
Trapped: The chains of fate

In a world where mysticism is either discredited or denied by Religious Entities, only those who are willing to see beyond the deception will be granted with the light of truth. Angella Roosevelt is a young schoolgirl who sees herself fall into a world she thought it only existed in the fantasy world of books. Curiosity gets the better of her, and rather quickly, she acknowledges that it was not the first time she had meddled with the mystic world. What will she do once she finds herself in a cycle that she cannot get out?

DC_Winters97 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Four

The sun was beaming through the hospital blinds causing the boy to stir. Ethan was the first one to wake; sleeping peacefully next to him, Angella was cradling her face to his chest, softly groaning, and smiling in her sleep.

He watched her sleep in his arms and he couldn't shake how truly relaxed she was despite what happened the day before. Laying there, her small frame engulfed in his, he was sure he didn't want to be elsewhere. He had to stay by her side so he could ensure that she would have a meaningful life.

In self-reassurance, he squeezed her against his chest and kissed the top of her head. "I'll keep you safe, no matter what. Even if that means I have to put myself in the crossfire." He would protect her, as felt to be his obligation, for as long as it took, for whatever it cost.

That was when he took a small peek at her sleeping face and, all of their moments together came rushing back, he saw them being shoved right back in his face just by looking at her lips.

The young lad knew what his father thought of his relationship with the human girl, He made that very clear centuries ago; a father-son moment that was deeply engraved into his mind, but not in a good way. He really made the effort to make him see his way, and what did he get? A life of isolation and emptiness.

It was not then he realized that there could be more to it than he thought. His heart was so desperate to hold on to anything that would see hope in every little thing and turn them into a big deal, things that weren't exactly there.

Perhaps the Universe did really want them to be together, if not, why would it make their paths cross each time? Maybe so they could rewrite out their story in another star and finally have their chance. Maybe to make God see that Love between an angel and a human is possible... that, that kind of love was worth fighting for.

Or perhaps he was misinterpreting things. He was certain that he'd found his soulmate, his better half, but having so many people around him tell him otherwise made him doubt his own heart. Just because it felt like he had met someone right, it didn't mean it was meant to be, no matter how much he wanted it to be true.

Then, why? Why did he feel like he would die every time he tried to leave? What was that suffocating feeling in the back of his throat and the tightness in his stomach? What good did it do him to feel on top of the world if he couldn't admire the view with who he held affections for? There was so much he didn't understand. But maybe, he should stop asking why. Maybe he should just accept it and move on.

He knew he was not worthy of anybody's love, not hers anyway. He was created to be this soulless vessel meant to bring others love and happiness, and yet have none for himself. That was what was expected of him. His kind did not belong amongst hers, and he did not belong with her.

As his heart became distraught at his own thoughts, he started to worry, and gently laid his head on top of hers and closed his eyes, trying not to think too much about it.

He was not someone to get emotional easily but the image of him roaming the Earth without her did leave a tear in his heart. It was time to let Ella go, hoping she could live a happy and normal life. It was time for her to spread her wings and fly, and not be stranded to a helpless being such as himself. But what did it feel like the end of the world? Why couldn't he do it?

Between heavy breathing and a knot in the throat, he could feel his world already crumble and fall back onto his shoulders. All he could do was hold onto her, waiting for the feelings of unwantedness and desperation to fade away.

As he collected himself, his gaze once again fell on the delicate brunette in his arms. The same girl with who, just a few days back, he had a huge fight. The same girl who was kind and caring and would never do anything to hurt others. The same girl with who he has repeatedly fallen in love.

For a moment, his eyes darted to the hand that rested at his chest. Ethan smiled sheepishly and brushed a strand of hair from her eyes, being reminded of last night. It was in times like those that he would end up thinking of the many times they had fallen asleep next to each other in the past and all the many times that soft hand had touched him, caressed him, loved him.

He quietly cursed at himself for thinking of giving up after all they have been throughout the years. Ella taught him what love was; how it felt, she taught him the beauty of life without asking anything in return, and he was letting the past stand in the way and throwing in the towel.

He tilted her chin in his direction, her rosy lips parted with the motion, and Ethan felt tempted. His hand slowly brought her face closer, "Pick me... choose me... love me." and he growled those six words into her mouth as he readied himself to kiss her lips. Any distance between them was now nonexistent. They were so close, so intimate, their mouths only inches apart from each other.

When he became aware of what he was doing, it seemed, that the insatiable desire was lost. But he stopped midway. He couldn't do it. That was wrong and yet, that unreachable touch was driving him crazy. Then, he ran both hands through his short brown hair and breathed out a sigh of frustration.

Before he knew it, she was waking up.






Ella leisurely fluttered her eyelids, thus slightly opening her eyes, and seeing brown caramel-like hair in front of her. Her gaze had locked onto one dark strand of hair while regaining focus of the reality surrounding her.

"You look so cute in the morning," he said, taking a handful amount of hair to his face and softly brushing his lips against it.

Ella's heart skipped a few beats and then thundered against her ribcage. Her eyes met his, and her dimmed mind woke up at once.

"How did you sleep?" he asked in his most low, alluring voice.

The nearness of his bare chest and the feel of his strong thighs on either side of her made her heart flutter. Still, she was able to get control of her voice before answering, "I-I slept like a baby. I assume you too?"

