
Trash ReinCarnation

An story of a trash who wishes to live peacefully after realizing his weakness. And the story of him 'becoming stronger' by attaining 'happiness.' ——— More like, a Parody than fanfiction until Fanafics continent open. Connected Universe: Holo + Icarus… all my works are basically connected I forgor where I downloaded this illustration should be somewhere in pixiv and twitter.

R4IN · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

14 Cowardice

I went outside and quickly climbed above the rooftop in hope that the arrival of the two doesn't activate my cursed skill and start an story.

And even if it did activate, I hoped that it would be a trial where I just had to suppress my trial if Ceri want to thank me with her body.

However the scenery I saw with my [Clairvoyant] wasn't what I wanted to see.

Instead of the lowly thieves eyeing for Reinhardt's unfamiliar(I didn't see someone like that inside the structure), what I viewed was something past the huge wall surrounding the city

Far beyond the plains, coming from the forest and advancing while destroying the trees were a bunch of unfamiliar beasts.


~♪ ~♪

~♪ ~♪


A gentle sound from the flute whistled as it traveled past the multiple villages, expanding to infinite horizon. (<- idk if I used it correctly but it sounds good)

Although the sound itself fades away as time passes, the sound wave resonated inside the beasts' brains, stimulating them.



*Poyo! Poyo!*



Across the continent, the sighting of the enraged beasts was increased by more than 100%. These stimulated beasts sought for violence.

Some fight among themselves. Some wreaked havoc on their surrounding, directing their violence toward nature.

However, most beasts headed to where the population most gathered, human cities. Their head filled with violence, naturally-formed beast hordes have been made as they head to the nearest cities.

[Emergency Quest: Beginner Village]

[Emergency Quest: Lianity Village]

[Emergency Quest: Dungeon Tower]

[Emergency Quest: Dwarftory]

The first one to send an alert on the adventurer card was the Beginner Village. Soon after, that, the alert began sounding out next to next.

The moment this sounded out, the guild headquarter started sending out an emergency alert informing how dire the situation was right now.

The moment this alarm sounded out, the knight training in other villages topped their action and prepared for the war.

The citizens of Dwarftory ran back to their houses without regard for what they were trying to do as a colossal barrier surrounded the entire town.

To oppose this disaster which was unknowingly caused by someone, intelligent races did whatever they could.


"Thank you for informing, Rein-kun. If it wasn't for you, we may not have as many time as to prepare for the attack.." an old man with huge muscle thanked me.

This man, Kaian Adorne was the guild leader managing the guild in Beginner Village. Usually talking to him in normal circumstances would be impossible considering how busy the guild leader is.

However, right now weren't normal circumstances so I ran past everyone in the guild and went directly toward the guild leader.

'...I wonder why won't the CN novel the main character just do like what I did instead of wasting words talking with the arrogant lower-position being?'

"Hehe, it's not much. Then, I will take my leave from this town because it may get too dangerous." I embarrassedly and weakly said to the guild leader.

Obviously, I would be ashamed. After all, what I am saying right now is I'm running away from this town despite being an adventurer in stand protect the weak.

But humiliation couldn't exchange with my life. However shameful the action it takes, I will protect mine and someone I care for.

Making an excuse for myself, I tried living as I couldn't look directly to the gild leader's face.

"Young man, wait a bit... Take this with you." The guild leader forcefully handed me something.


[Monster Repellant Bomb] 6x

Rarity: Epic

[Analyze has leveled up from Lv: 13 -> Lv: 17]

Rather than the sudden level up from [Analyze], I was more survived that the guild leader wasn't against my cowardly retreat.

I thought he would be saying something like: use that meager life of yours to contribute to this city you cannon fodder.

But instead, he was encouraging me to safely escape from this place. "This item is...?"

"I know this village is weak and has close to no chance of surviving if a horde of the monsters were ever to invade us. So I won't force you to stay here nor do I belittle you for trying to run alone."

"All I, no, all we have is gratitude for using your power to inform us of the forthcoming danger," the guild leader sent me off with a smile on his face.

"Damn it..." I murmured to myself with a voice no one would hear.

