
transmitted into Novel: I became final villain brother

M_S_Baaskar · Oriental
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the transmitted into novel

waking up in a luxurious room

I look around in shock

I feel pain in my head (screaming)

it feels like someone's memory put in my mind

now I know what happens to me

I read in my room my favorite web novel

I'm about to finish the novel

I heard someone knocking on the door I open the door

robber enter the room and kill me

I know it's not a robber but a killer set up by my stepmother

that bitch and that bastard


I ahead a girl's voice

master I ahead you screaming voice are you all right

Su momo: "it's alright it's just a nightmare"


god why did you make me this guy why

---mc point of view of the novel he read---

To tell you the truth I was a Canon folder

and my brother is not some local or chain villain but the final boss

he was a most pitiful guy and so unlucky

he and the final boss was the twin brother

both have a heavenly body and spiritual roots and immortal bone, immortal eye

he has a heavenly thunder physique, heavenly spiritual root, and immortal bone

he has a beautiful fiancé she was so pretty and lovely

she supports him when is lost cultivation

so many people called him a failure or trash but she support him

and she loves him so much (she has no spiritual root she is just a mortal)

so he not cultivating anymore and love her so dearly

and a few months later he married her (he was so happy )

and one day

she goes out without anyone so she can buy gifts for her husband

she was kidnaped by the local robber, a bandits gang

they take all money and rape her for days and sold her to a prostitute rose palace

she was raped by so many people for a week and died

he was so sad and angry killed every gang in the whole city and destroyed rose's palace

(if cultivator is missing they can find by spiritual ring, blood, soul lamp, tracking locate talisman )

he cannot accept her died

he drinks, drinking every day every second

he even tries to kill himself but is saved by his brother, family, maid, or guards

one day he found a girl just like her in street (they have the same face just like his wife) he already drinks so much that day

"long shi why you leave your husband please come with me I will not live without you )he grabs her hand

MC came and save the female lead

he so weak

mc punch him ( he vomits blood and he realizes everything he did )

"sorry miss "

"you just like my wife miss I can compensation you miss"

MC and FL were disgusted by him (did and know anything)

10 secret guards are watching a master attack by some brat they are angry

and sneak attack

mc killed 10 guards he thinks he was the one tell them to sneak attack him

mc beat and destroyed his cultivation, spiritual roots

i was beaten to died by mc in first chapter

my brother (final boss) come and beat and destroyed mc cultivation and dismantle his body by cutting thousand pieces

mc was die in second

his golden ring sine like star immortal soul(old man) come and take him in arm and dispeared in millisecond

in mountain mc was died by thousand pieces

old man take phoenix rebirth pill immortal tier

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