
travel the multiverse with the magic of souls

Red is a boy who constantly hallucinates and hears voices inside his head, but one day he is sent on a journey through different worlds to become stronger since his world is in danger. who sends him to another world gives him a system to achieve his goal more easily I also want to say that I'm starting with writing, so please be patient with me, besides that I don't speak English very well,

natural_killer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

a bad start

In a completely dark place you could see the figure of a person, you couldn't see her appearance, but you could see that she was tall, she also seemed to be wearing a jacket, the figure slowly approached a chair in the middle of the darkness, behind her. there was a light on the chair so even though he sat close to the light you still couldn't quite see his face the figure just settled and then the figure started talking

"welcome everyone to this place, first of all, I'll just say that I'm here to talk about a story, no, I'm not the narrator or something like that, I'm just someone of no importance" the figure smiled as he spoke, he seemed to enjoy talking "some They will wonder who I am, or maybe not, it doesn't matter since I'm going to say it anyway, just call me five, why five?

Five seemed a bit annoyed when he remembered the reason, but that didn't last too long as he spoke again, "Well, going back to what I was about to say, don't expect too much from this story, after all, maybe it's not good or it's a bit repetitive, after After all, it's not perfect, but what story is?

Not remembering anything, he simply shrugged his shoulders "well, without further ado , I'm leaving here, dasvidania " and so five went where they came from


It was morning, it seemed that it would rain at any moment, in the streets you could see people passing by, some seemed to go to their jobs, there were also those who wore uniforms, most likely they went to their schools, there were also people who stood out on the others, since they were dressed in a strange way, the people around them seemed to avoid them, since they were afraid of them

These were delinquents, gang members, or the way people addressed these types of people, they seemed to be discussing something, when you got closer you could hear what they were saying "lately those idiots from out of town have been starting fights with ours , they don't seem to respect our territory, and we can't allow that, we must talk about this with the boss and quickly" said one of the criminals, it seemed that they all agreed, while they spoke one person seemed to look at them with disdain

That person was a young man of about 14 years old, he had black hair with crimson red eyes, he was wearing black pants, a white shirt and a black jacket on top, the young man seemed to be annoyed by the presence of the criminals so he walked away from them

As he walked away he seemed irritated about something, anyone who saw him would think he was having a bad day, but what was really happening is that he was listening to someone (dude you left fast, are you in a hurry?) a man of about 30 years old he spoke to the young man, but he seemed to ignore him, the man, seeing that he did not respond, simply shrugged his shoulders and went to a table where some women were talking among themselves, the man got under the table and the only thing he did It was screaming with emotion, one of the women had a dog with her and it began to bark at the man

The woman only scolded her dog before going back to talk to her friend, the young man just watched bored, why didn't the women say anything to the man? Because they couldn't see him, only the young man could see him

What was wrong with the man, the young man just thought that by ignoring him he would simply disappear, but the man managed to get the young man's attention

Why did only the young man see him? Because the young man was not a normal person, let's say, since he was not sane, he suffered from schizophrenia, strong enough to make him see things that are not there, but not enough to not distinguish his hallucinations from reality

The young man's name was Red tanaka, the name was due to the fact that that was the name of the orphanage where he stayed, apparently a certain tanaka founded it and out of laziness he gave the orphanage his last name, or at least that's what those who work in it have told him. the orphanage, in any case since he can remember he has always been able to see things that are not there, at first he wondered why nobody could see what he saw, he thought he could see ghosts or something like that, unfortunately when he did some research on the internet he discovered that he had schizophrenia

I doubt at the beginning of this since you can never trust 100% of the internet, so I investigated in the library and indeed he was not sane, soon after he learned that if he ignored his hallucinations they would disappear, or that was most of the time

Furthermore, since he had become an otaku his hallucinations had increased much more, also his hallucinations increased the more stressed he was, he had been annoyed by delinquents since he hated them

His hatred was due to the fact that the children of the orphanage including him considered their older brother had joined a gang of delinquents, it was not because he wanted to, but because he had no other choice.