Ethan's lips curled into a mischievous smirk that took her breath away. Without breaking their gaze apart, he slowly leaned forward until the tips of their noses almost met.

She felt like panicking and running to her room and never leaving! She had no idea how to respond whenever he would touch her so casually, let alone if he were to kiss her now.

His hot breath brushed against her skin as he said, "Good, now would you please get off my arm? I can hardly feel it anymore and besides, we need to go."

Her gaze wandered over to his eyes, 'Was he for real?', her brows and lips quivered annoyingly. How tempting it felt to smack him on the shoulder right now.

"C'mon, get up, we can't stay here." He briskly withdrew his arm from underneath her head and Ella moved just enough to support herself on one arm. In turn, Ethan got up and limply rolled to the nearby chair, choosing to put on his trousers first. "Chop-chop. We need to get going now."

"Why?" She decided to play dumb for a moment and let him indulge her a little while longer.

"Because--" He stopped the movement to think what to say next. "--We can't stay in the hospital forever."

"I'm pretty sure that's a doctor's decision. Have you been promoted to a 'doctor' now, Ethan? So young and full of accomplishments already. I thought I saw that nice nurse winking at you." She bit her lip to keep from laughing but couldn't contain it. She let out a short burst of laughter and quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

"Very funny, missy." He blustered a 'ha-ha' before resuming with dressing back into his outside clothing. "Someone's in a good mood. Feeling better?"

She nodded, "Do you think it's okay?"

"Yeah. I'm sure he has a lot on his plate, he won't mind." Ethan swiftly stripped off the hospital's tunic and tossed it to the side and onto the bed while reaching out for his t-shirt which was laying out on the chair.

Faced upon the bareness of his back, the girl's eyes widened, and the laughter ceased immediately. She couldn't help but let out a loud gasp as her body jolted up on its own accord and she sat on her knees; eyes sealed on to his shoulder blades, a horrified expression on her face.

Ella's sudden lack of words caught Ethan's attention, complying for him to look at her over his shoulder. "What?"

"When... did that happen?" she asked, pointing to the fully healed scars he had on each shoulder blade. She has known him since forever and she could have sworn those were not there, at least, not last time she saw him. Her brain was running wild, imagining all sorts of scenarios.

"Oh," Acknowledging what she was referring to, Ethan's expression dropped for a moment, but he tried to keep his smile. He pushed his head right through the T-shirt hole and answered her question with detachment. "Nothing."

His dismissive attitude angered her, she launched forward and yelled. "What do you mean nothing? You have huge scars on your body, and you address the issue with a shrug of a shoulder?! What's wrong with you?!"

He just sat there and watched her vent out for a good while. Not a smile, not a grin, and not one drop of water left his mouth. Ethan was silent a long time and then he finally spoke. "You ask too many questions. Just drop it."

"And you answer little to no questions! Stop leaving me in the dark and be honest with me. Don't... you trust me?" Fury and sadness made her loosen control of her own voice. Her own heart felt like it was a sponge, getting squeezed by the hand of someone she cared so deeply about.

This time he said nothing.

Uncertain what she expected, her anger was boiling at the silent rejection. "I guess that's an answer to one question." Ella was devastated; she didn't comprehend why couldn't he simply tell her the truth and be done with it. "I don't know where I was trying to get to with you..." She paused uncertainly, biting her lip as she glanced at the door thus turning her back at him. With each interaction, she more and more felt desperate for him to come clean, but it was obvious he wasn't going to, and it was fine. It still hurt like hell and didn't get any easier with time, but she was used to it by now.

She kept her face averted when she felt his strong warm fingers grip her arm. "I'm sorry," He muttered as he looked at her, a penetrating stare that made her again regret establishing direct eye contact. "Els, I didn't mean to make you feel like I don't trust you..." His quiet pet-calling made her warm and fuzzy, she could feel her anger melt away under his gaze.

Ethan then sighed sorrowfully as if the weight of thousands of years of memory was bearing down upon his shoulders. "Listen," He started, "All I'm doing is trying to protect you. Why do you have to be so inquisitive and stubborn?" His voice was strained, brows knitted together and jaws firmly clenched; it took the effort to repress his frustration and his desire to have things his way, all the time. "I--... I need to know you're safe."

Her body stiffened and she felt her heart drop. When she looked into his eyes, she could see the affection he held for her written clearly across his face, as if she saw his very soul just by staring at his beautiful pure blue orbs. The real Ethan behind the tall walls he had built over the years. And, by the look on his face, he wanted the same thing as her.

"Believe me... It's all I ever wanted." He had a look that begged to be given another chance.

There was silence, and they kept looking at each other, hurt and uncertain. His hand rested on her arm and for the first time, she saw him in a different light, and that was the necessary icebreaker for her. She would eventually find out the truth. Unravel all the secrets kept hidden away from her by her childhood friend, on her own terms this time.

Regaining control over the situation again, she was determined not to let herself be carried away by his smooth talk, even though, all she wanted to do was run into his arms and simply comfort him. "I'm done. Come find me when you're ready to share some of your wisdom with me." Those words had barely left her mouth when they heard the door open and footsteps echoing inside until they came to a sudden halt.

"I may have one thing or two to share." Aaron's courtly voice came across the room making both direct their attention to him.