
Chapter 72

Ekko received professor Albus Dumbledore's wand while Rangiku received Peter Pettigrew's wand. She hated the wand she got and bought another one, though surprisingly she got the same one.

Not wanting the wand again she bought another mystery wand box, and another, and another...until she was on her tenth box...and all of them were Peter Pettigrew wands.

" Son of a bit**...."

If not for dragging her out of the store Ekko was afraid she would have not stopped until she got a different wand...

'Note to self, never introduce Rangiku to gacha games.'

To calm her down Ekko took her to get some butter beer and once she took a sip of that delicious sweet drink she completely forgot about what she was so mad about.

The pair then decided to go on the rides and the first one they went on was a loopty loop roller coaster.

Ekko and Rangiku shared a seat in the middle of the coaster and once everyone was strapped in the ride began and Rangiku like everyone else was having the time of their lives.

"Woooooooooooooo!!!! Hahaha!!!" Rangiku lifted her arms in excitement.

Meanwhile, Ekko was nonchalant, though he was secretly admiring Rangikus *cough* breasts bouncing around.

'Haa!! Gotta love physics, Newton you were right the greater the mass, the greater the force of attraction.'


After the ride was over Rangiku wanted to experience something exciting again so he took her to one of those rides that lift into the air and drop down with no warning.

Safe to say she loved that ride as well. And so did all the other guys that were on the ride staring at her.

Rangiku and Ekko went on three more rides before deciding to get something to eat." Mhh, I heard some really great things about the three brooms sticks tavern, let's try out some of the food there."

" Sure~" Rangiku agreed without any complaint and that's something Ekko loved about her, she wasn't so wishy-washy when it came to eating.

Once the two got to the Harry Potter-style restaurant they got a table for two and sat down before ordering a light meal. Ekko got the ribs while Rangiku got some chicken and rice with a side of soup.

After getting their meals the two just ate while making light conversation. But as they were talking Ekko noticed some rice stuck to Rangikus cheek and picked it off her face before eating it himself.

Rangiku flushed red but thanked him and Ekko just smiled before they continued their previous conversation.


{40 minutes later}

It took the pair less than an hour before they finished their entire lunch, they decided not to order any deserts as Rangiku still wanted to try out some of the street foods.

Thankfully she wasn't on her diet anymore and she could eat pretty much anything she wanted.

Their next stop was Super Nentendo world which Ekko figured was this world's version of Nintendo.

"Ho Ha!! It's a mee, a Mario!!!" A man wearing a Mario costume exclaimed as he walked around greeting the visitors. Rangiku got excited like a year seven school kid and got a picture with Mario.

In fact, she had somehow managed to convince all the male mascots to take a group picture with her even though they should have been walking around separately.

' Those things have way too much power over men.' Ekko thought as he glared at Rangikus breasts.

After the group photos, Rangiku and Ekko explored around and bought a few gifts for the girls at the Inn.

Rangiku even bought a cute Yoshi Watch for her brother Gin, she hoped that he liked it when she sends it to him.

After exploring the wonders of the Nentendo world Rangiku and Ekko decided to leave and just walk around until it hit around Night time.

But that's when they overheard from a nearby couple that there would be a fireworks display around 10 o'clock so Ekko and Rangiku decided to see the fireworks display before heading back to the hotel.

" Mhhh!! This bubble gum ice cream is nice." Ekko said as he licked the ice cream he had bought just a few minutes ago.

" Really let me have a taste you can have a taste of mine as well." Rangiku pleaded and Ekko obliged to her request as he stuck his arm out so Rangiku could have a taste.

Though Rangikus next action caught Ekko completely off guard as Rangiku looked straight into his eyes and in a deliberate manner slowly stuck out her tongue and licked the ice cream before swallowing what she had licked off.

And Ekko remembering the pleasant memories that had transpired in the hot spring couldn't help but gulp a mouth full of saliva...but that was exactly what Rangiku was waiting for as with a swift motion chomped on half of Ekko's Ice-cream and ran away.

" Huh! Wait...did she just..RANGIKU!!!" Ekko smiled and chased after Rangiku, their little cutesy display made all the single people who saw it want to vomit.