'I preferred it if you blamed me for not trying to sacrifice myself for the time. I hate heroes who sacrificed themselves to protect somebody but...'

'I hated myself more for trying to run away rather than saving a people like him.'




"Guys! Let's run away from here! Thankfully, I received a demon beast repelling bomb from the guild leader," I said almost stuttering.

The timing was the worst as when I returned, the princess was awake, shaking her emerald-green eyes, she looked at me who took everyone's attention.

Tilda was the first one to speak, "I'm fine wherever Rein wants to go."

Fortunately, Tilda broke this awkward situation to me and agreed with me.

"Ah... I'm sorry, Rein-san. I will stay," Shouta said awkwardly.

"Why? You don't know how strong the monsters are coming here! What if most of the monsters invading this village were stronger than Fang Snake? Not to mention, protecting this village, you're just throwing your life into a horde of a monster! And if you were to die during that process, it would be my fault!" I painfully tried to convince Shouta while recalling [Prothor's Luck!]

If Shouta's fate was a protagonist, to defeat the demon king or whatsoever, a fate-breaking being may have redirected his rails of fate to death.

It was fine if [Prothor's Luck!] only affected me but if it affected an important individual and that important individual's death caused a world-end, the guilt I will feel would be much more than my previous world.

"Sorry, Rein-san. I know you're thinking of our safety but... I have a person to protect. Vina-san was kind to me and taught to me everything when I first arrived here. The townspeople who were patient to me who was clueless." Shouta looked over with gentle eyes.

"Rein-san, although we adventurer can travel around and has no set place to return to, everyone in village considers this place as their home! They work here, and they return home to be welcomed by their family."

"I want to return this gratitude of mine... By protecting their only home!" in contrast to my cowardice, Shouta's determination only got stronger.

"...fucking shit," I murmured as I couldn't say anything against Shouta. I didn't spend 10 days with him for nothing. I knew when I could convince him or not.

"Then be careful not to lose your life... Tilda, let's go," with a twisted face, I tried leaving but Tilda showed no sign of moving from the spot.

"Ehe, sorry Rein-san. I changed my mind. I will stay here with Shouta,"

"Is that so. Suit yourself how about you two?" pissed that nothing is going as I want to, I asked the remaining two, Reinhardt and Ceri

"I... I don't want any more locations falling because of my incompetence. I will do my best to guard this village," firmly said Ceri.

"As my princess wills." Reinhardt followed Ceri.

'You've only stayed in this village for a day. What's the change in mind?' I thought furiously.

"Haha, Ceri-chan, what do you think of our party captain?" Tilda laughed as she asked the pink-haired girl.

My mind overwhelmed in anger and humiliation, I left the scene without saying anything.


Soon afterward as I tries to step out of a gate, I saw a bird monster launching toward me at great speed like a spear with its wing behind its back, rotating as he travels.

I barely dodged it as my [Clairvoyance] unconsciously focuses on it.

'What the fuck is this!?' a sense of fear entered my mind which was filled with anger and humiliation. Next came the sense of panic before I tries to calm myself.

However, the spear bird gives me no time as it straightens its body, launching itself at me.

"U-Ugraah!" I sang a cries of battle as I tried to dodge the spear bird's launch while counterattacking it with the dagger I had.

The feeling of the dagger digging deep into the bird's flesh was there but I hadn't completely dodged the spear bird as part of its sharp feather penetrated past my oblique.

"Ssstt" my face twisted feeling unwell. As a suppressed air came out of my mouth.

Although the pain I felt wasn't as great as when the orc slashed me due to the increased Will, the injuries it gave me were griever.

What's worse is that it made me recall the times when I was attacked by an orc. When I was attacked by Fang Snake. When I was attacked by a goblin.

The unwell memories came up like trauma and this made me lose all the will to win against this spear bird as I ran panicking.

Call it lucky or unlucky, while I was running, I dropped five [Monster Repellant Bomb].

The spear bird wasn't chasing me anymore due to the terrible odor emitted from the bomb but I hadn't noticed it due to the adrenaline pumping up and I continued to run where the most inhabited and inside the safest structure.

I’m excited to write the next chapter but also lazy to do.

1,500+ words

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