
Chapter 75: An Uneventful Day

"So I've been thinking..."

Halting the world around them and clicking her fingers, Cosmos and Cadance returned to the expensive living room of the Oceanfront Mansion Blueblood loved to create.

"Yes?" Cosmos asked. the world the two previously enjoyed themselves in was now underneath a pause screen on the Television in front of them.

"I told you about Shining Armor, right?" Cadance asked as she lay on her stomach, her back legs moving back and forth above her as she gently kicked the air.

"He's the Guard Captain you're dating, Yeah?" Cosmos said as a small plastic figurine of a blue-maned Unicorn appeared next to her.

Picking up the figure, Cadance smiled lightly as she poked the Unicorn, "I've been thinking of taking the next step-"

"Sex?" Cosmos asked with a tilt of her head, Causing Cadance to cough loudly into her hooves, the Shining-Armor Figurine falling onto the floor.

"WHAT?! NO!!!" Cadance cried, her face bright red from the embarrassment, "We can't do that! We're not married yet!"

"Why not? Blueblood and I aren't married, and we've had lots of sex," Cosmos calmly said, a slender blue finger poking the boiling red cheek of her Alicorn Friend.

"Wha- DON'T TALK ABOUT MY COUSIN'S SEX LIFE!!!" Cadance cried, shoving her head into a nearby pillow and hiding her face in embarrassment.

"Fine~" Cosmos groaned out with a roll to her eyes before smiling mischievously, her false torso elongating like a snake and wrapping around Cadance as she yelped in surprise, pulling her into a constricting hug.

"So, what were you gonna' say?" She asked with a smile as she held Cadance, Cheek touching Cheek in an over-the-shoulder hug.

"I-" Cadance took a deep breath, briefly looking at the Powerful Spirit in her Yellow Eyes, noting her excited and mischievous glint, "I think I want to get married..."

Cosmos blinked after a momentary pause, taking the time to process the new information she just received.

"That's the next step? I thought It'd be moving in to live with him... No, Wait a moment! YES!!!" The confusion quickly made way for excitement as Cosmos pulled her body back to normal length, spinning the Princess of Love in a twirl as she unwound like a spring.

"Can I be the wedding planner?! I always wanted to be one since ten seconds ago! This is like a dream come true!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" The Spirit of Space squealed in excitement as she shook her hands, her control over her illusionary body leaving her in her excitement of the news, causing her to revert to her physical form of a Head with a Right Arm.

"It's an exciting thought, right?" Cadance asked with a giddy smile, her horn glowing blue as she picked the decapitated head off the floor.

"EXCITING?! THIS IS INSANE CADY!!!" Cosmos screamed with a wide smile, her eyes physically glowing with excitement as the two girls squeed and wowed at the prospect of one of them getting married.

The two spent the rest of the night bringing up ways for Princess Mi Amore Cadenza to ask Captain Shining Armor to marry her.

Because obviously Cadance has to make the first move, It's Shining Armor we're talking about here.


Standing on a port in Baltimare, I breathed in the crisp morning air as I watched the sunrise across the water.

Only I wasn't looking at the sun rising, my eyes were instead glued to the beauty of mechanical engineering floating across the water.

The First of ten ships I commissioned the construction of, A full 230 Meters Long, A 30 Meter Beam, A 10 Meter Draft with a Deadweight Tonnage of 55,000

Nineteen Magical Engines in Seven different engine rooms, Each running on a modified Arcane-Flux-Conducter. A Single engine room is capable of running the entire ship for several days before needing to refuel.

Five of the engine rooms are working simultaneously to power the ship, while the final two remain off until cases of emergency where they will automatically turn on after shutting off the regular engines.

Each one of these magnificent monsters will have a crew of twenty-five people running it, Five Engineers, Three Cooks, And Seventeen Seafarers.

This is just the first one, the construction of all of them won't finish until after the Summer Sun Celebration.

"Did we really have to wake up at four in the morning to look at a boat?" I smirked widely as Starlight Glimmer croaked tiredly behind me, dark shadows under her eyes as she held a Styrofoam cup of hot coffee in her magic.

"Of course we did," I tell her, my eyes not leaving the ship and the large B B F Written in bold letters on its side, "We are looking at the future of trade, Starlight, In twenty Years every nation that doesn't want to be left in the dark ages will have one of these beautiful babies," I turn away from the ship as I smile widely at Starlight, the sun rising behind me as my shadow covered the Pier I was standing on, shading Starlight in the process.

