
Transported - Land of Dawn

Hello Travelers, If you are in the mood to journey to worlds unknown, then you are in the right place. I have sent one of you to a place far away. A place where he greatly love. I saw how he greatly adore the game and its characters, I gave him my ultimate gift, to be IN THAT GAME. Will he find a way of coming back? Will he live in peace with his favorite heroes? or Will he perish and suffer for eternity? Join us on his journey inside the Land of Dawn, a Mobile Legend Story. Watch Out!! You might be the next... Always watching; Isekaied Author

IsekaiedAuthor · Videojogos
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4 Chs


Chapter 4: Turrets


All the three turrets lit up, Greg shouted…

**Defensive formation!!!

Immediately, swords, spears and shield materialized on the hands of the villagers that were around.

**Mika, can you find the mayor and ask how much time till the reinforcement arrive.

Mika really wanted to watch who are attacking the village, know it is still dangerous, Mika sprinted towards the main hall.

As he was running towards the main hall, he can see familiar faces now armed with swords and spear. Seeing that they are wearing light armor. They are not part of the defensive reinforcements.

Looking back, there are around 10 person who are in full armor, while others are wearing a leather-like vest. As they were filing in formation. Women and the elderlies are moving towards the altar.

As Mika reaches the altar, the mayor was there, whose hands are on the altar, seems like looking at something.

"Mayor, Greg ask for the time when the reinforcements are arriving."

**Oh Mika, come take shelter with the people here.

The mayor called another villager, he told him about the details regarding with the reinforcement. Mika thought he was really perceived as a weak character, even the mayor didn't allowed him to go back to the frontline. He was wondering this could be the reason why he was not perceived as a hero like the story about the translocation.

Mika looked at his surrounding, all he can see are women and old people. He is wondering what happened to the children. While the mayor is busy instructing the villagers, the women set a tents while the elders prepared food.

Then a person materialized in front of the altar.

** Who's attacking, is it jungle monster?

The mayor asked

**It's the enemy Scouts, mayor. They brought like 2 squads. It is not a big deal the turrets can handle their attacks.

Then that person immediately run towards the frontlines again. A couple of person materialized in the altar. Then they immediately run towards the turrets again.

Mika went to secretary which is standing alone beside the altar.

"What is happening?"

**Oh hi Mika, are you asking about the people who appears in the altar?

Mika nodded.

**They are the one that depleted their health in battle

"Make sense!"

Mika remember how the minions in the game seems to be endless.

**When your profile is registered in the altar. Whenever you lose all your Health, you will be revive in the altar.

"Even you are not in the village?

**Yes, as long the crystal is intact, if you die, you will be respawn to the altar you were registered.

**But we must protect the crystal at all cost, if the crystal is destroyed, all the data of the citizens will be erased as well and we just seized to exist.

**It so said that we will be at the void waiting for us to be reborn again, but nobody really knows what happened to those guys that were lost with the crystal.

Mika listen intently and wondered if he will be back to his original state if he dies in the game or will he be gone forever.

"I wonder what's on the other side when you die?" Mika asked

** Well, I have been respawned once as I can remember, as your health decreases to 0, you just blacked-out and wake up beside the crystal.

"How do you feel, when you are about to die?"

**I don't know what you're talking about? The secretary replied

"Do you feel pain?"

**What is pain?

Mika thought that since they will not literally die they have no sense of pain?

"So what are the effects when you die?" Mika asked.

**It depends on you level?

"Wait level?" Mika asked

**Yeah, come closer to the crystal.

As the secretary touches the crystal, a menu popped out.

Name: Rebecca

Level: 5

Exp: 35/200

Town: Tig

Occupation: Secretary

Skills: arithmetic – C

Leadership – D

Teaching – B

è Click here for Advance Options

è Click here for Menu Visibility

è Inventory

Mika was amazed on the menu that popped out, He tried to touch the menu but his fingers just went through the menu.