Before, Red used to go out with him to work so they could get money to help the orphanage and the children however they could, but one day because of Red they bothered some criminals who immediately approached his brother and threatened him saying that if he didn't joined, they would not protect the neighborhood where the orphanage was located and when doing so, those of the rival gangs would constantly attack the people of that place

that's why Red's brother couldn't refuse the invitation, after that he was almost never at home and the few times he was in the orphanage he was always beaten due to street fights

That is why Red hated criminals since they only served to take away from people the money they took to get

Red kept walking towards the orphanage, but a group of 4 people slowly approached him, these people were the delinquents from another city that the others were talking about.

When they saw that Red was walking through a territory that belonged to a rival gang, they thought that there was something about this place that made them defend the territory with so much effort.

So they thought that by punching someone in this place they might get congratulations from their boss and they were bored too and they thought it would be fun to kick a teenager what a silly thought

These guys came up behind Red and grabbed his arms and dragged him into an alley.

When they got there they threw Red to the ground, and after that they started kicking him for fun, while they kicked Red he just thought, (I hate criminals), they didn't stop kicking Red until they just got tired "hey, no it's moving, it's also bleeding too much" when they noticed that they were scared because they didn't know what would happen to them if someone knew that they had killed a teenager

So they just ran away (my body aches, I feel like I'm going to faint) Red just felt like his eyelids were getting heavy and he tried to resist the urge to close his eyes (I'm tired… I think I'll get some sleep...… If only a little) and so Red closed her eyes

Meanwhile a strange thing was approaching Red, it was the size of a small coin, it came crawling along the ground and when it was close to Red it just entered through its mouth.

Red seemed to move because of this, but after a moment it stood still.

|3 hours later|

In the alley, Red was nowhere to be found, instead a red mass of meat with bones could be seen protruding on top of this mass there were clothes, this was soaked in blood while slowly the mass seemed to absorb the cloth

A dog died smelling the blood and approached the mass, but it was not the only one, a much larger dog also approached and when it saw the other dog, it growled for it to leave, the smaller dog barked at the larger one and this responded with a bite on the back to the smaller dog that after that walked away squealing

The biggest dog approached the mass triumphantly since he thought that all the food would be for him, at the moment of bringing his head closer to the mass to give it a bite, some strange tentacles came out of the mass and took the dog by the head. the dog screeched begging to be released, but the mass simply wrapped more tentacles around the dog's body as it lowered the dog into the mass

The dog tried to bite the mass to make it loose, but it was useless as the mass completely engulfed it, the dog was still trying to free itself from the mass, but after a moment a sound of breaking bones was heard along with the dog's squeal. , then there was silence

A few moments later, more tentacles came out of the mass, only these were smaller and thinner, they slowly spread out and came together to form what looked like a hand, slowly the tentacles began to change their appearance, the bones of a hand could be seen next to their hands. tendons and muscles

More tentacles began to emerge from the mass and formed more body parts as the figure finished, it seemed to slowly form skin until after a moment Red could be seen repairing with difficulty.

He was dressed the same as before, only his clothes were tattered, and he felt extremely tired, as if he had made a great effort, the last thing he remembered was that they had kicked him until he fell asleep, Red was confused, he couldn't explain why he was felt so tired

Red's thoughts were interrupted by some voices (woke up) (woke up) (is awake) (tired) (tired) (hungry) these voices were ones that Red heard daily

Although they didn't talk too much, they always had to comment on something at least once a day, Red simply ignored the voices and tried to get up, but doing so cost him much more than it normally would, it's not that he didn't have the strength to get up, but that for some reason his body did not move as he wanted, he felt that he could not control his own body well

He tried to lean on a nearby garbage can and when he tried to get up using the garbage can he suddenly found himself out of the alley and looking around, he saw that he was a few meters above the buildings, he thought it was just a hallucination, but when he fell he felt the pain in his legs from the fall, but the pain did not last long