"And when asked how this magnificent event of our collective history began, they'll point out and say-" I Paused for dramatic effect before continuing quietly, "It was because of Prince Blueblood Platinum..."

"Uh huh," Starlight nodded uncaringly, "But couldn't we have done all of this during," She paused to roll her eyes, "Oh I don't know? Not FIVE IN THE MORNING?!"

I cringed and rubbed my head as Starlight yelled at me, "Not so loud Starlight, Some people are trying to sleep," I smirked at her as I watched her eye twitch in annoyance.

"Anyway, Get a pen out, I need to write a letter to Queen Jennino Lanternlight," I turned back to the ship, my eyes glinting as I smirked.

"Tell her to get the Goods Ready..."

"Why are you saying it like that?" She asked before taking another sip of her cup.

"Saying it like what?" I ask.

"Get the Goods Ready, Are you trying to sound like a drug dealer? Because if you keep talking like that ponies will start thinking you're some sort of black market merchant," Starlight said calmly, levitating her cup closer to her face as the warm steam emanating from the Coffee inside heated her face. Her breath left a cloud of frosty air as she sighed at the warmth.

"Wow, way to ruin the mood Starlight," I Click my tongue and turn to walk back to the city proper, "Anyway just write the letter later, I saw a nice breakfast place on our way here that I want to check out, Your treat."

"Sure sure... Hey!" Starlight exclaimed as she started walking after me, "What do you mean by My Treat?"

"It means you're paying, obviously," I tried my best to keep my face neutral as I fought to stop myself from laughing at her reactions.

I love being a Prince.


"Girls! Check this out, The new cover of my brand new book!" In a House Hidden in the Woods of southern Equestria, Award-winning author and Archeologist, A K Yearling, Held above her head the newest book in her collection of action-adventure novels.

"Daring Do and the Mystery of the Sunken Scarab!" She yelled happily, receiving a round of sarcastic applause from the two other people in her house.

The cover showed the titular character, Daring Do, Jumping over the railing of a ship as she dove to catch her hat which flew away, In the background below the title text, was an outline of two black figures standing over a shining Gold outline.

"I had to remove and change a lot of the details to keep the rest of the crew anonymous, now it's a Murder Mystery with a shapeshifting killer! Which actually turns out to be two killers in a magnificent twist all along, Ending with yours truly stopping an assassination attempt on Prince Gold-Star, The Nephew of a foreign Princess! Any questions?" A K Yearling said before turning to her new roommates.

"Yeah," The smaller Roommate, a surprisingly mature Pink Pegasus Filly, asked her question, "What did you do about the entirety of our Caninia visit?"

"I removed it, Now we only reach Glaros and then turn back after a night on the island," Yearling told the filly, who nodded in acceptance before flying to do something more interesting.

"I Have a better question!" The second Roommate raised her voice, a clawed talon raised in the air like a student raising their arm to get the teacher's attention, "Do I do anything cool in the book?"

"No Gilda, you're the comic relief," Yearling smirked at the Griffon, smiling at the squawk of indignation leaving her beak.

"But Zephyr is the obvious comic relief character!" Gilda pointed out as she rose from the couch she was laying on and pointed her hand at Yearling.

"Don't you mean Gust? He and Doktor share a few scenes along the story, but their involvement is always unimportant or in the background until the confrontation with the killer. As usual, I'm the Star of the Show, until the cast splits off to defeat the Killers at the end, with The Prince and his secret lover Bodyguard fighting against the mastermind while I and everypony else defeat the Shapeshifting Chef," A K Yearling ducked under a swipe from the irritated Griffin as she chuckled at the reaction her roommate was having.

"Stop dodging so I can hit you!" Gilda squawked as she jumped over the couch in an attempt to tackle Yearling, only to miss her entirely and crash onto the floor.

"As if you can catch me!" Yearling shouted at her before throwing the book onto the table and dashing to the door of her house, "Let's see you try, Slowpoke!"

"Grrr Get back here!" Gilda screamed as she also flew out of the house, chasing after the confident author.

"..." Slowly moving to the table and picking up the book, Cozy Glow hummed to herself before taking it to the living room, swiftly returning to the kitchen in order to make a plate of fruit to snack on. As Cozy Glow walked back to her now usual spot in the living room, a gust of cold wind from outside caused her to shiver.

Walking slowly over to the door, The filly poked her head and looked up, seeing the Griffon and the Mare wrestling in the air.

"CLOSE THE DOOR WHEN YOU LEAVE!!!" The filly yelled at the two adults before slamming the door shut and returning to her spot in the Living Room.

