
Transmigrator Survival System: Rise Of Maxmillan Slade

After dying in an atomic blast that wiped off an entire city due to sudden invasion by an overwhelmingly large number of zombies, Maxmillan's soul transmigrated into the body of a five year old in a new world where Astra Mystralis; an energy that causes endless magical manifestations, could be harnessed and manipulated to cause the instantiation of myriad preternatural effects. But unfortunately for Maxmillan, he couldn't control Astra Mystralis and therefore missed admissions into magical institutes where he would be trained to become an Astra Spellcraft Commander, one of the highly reverenced positions that absolutely everyone dreamt of becoming. After being deemed a Reject, where he wasn't accepted anywhere within his city and in any other city that he might travel to, how would Maxmillan survive? How would he live? Would his unparalleled fighting skills as a seasoned veteran soldier in his previous world, help him in any way in a world where absolutely everyone, including five to six years olds could control Astral Mystralis and bring about fascinating magical effects? Would he be able to thrive and survive in a world where Rejects, also referred to as cripples, were intimidated, scarred and terrorized by individuals capable of absorbing, controlling and utilizing Astra Mystralis? To know more, accompany Maxmillan in his journey as he tries to survive, thrive and defeat every nigh-insurmountable odd that would appear in his path using the Transmigrator Survival System; a powerful, dimension-warping intelligent consciousness that chose him out of millions and would continue to empower him with countless futuristic weapons, gadgets, equipments, as well as technological cycles and vehicles, for as long as he can complete certain really difficult tasks, missions and quests within a fixed timeframe! A/N: This book is a perfect blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Also, I own the book cover. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Chapter 46 - A sad situation

Chapter 46 - A sad situation

Once Maxmillan thought that, he opened the System Menu and neurally clicked on the [Item Market/Purchase Store] Directory.


[Purchase Store]



[Magical Artifact-Embedded Weapon - (Currently being researched. Will be made available soon) -]

[Supreme Weapon - (Locked) -]

[Ultimate Weapon - (Locked) -]


[Artillery - (Locked) -]

[Useful Miscellaneous Item]

[Combat Skills Neural Download - (Locked) -]

[Transportation Cycle - (Locked) -]

[Combat Cycle - (Locked) -]

[Transportation Vehicle - (Locked) -]

[Combat Vehicle - (Locked) -]

[Combat Jet - (Locked) -]

[Hovercraft/Battleship - (Locked) -]

[Mechanical Warrior - (Locked) -]

[Mechanical Battle Pet - (Locked) -]

[Mecha-Guardians Assembly Battle Deployment - (Locked) -]

[Arcane Item-Fused/Artifact-Socketed Robotic Warrior Combat-Deployment - (Currently being researched. Will be made available soon) -]

[Mechanically-Enhanced Sentient Magical Pet - (Activated) -]


Once [Purchase Store] displayed on the screen in his vision, Maxmillan saw that the sub-directory, [Mechanically-Enhanced Sentient Magical Pet] had been made available, essentially because of the awakened Magiwolf magical beast that he obtained at that mountainous valley that he destroyed.

'I will check how my pet is doing later.' He said within himself with a bright smile appearing in his face.

But, there was also something else that he noticed, which was the sub-directory; [Arcane Item-Fused/Artifact-Socketed Robotic Warrior Combat-Deployment]. Its name had changed and its status showed 'Currently being researched. Will be made available soon'.

There was also the [Magical Artifact-Embedded Weapon], a new sub-directory that had the same status as the [Arcane Item-Fused/Artifact-Socketed Robotic Warrior Combat-Deployment] and caused Maxmillan to be intensely amazed, since he didn't know when that appeared there.

'Hmm. I guess it's because of those crystallized magical cores that the Transmigrator Survival System obtained from those heaps of treasures that I found at that vault, including the glowing magical blades and magical artifacts that lacked owners and only slumbered in their dormant states. Well, I will keep checking to see if they are items that I can use, which I hope I truly can when they are ready.'