Only the one that opens the menu is allowed to touch the interface. Also, if the user allowed it, you can see other person's data same as a showed you mine. Normally, if you open your menu, no one can see your status.

"Can I try mine?"

**Sure, but I doubt there is a data? Try put your hand in the crystal. Say "open menu".


Name: Mika

Level: 1

Exp: 1/1000


Occupation: NA


Passive – SSS

è Click here for Advance Options

è Click here for Menu Visibility

Mika tried to click the Advance Options

Level to low!!!

Mika press again

Level to low!!!

"Why can't I open my Advance Options?" Mika asked

**Maybe your level is low.

"Oh, so that's how it works?"

**Yeah, why don't you click the Menu Visibility and then press my name.

Status Shared

**Oh, that explains it why you can't open the Advance Option. You need to undergo basic education to increase your level and open the Advance option. It you can see also you don't have an inventory function, it might appear depends on the jobs that you will be assigned.

"So some of the villagers has no inventory? Mika asked"

**Yeah, commoners has no inventory.

"Why are there commoners and old people you can't die?"

**Hmmm, as we die we lose experience. For every level we ranked down we aged. Those elderly were mostly Level 2 to 4, even though their level is low most of them retain their knowledge that they gathered throughout Tig.

"So what will happen if the increase there level?"

**They regain back there stats and that goes with their appearance but due to their low stats they avoid going out, if a person drops to Level 0, you will be just and empty shell, a doll, useless. Most of the dolls are sent to the capital for further studies. Our scholars believe that they can still be save without letting them die.

"Oh I don't want to be like that"

**Me either, but don't worries, as long as the crystals are active. We are safe here.

Mika closes his menu.

The altar's light became dimmer. Greg and the villagers can be seen walking towards the altar.

The mayor greeted them.

How was it? The mayor asked

It was just the enemy scouts from a neutral village from the barren lands. Maybe they heard that this village was under attack and see if there are things that they can salvage from this town. Greg replies

Knowing that this town has been defended, I doubt they will comeback.


The mayor called. Fresh soldiers will come on daybreak, you will be with them in the academy and undergo basics.

"Yes mayor". Mika went to the mayor with Rebecca.

Everybody let's eat and let's not get complacent some scouts are maybe hiding in the bush.

Why do you need to eat, do you feel hungry? Mika asked Rebecca

**Yeah, can you see the bar under your health?


**If it depletes you can't move if goes under half your movement will get slower. If the person depletes his stamina and he has no food, the fastest way is to let him die outside the village to be respawned with fresh stamina. Though the drawback is they lose experience and might level down. Eating replenish the stamina. But there are some cases where even you eat you stamina will still drops. You will learn about that in the academy tomorrow. One of the status is HUNGER, which gradually decrease your stamina unless you eat. Come let's eat!

"Hmmm, I wonder how the food taste like? I can't feel hungry here. Said Mika"

Everyone gathered around the tents the elders prepared and ate the dinner

Bards started playing some music and the atmosphere around the village was lively.

After some while a pop up menu went up

Do you want to rest? Y/N

"Oh, so this is how it works."



Initiate Sleeping Sequence

Everything zoomed in and turned everything into black.

Then a small voice can be heard in the distance

As I followed that sound, a strong blinding light flashes in mikas eyes. He can barely see, but he can see an outline of a man edging from the light.



The figure went closer, closer and closer.

As the figure was arm's length with Mika, he raise his hand and shouted.

"Holy Baptism"

Rays of light suddenly bursting from the ground.

Mika was shocked and late in reacting. He was hit by one of the rays.


Status: Stunned

Mika was not hurt but he can't move.



The figure went near Mika and whispered.

Wake up!

Thank for reading my story... hope you enjoyed it so far.

Your comments are greatly appreciated..


""Mika's Dialogue

**are the dailogue of other characters

IsekaiedAuthorcreators' thoughts