{10 o'clock: Fireworks Display}

After waiting an hour for the show to start, it finally did and the two were definitely not disappointed.

All the colors in the sky and the huge mesmerizing patterns they made were really just breathtaking to watch.

As the two were admiring the fireworks Ekko couldn't help but take a glance at Rangiku and admired how beautiful she was under the lights of the fireworks.

He still couldn't believe that it's only been three weeks since he had first met Rangiku. When he first met her she was just a random drunkard in the streets that just so happened to trigger a system task.

If he hadn't of intervened that night, he...no there wasn't any need to think of the what-ifs as they didn't matter now.

He suddenly remembered all the times they laghed, argued, played, drank, and slept together.

He even remembered when Rangiku had vomited on him on their second meeting. As the memories started to appear in droves he couldn't help but have a soft grin on his face.

He couldn't even remember the last time he was this...happy...at the sudden realization, Ekko's eyes widened.

Rangiku was admiring the first works when she suddenly felt Ekko's warm and protective hand wrap around her waist.

She was used to this type of intimacy with him so she didn't think anything of it, but his next action had caught her completely off guard.

With his other free hand, Ekko grabbed her chin and lifted it towards him before suddenly kissing her lips.

Rangiku's eyes widened and her arms subconsciously wrapped around his neck.

Rangiku had kissed Ekko a fair amount of times so she could tell when a kiss was just Sexual or loving and this kiss...It had a completely different feel from the rest, it felt like Ekko was trying to convey all his feelings through this one kiss.

His hand grasped at her waist while the other gently ran through her long blonde hair. His lips gently brushed against hers and she felt herself melting from his very touch.

She could even taste the remnants of chocolate and cotton candy from the Ice-creams they had previously eaten.

She felt complete when she was connected like this with Ekko and it seemed like he had felt the same.

After some time the two finally separated and Rangiku nestled herself into Ekko's Chest. Ekko smirked at her cute actions but he needed to tell her something now.

" Rangiku...I need you, I can't take it anymore, I want you right now." Ekko whispered into Rangikus ear as his hot breath tickled her neck.

When Rangiku heard what Ekko had just said, it was like her body had been struck by 100 thousand volts of electricity and her breath hitched while her face took on a darker shade of Red.

" Yo-You mean..."

" Yes I want you tonight, all of you, and I won't take no for an answer." Ekko responded as his hold on her hips tightened and her body shuddered in anticipation.

'This actually was happening, she and Ekko were finally going to...'





Rangikus mind had been so preoccupied that she didn't even remember when she and Ekko had gotten to there hotel room.


It was only when Ekko had locked the doors that Rangiku fully sobered up.

With nothing else to say Ekko walked up to Rangiku and immediately attacked her lips while his hands cupped and squeezed her shapely behind.

"E-Ekko~" Rangiku instinctively moaned from his rough actions but she didn't hate it, quite the opposite actually, she wanted Ekko to explore and ravage her body even more.

Ekko separated from Rangikus lips and then proceed to attack her neck causing her to let out a sharp gasp as his lips practically worshipped her skin.

" Don't expect to get much sleep tonight." Ekko said between kisses and Rangiku smirked while quipping back." After what you put me and Cana through, I wasn't expecting to..." Ekko smiled at that and continued his assault on her neck.

Rangiku moaned even louder as he continued to lick and suck on her neck.


Rangiku bite her bottom lip in an attempt to not let her moans slip out, though she knew that would be a losing battle.

His hands started trailing up and down her body as she tried to hold back her moans.

Ekko's hands then reached for her overalls straps and with a small click, her strap supports fell and the only protection she had left from Ekko seeing everything is a black lingerie bra and her cream coloured crop top.

But sure enough, with one swift motion, Ekko ripped her crop top off effortlessly and unclips her bra exposing her ample and attractive melons.

He cups them both in his larger-than-average hands but even then he barely managed to get a firm grip on them.

He takes a second to admire her chest before taking one of her pink erect buds into his mouth.


Rangiku buckled under his tongue and couldn't help but curse at how sensitive she was to his touch.

Word count: 1703

R-18 Next chapter, you can skip if you want.

TotherWindow1creators' thoughts