'As for those three powerful items that I took from the Sky Bridges Lord's room and dimensionally stored away, I hope the Transmigrator Survival System will have a need for them. And if it wouldn't, I will give them to my sisters once they become Astra Spellcraft Commanders. Only then, can they be really qualified to use such powerful items.'

After pondering about these things a few more times, he neurally clicked on [Weaponry].




< - Page 1 of 50 - >

{Showing 10 Entries Per Page}


[Miniature Shockwave Arc Cannon]

[Thermonuclear Wrist-Top Blaster Cannon]

[High-Energy Collision-Wave Discharge Gun]

[Twelve-Barreled Plasmic Flame Cannon Disintegrator Gun]

[Cell-Targeting Obliterating-Ray Dual Emitter Rifle]

[Target-Seeking Electron-Explosion Missile/Radar-Guided Neutron-Burst Missile Multi-Launcher Jet-Turret]

[Heavy-Impacting Hexa-Force Wave Rapid-Discharge Gun]

[Coordinate Atomic Mini-Missile Chain Launcher Turret]

[Hybrid Heat Ray-Cold Wave Colossal-Discharge Cannon Gun]

[Quick-Incinerating Ray Torrential Discharge Gun + Portal-Dispersion Effect]


[Return to Menu] / [Return to Directory Menu]

[Next Page]


As soon as Maxmillan saw the first item on the list, he produced a smile in his face and clicked on it.

Immediately he did that and was presented with full details about the weapon, he scrolled to the bottom of the page where he saw a command and 'Yes/No' options on which the command will act on.

"Yes." Maxmillan immediately said with a radiant smile emerging from his lips.


[System Notification!]


[Miniature Shockwave Arc cannon has been successfully purchased]

[Host can visit Inventory to deploy and utilize the item]


[Go to inventory to use item]?



"No." Maxmillan said.

He then clicked on [Return to Menu] which took him back to System Menu, before clicking on [Host Mechanical Augmentation]

Once he did that, he was presented with a list where he neurally clicked on the third item displayed on the list.


[Vast-Physical Strength Turbo-Mechanical Enabler Multi-Functional Bionic Arm]


[Model: C-3LB]

[Item Class: SS-Class]

[Item Specialization: Extreme Strength Amplification, including Destruction, Demolition and Devastation {by high-powered, enormously-impacting punches}]

[Item Weight: 280 Pounds]

[Purchase Cost: 660,700 points {per arm}]

[Status: Available for purchase]


[Characteristic/Function Specification]


[Bionic Arm is powered by a miniaturized, Kron Particle Fission reactor that constantly produces large amounts of Kronous Energy that will limitlessly power the Bionic Arm's arrays of motorized strength boosters and interdependent, advanced electronic circuitries]

[Bionic Arm possesses: {1} Strength Amplification Technology - increases User's strength level through — Specialized Kron-Powered Motor Systems, Super-Compressible Gel Compression System; Piston-Simulating Energy-Compression System {2} Real-time System Integrity Monitor and Performance Optimizer - constantly monitors the states of systems and prevent integrity failure; {3} Muscle-Skeleton Structural Augmentation Engine - continuously reinforces the structure of User's arm muscles and skeletal frame; {4} Hyper-Compaction Synthfluid Compression Engine and Thermo-Hydraulic Turbo-Booster Arrays which will increase the power of the Bionic Arm to a whole new level; and lastly {5} Vast Strength Ultra-Capacitation Technology - major futuristic technology responsible for Host's massive strength imbuement]

[Bionic Arms numerous other functions include the following: {1} Long-Range Communication - houses numerous earpod-like micro-devices that can be used for ceaseless communication over really great distances {2} Super Floodlight - can eject a powerful, miniature floodlamp that can produce a hundred times the intense broad beam of light that will discharge from a floodlight {3} Wide-Area/Localized Gravity Disruption - can constantly emit gravity-scrambling, special-frequency waves that will totally disrupt the gravity of a certain region or locality {4} Hook-Grapple Recoil System - can fire numerous grapples that can be used to swing from one place to the other, or to pull oneself to the top of a really high building (high-strength break-resistant grapple cables can reach 1000ft in length and can effortlessly support a weight of 10 tons) {5} explosive microbot pod discharge - can shoot miniature pods containing thousands of target-seeking microbots that can explode upon contact with flesh or clothing of targets {6} Hard-Light Shield Projection - can continuously produce super-tough, solid-light shields that can deflect both physical and energy-bound attacks]

