit it.


after getting satisfied, she takes a lick. " thanks for the food."


just as I am about to talk about it. energy came out from the moka. she began to transform.

It was only daytime just now, but now the sky was dyed an ominous dark red. The original sun has now turned into a scarlet blood moon, and even a group of bats flew out of the blood moon! They flew towards moka one after another, seeming to be delighted by the appearance of their king.

The seawater was no longer seawater, but a purple liquid-like poison. The surrounding style is much darker as the demonic aura strikes.

I got dumbfounded, after all, I didn't take off her cross. but I have a guess.

" your blood is delicious. just taking a bite or sip makes me increase my demonic energy. I decided from now on, you will be my husband."

" Are you ok" I am worried, after all, I don't want both of them to get harmed. cause of my mutated nine tails bloodline.

" ok?, no, it feels like I am never better. but I have to go back. but before that." she boxes and kisses only her cheek. under my eyes, she put on the cross on her neck.

as doing that, she falls turns into a pink moka. and fall unconscious. good thing I check her student id card and got to know which room she is assigned.

there is still a second presence, I already know who that person is. let her follow for some more time.

I took carry moka as a princess and take her dormitory.

after placing her down on her room bed. I left.

as I am walking towards the boys' dormitory. I check out and find the except that no one is around at this time.

" come out, I can feel you. you are following for a long time."

seeing not coming out. I shot web towards her. which of course she dodges.

" teacher Shizuka, you are following me for quite a time. can I know the reason?"

" student Alex, you see, you smell particularly good, it attracts me. and so I decided to test your strength if I can take you as my boy toy. but from a previous attack, I can tell you are at level A rank monster."

" so, you want me as your boy toy. we will see if you can win against me. but if you lose, then be ready to become my pet, teacher."

" humph, if you can win. I am afraid not to tell you that. your teacher is a cat yokai whose rank is A. but my speed is faster than the ordinary S-rank monster." she starts to transform, her nails got sharp, her eyes become now look like a cat. and a pair of ears appear above her head. with a tail behind her.

her transformation is not ugly, but it's like a wild beauty.

" then, it's decided. I will tame you here." I release two bone claws from my knuckles, they look like x-23 aka Laura Kenny. with 6 lances coming out of my back.

" so how about kitty are you ready?" saying that I disappeared from her vision. reappear behind her. I simply slash her on her back. but her senses picked up. and try to dodge. Although got successful but still got hurt from the slash.

" aaahh" she groaned in pain as she was about to land she notice a web on her legs. I stretch it which makes her fall.

" so, Kitty do you surrender." " never" she try to break free but got unsuccessful.

" Why don't you listen to me. " I reattach my lance and claws back. I use an electric element to make a whip. starting whipped her.

" kya " " still not want to surrender right, Don't worry I make a barrier which isolated sound going out and illusion, use illusion so nobody will notice us. you can cry as much you want." I always want to try this type of whip. but today I got it, how can I let it go.