Sometimes it felt like she was the only adult in this house, and she's only Twelve.


In the jungles south of Equestria, Inside a Caravan hidden under a camouflage of leaves, A Blue Unicorn stared at the branch she spent all this time trying to get.

Made almost entirely out of White Crystal, the core of the branch was infused with natural harmonic magic. The tree the branch was connected to was the only tree on a small island in the middle of a lake of liquid diamonds.

The magical energy capable of being channeled through a Staff using this branch as a core will definitely make her one of the most powerful sorcerers in All of Equestria.

And then she could finally have her revenge...

"Yo Trix, I know we traveled all the way here so you could get this shiny twig and all, but can we hurry on back to civilization now? I really need to shower," Trixie Lulamoon paused as her newest friend poked his head over her shoulder.

"It's not a twig, Zephyr, this is a branch of a harmonically infused crystal willow tree." Trixie explained to her roommate.

"A Branch is just a slightly bigger Twig, so I don't see the difference, Now can we go back? I'm starting to smell like Swamp and Mud," The Teal Pegasus complained as he pulled his mane away from his head, the hairs sticking to his coat causing the Stallion to quiver in disgust.

"Fine! But next expedition there will be no complaining, you hear?!" Trixie pointed a hoof at Zephyr, who merely put on a smile and nodded his head.

"No promises," He said casually before exiting the caravan and starting to pull, the wooden wheels of the mobile home grinding into the soft ground for a moment before they popped out of the mud and the Caravan started rolling.

As Trixie was grumbling under her breath while securing the Crystal Willow Branch into a case, a note magically appeared in front of her.

Opening it without thought and reading what was written, She blinked before smiling, her eyes briefly moving to her quickly dwindling supplies of fresh food.

There was only so much canned food she could stomach before jumping in front of her own caravan wheels in an attempt to commit insurance fraud.

"Zephyr!" Trixie cried as she poked her head out the window of the Caravan, looking down at the Pegasus pulling her home, "A Letter from the Prince arrived, We might be getting a job!"

"Really?" Zephyr asked as he kept his eyes on the muddy road, "Awesome, that means I won't have to give you all my rent money,"

"You don't give me any rent money," The Unicorn pointed out.

"Exactly, that's why I love you Trix, you really know how to treat a friend," The Pegasus said, not noticing the blush spreading on the Unicorn's face, "Anyways, That was good timing, right? We're heading back to the city to sell all these Crystal you found, and now we have our job back. Nice."

"We are only selling the regular crystals, anything magic remains here," Trixie told him, her eyes moving to the crate of crystals and gems the duo had collected over the past month.

"Like that Twig of yours?"




In the quiet town of Ponyville, The Golden Oaks Library stood quiet and firm, the thick tree that made up the building standing tall and proud over the rest of the surrounding buildings of the small town.


Until a shrill scream shook the tree to its very core.

"I'M TRYING TO SLEEP! STOP SCREAMING!!!" A Neighbour raised her voice as she poked her head out of her window, glaring at the hollow tree.

"YOU'RE THE ONE SCREAMING ROSE!" Another neighbor screamed out from his window.

"I DON KNOW WHAT WE BE SCREAMING ABOUT BUT THIS Do SEEM FUN!" A third neighbor joined the cacophony.

And soon all of Ponyville was awake, with all the townspeople glaring angrily at the Golden Oaks Library for waking them up so early.

By the time the afternoon arrived, nobody remembered why they were angry and they all simply moved on.

All except for the Librarian of Ponyville, the Element of Magic herself.

"Spike, get all the girls gathered, I need their help preparing," She told her assistant.

"Aye Aye, Twilight!" Spike saluted before running outside, quickly running back inside and grabbing a winter coat before running back outside.

"And I also need to get Winter Wrap Up in order, This might be disastrous... Princess Celestia might banish me, or imprison me," Twilight paused before shaking her head at the silly thought, Princess Celestia would never do something like that-


No Twilight, Obviously she wouldn't...


Omake: Does the Narrator have a real job?

I am not narrating this Omake, find a better story.

On a different note, Thank you for including me in the chapter proper, it's not much but I do enjoy adding my thoughts to what I narrate.

But I am not narrating this Omake of yours, Maybe you could write about The Pony of Shadows drawing funny faces with a magic marker on the crystal pods the Pillars of Equestria are slumbering inside. I won't have a problem narrating that.

Now Finish the Chapter Already, You don't have an Omake to-