{{/System Alert: Some of these functions are locked. To unlock them, Host will need to fulfill the completion of more difficult tasks to obtain a higher Achievement Score in order to unlock them/}}

[Bionic Arm possesses Laser Multi-Firing Weapon System that can eject from the top and bottom of the arm as rotatory, multi-barreled, rapid-firing super-precision blasters that can continuously discharge high-temperature, massive energy-output lasers. Arm's Weapon System is infinitely powered by the miniature Kron Particle Fission Reactor that it houses. Therefore, Ejectable Machine Gun-Style Laser Blasters can rotationally shoot high-penetration, high destructive-power lasers without end]

[Bionic Arm's inner and outer components are made from a perfect combination of super-hard, poly-metallic alloys with inherent molecular capabilities of extreme shock absorptivity, high pressure reactiveness, adaptive damage absorption, and self-increasing reactive toughness. Therefore, inner components can't be damaged due to their abilities to absorb damages and rapidly increase in toughness/hardness once exposed to an unprecedented level of damage]


[Power Modes/Strength Level Description]


[Super Modes]

[God of Might Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to bestow User with the strength to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 1,500,000 tons] [Status: Locked]

[World Quaker Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to bestow User with the strength to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 750,000 tons] [Status: Locked]

[Sky Shaker Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to bestow User with the strength to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 525,000 tons] [Status: Locked]

[Earth Sunderer Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to bestow User with the strength to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 315,000 tons] [Status: Locked]


[Special Modes]


[Strength Titan Power Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to provide User with the physical ability to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 56,000 tons] [Status: Locked]

[Strength Colossus Power Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to provide User with the physical ability to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 48,000 tons] [Status: Locked]

[Strength Tyrant Power Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to provide User with the physical ability to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 40,000 tons] [Status: Locked]

[Strength Fiend Power Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to provide User with the physical ability to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 36,000 tons] [Status: Locked]


[Normal Modes]


[Full Power Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to bestow Host with the strength to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 12,000 tons] [Status: Locked]

[High Power Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to bestow Host with the strength to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 6,000 tons] [Status: Locked]

[Minimal Power Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to bestow Host with the strength to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 3000 tons] [Status: Locked]

[Low Power Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to bestow Host with the strength to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 1500 tons] [Status: Locked]

[Ultra-Low Power Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to bestow Host with the strength to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 750 tons] [Status: Locked]

[0.0001% Power-Level Power Mode will allow Multi-Functional Bionic Arm to bestow Host with the strength to lift, push, pull, throw and catch objects that weigh approximately 20 tons] [Status: Activatable]

[[**System Message: Locked Modes are locked due to Host's insufficient Achievement Score Ranking. However, Locked Power Modes will become unlocked when Host obtains required Achievement Score needed to unlock the modes**]]

[Current Host's Achievement Score: 24,000]

[Minimal Achievement Score required for Locked Power Mode with least strength level: 150,000]




[Upgradeability Status: <Upgradeable>]

[Upgrade Item: <Locked>]




[Mergeability Status: <Mergeable>]

[Fuse Item: <Locked>]




[Exchangeability Status: <Exchangeable>]

[Exchange Item: <Locked>]




[Tradability Status: <Tradable>]

[Trade Item for Purchase Point: <Locked>]


[Purchase Item]?



Immediately Maxmillan read through the whole thing, his eyes couldn't help but glitter in serious awe and unceasing astonishment.

'I am already touching upon things that should frighten gods. Haha.' Maxmillan said within himself and cackled delightedly.

'But wow. A really large amount of achievement score will be needed to unlock the remaining Power Modes. Ugh.' Maxmillan said further with deeply ponderous eyes and shook his head unhappily.

'Anyway, with the twenty tons that will be provided to the user, my overall strength will increase from twenty-one tons to forty-one tons. That should be high enough to face low-tier to average-tier Astra Spellcraft commanders. I think.'