For some reason Red felt stronger, much stronger than normal, he tried to jump with all his strength and the same as the previous time he was above the buildings, only when he fell he tried to grab the edges of the highest building and when doing so he was on the roof of this

I try to jump from one building to another and in doing so he almost falls, but he manages to hold on to the edges and as he does so he notices something strange in his hand so he goes up the building and I look closely at his hand and notice that where his knuckles were there were gray spots and when trying to clean his hands the stains did not disappear, but I notice that the stains were quite hard, almost as if they were metal

He couldn't see his hands in more detail as he suddenly heard a strange sound, it wasn't the sound of the voices he always heard but rather something else and when looking at the source of the sound he noticed that it was a floating screen that had a message

[congratulations young you have been chosen to have great power] "this is weird, much more than normal" said Red, (weird) (weird) (it's suspicious) (suspicious) (hungry...) said the voices

[it's not weird at all, it's my generosity since I felt sorry for your home so I chose you over everyone else] (seriously… can't I really be quiet for a moment?) Red thought (calm) all the voices said at the same time

[young I ask you not to ignore me, since the fate of your world depends on you]

"Because we should pay attention to you, after all you're just a hallucination" Red answered with a frown, he really didn't want to pay attention to him since he knew that if he paid attention to his hallucinations they wouldn't disappear

[young man I have to tell you that I am real and not some hallucination, although if you believe that I don't know how to give you a proof that I am real] (seriously why doesn't it disappear?) red thought irritated since it really did not disappear, while ignoring the This screen kept sending messages and didn't stop, Red seeing this really started to get annoyed, the voices on the other hand told him something that surprised Red (he won't leave) (he won't leave) (not if you don't listen) ( you listen) (you listen)

(What the heck was wrong with the voices, usually they wouldn't be that annoying) Red thought, followed by this he looked at the screen and just sighed "fine…. What do you want" [oh, you finally paid attention to me, I would repeat everything, but I don't want you to ignore me again] "now tell me what the hell you want" Red was upset [yes, sorry, anyway, a big threat is coming headed towards a home, but I have given you a chance to defend yourself against this threat]

(threat? what do you mean?) "what do you mean by that?" Red was curious since nothing similar had ever happened to him [I really don't know, but I can feel like something big is about to happen, and that's why I chose you, since there is no one better for a task like this]

"! What the hell do you mean by that! Friend, if what you say is true, what use would someone like me be? I have nothing special!" [oh young man, if you're special] "of course I am! I'm crazy and I'm talking to the air!" Red was really losing his temper [oh you're not crazy, or well not so much, tell me have you ever seen something that no one else could?]

"Why the hell do you want to know that! Don't you already know the answer?!" [just responds] …. (what the hell is wrong with him) "yes..." [so there you have your answer, not all you saw were hallucinations, they were a sign of your power]

Red was really starting to freak out since he didn't understand anything his "hallucination" was saying but for some reason his curiosity didn't go away "what do you mean by powers?" [of course I talk both about what you did when you woke up and something else]

Red has never liked conversations to go on for too long so now he really wanted the screen to end its "tell me here you mean" speech [we'll leave that for later, since now I will tell you that to combat this danger I will send you another world along with a way to become stronger in a short time]

"Are you going to send me to another world? And don't tell me, you're going to give me a cliché system" said Red with a lot of skepticism [hah, yes, young man, and best of all, it's a world from a fictional story that you already you know]

Red just felt like sighing due to the idiocy of the matter, but he didn't have time to complain as he suddenly felt like he was falling and not knowing what was happening he could only look at the screen and when doing so he saw a message that bothered him [sorry young man I had to send you right now since we wasted a lot of time by ignoring me so I will send you directly to the other world, sorry I couldn't explain too much]

"motherfucker!!!!" and so Red fell through a portal that opened below him and disappeared as if he had never been there.

I ran out of ideas really fast on the other story, if I continued the story I would have to contradict myself, so I'll leave it until I have more experience with writing, also I had an idea for another story and I wrote it, and it was much easier for me write this story, i just wanted to say that

natural_killercreators' thoughts