Returning his attention back to the screen in his vision, Maxmillan said determinedly,' Yes!


[System Notification!]


[Vast-Physical Strength Turbo-Mechanical Enabler Multi-Functional Bionic Arm has been successfully purchased]

[Host can visit Inventory for implementation of the Bionic Arm into either of his arms]


[Go to inventory to initiate integration of Bionic Arm]?



'No.' Maxmillan said and immediately minimized the screen when Lylla suddenly regained awareness of her surrounding.

"You are done?" Maxmillan and Nailah both asked with surprise in their faces.

"Yesss!" Lylla cried out excitedly.

She then said further with great excitement in her face, "I am done. I have absorbed the whole thing. But wow, those skills, they are dark, evil and amazing. Can't wait to master everything and become an Astra Spellcraft Lord in no time!"

"Alright. But just be careful. Don't learn too many things at once. Or it will stagnate your progress." Maxmillan said worriedly.

"I understand. Don't be too worried about me. I actually know what to do." Lylla said when she saw the heavily concerned expression in Maxmillan's face.

"Alright." Maxmillan said with the nod of his head.

He then proceeded to collect the orb from Lylla which he wanted to return to Inventory, even if the Transmigrator Survival System hadn't mentioned it to be his item. He liked it and wanted it.

But just before he could do anything, a really weak knock was suddenly heard on their door.

Furrowing his brow, Maxmillan left the room to see who had knocked on their door. But he expected it to be his dad who had gone to his massive, faraway farmland days before he returned home with his mom.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a figure seated on the ground with great worry in his face.

"Dad? What happened? Why are you seated like this? Come in." Maxmillan said and bent to help his excessively fatigued dad stand to his feet.

When the others heard Maxmillan's puzzled and worried voice, they immediately came out of their rooms to see who he was talking to, including Lenna. Then they saw their dad seated on the couch with exceeding worry in his face.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Lylla asked with both concern and worry in her tone.

"It's my land. It has been snatched from me and sold to another person. I have been asked to evacuate the place in a week's time."

"The painful thing is most of the money on me have been spent in purchasing new seeds that I planted all over the farm, which I am beginning to see germinate just fine and may grow into good, high-yielding crops."

"But now that I have been asked to leave, since the land has been sold off to someone else due to the person being far richer than me, we could become destitute. I am really sad. I don't know what to do. Aii!" Taryell said in sadness and heavily sighed in sorrow at the end of his statement.

Maxmillan's eyes and the eyes of the others shone with anger.

Just before he could say anything, Lylla asked, "Dad, do you have an idea of who the land was sold to?"

"I think so." Taryell responded.

He then spoke further, "He is the son of a certain, rich Astra Spellcraft Commander in Shining Lake City. He is into acquisition of lands for purposes no one can tell, yet. Heard he has been buying lands here and there from the large amount of money he got from his highly prosperous parent who are both Astra Spellcraft Commanders and are well-connected within the city."

"There is no fighting such a person. I am sorry, everyone. I am sorry for letting all of you down. Now, we would become many times poorer. I am really sad. Our main source of livelihood has been snatched from us by those with great wealth and connection."

Maxmillan looked at his father and asked with a certain smile in his face, "Dad, your land, has it always been on rent? Or you bought it with a tremendous sum of money only for it to be illegally obtained from you and re-sold to someone else that offered them many times the amount of money you bought the farmland for?"

"Son, your dad is too poor to buy such a land. It has always been on rent, which I do fail sometimes in remitting money to them once the rent was due. I am sorry, everyone." Taryell said with a really sad and pained, helpless expression in his face.

"Alright dad. But it's actually nothing. You shouldn't be too worried about it." Maxmillan said with a radiant smile in his face and caused everyone to look at him with both shocked and puzzled expressions in their faces. Since from the way that he said it, he sounded like he already had a solution to the big problem at hand.

He then said further with a serious tone in his voice, "What if you return to those people that snatched your rented land from you and sold it to someone else with an enormous amount of money that they cannot turn their avaricious eyes away from, would you be willing to go? My plan is for you to recollect your land and entirely buy it off this time!"