
Transmigrator Survival System: Rise Of Maxmillan Slade

After dying in an atomic blast that wiped off an entire city due to sudden invasion by an overwhelmingly large number of zombies, Maxmillan's soul transmigrated into the body of a five year old in a new world where Astra Mystralis; an energy that causes endless magical manifestations, could be harnessed and manipulated to cause the instantiation of myriad preternatural effects. But unfortunately for Maxmillan, he couldn't control Astra Mystralis and therefore missed admissions into magical institutes where he would be trained to become an Astra Spellcraft Commander, one of the highly reverenced positions that absolutely everyone dreamt of becoming. After being deemed a Reject, where he wasn't accepted anywhere within his city and in any other city that he might travel to, how would Maxmillan survive? How would he live? Would his unparalleled fighting skills as a seasoned veteran soldier in his previous world, help him in any way in a world where absolutely everyone, including five to six years olds could control Astral Mystralis and bring about fascinating magical effects? Would he be able to thrive and survive in a world where Rejects, also referred to as cripples, were intimidated, scarred and terrorized by individuals capable of absorbing, controlling and utilizing Astra Mystralis? To know more, accompany Maxmillan in his journey as he tries to survive, thrive and defeat every nigh-insurmountable odd that would appear in his path using the Transmigrator Survival System; a powerful, dimension-warping intelligent consciousness that chose him out of millions and would continue to empower him with countless futuristic weapons, gadgets, equipments, as well as technological cycles and vehicles, for as long as he can complete certain really difficult tasks, missions and quests within a fixed timeframe! A/N: This book is a perfect blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Also, I own the book cover. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Chapter 21 - Total Extermination

Chapter 21 - Total Extermination

Hearing what the person said in horror as he struggled to make his way back into the inn, Maxmillan groaned and said, "I wish I had a bomb. I will definitely level the inn to the ground along with you damned morons in it. Ugh!"

But as soon as he said that, he suddenly recalled that he still had fifty points left.

"Can I buy a grenade with that?" He asked with a ponderous gaze in his eyes.

Then he affirmatively nodded his head in the next instant and said inwardly with a fierce cold glint manifesting in his intense blue eyes, "I should be able to."

"Menu." He said.


[System Menu]


[Host Statistics]


[Grand Mission Log - (Locked) -]

[Major Mission Log - (Locked) -]

[Minor Mission Log - (Locked) -]

[Side Quest Log - (Locked) -]

[Prompt Mission Log - (Activated) -]

[Quests/Tasks Log]

[Mission Achievements Record/Mission Completion Points Log]

[Item Customization - (Locked) -]

[Equipment Build/Contraption Forge - (Locked) -]

[Weapon Design/Production - (Locked) -]

[Item Disintegration/Disassembly - (Locked) -]

[Host Anatomical Upgrade - (Locked) -]

[Host Mechanical Augmentation - (Locked) -]

[Item Upgrade/Modification - (Locked) -]

[Item-Artifact Fusion - (Locked) -]

[Host Cloning - (Locked) -]

[Money Bank - (Locked) -]

[Item Exchange/Swap]

[Item Market/Purchase Store]


Once the System Menu displayed in Maxmillan's vision, he neurally clicked on [Item Market/Purchase Store].


[Purchase Store]




[Supreme Weapon - (Locked) -]

[Ultimate Weapon - (Locked) -]


[Artillery - (Locked) -]

[Useful Miscellaneous Item]

[Combat Skills Neural Download - (Locked) -]

[Transportation Cycle - (Locked) -]

[Combat Cycle - (Locked) -]

[Transportation Vehicle - (Locked) -]

[Combat Vehicle - (Locked) -]

[Combat Jet - (Locked) -]

[Hovercraft/Battleship - (Locked) -]

[Mechanical Warrior - (Locked) -]

[Mechanical Battle Pet - (Locked) -]

[Mecha-Guardians Assembly Battle Deployment - (Locked) -]

[Robotic Arcane-Artifact Warrior Combat Deployment - (Unavailable) -]


Then he neurally clicked on [Useful Miscellaneous Item].

Once the content list in the [Useful Miscellaneous Item] tab was displayed to him, Maxmillan immediately skipped from page 1 to page 4 where he came across [Grenade] that he neurally clicked on.




<- Page 1 of 1 - >

{Showing 31 entries}


[Common Explosive Grenade]

[Flashbang Grenade]

[Sensory Disorientation Grenade]

[Timed Explosive Dual-Grenade]

[Flameburst Light-Bang Grenade]

[Super-Amplitude Sonic Devastation Grenade]

[Steel-Slicing Electric Arcs Discharge Grenade]

[Temporal Disruption Grenade]

[Concussional Force-Wave Projection Grenade]

[Kinetic Charge Accumulator-Discharge Grenade]

[Bio-Tissue Withering Ray Burst Grenade]

[Heat-Seeking Target-Attaching Cell Disintegration Grenade]

[Bio-Organism Neuron Disrupting EMP Grenade]

[Quasi-Electromagnetic Radial Pulse Grenade]

[Hard-Alloy Blade Volley Discharge Grenade]

[Cell-Tissue Microwaving Light Emission Grenade]

[Optical Target-Seeking Frost-Explosion Grenade]

[Hyper-Illumination Dazzle Grenade]

[Energy-Encased Heavy Particle Cascade-Bang Grenade]

[Ionized Gas-Phase Matter Discharge Grenade]

[Metal-Devouring Nanobot Discharge Grenade]

[Super-Corroding Acid Cloud Grenade]

[Caustic Mist Emission Grenade]

[Quasi-Telekinetic Repulsion Bang Grenade]

[Photon-Bomb Mega-Devastator Grenade]

[High-Powered Cyclonical Laser Projection Grenade]

[Hypersonic-Boom Shock Projection Grenade]

[Large-Area Devastating Sonic Pulse Grenade]

[High-Energy Thermal Radiation Storm Grenade]

[Armor-Slicing Nanoblade Eruption Grenade]

[Quick-Burning Solar-Ray Omnidirectional Emission Grenade]


[Return to Menu] / [Return to Directory Menu]


Maxmillan quickly read through the whole list and selected Common Explosive Grenade, after seeing that there was no way he would be able to buy the other types of powerful grenade with the very little points he had left.


[Common Explosive Grenade]


[Purchase Cost: 50 Points]

[Available Point: 50 Points]

[Purchase Item: <Yes>/<No>]


[Return to Menu] / [Return to Directory Menu]


"Yes" Maxmillan immediately said with a gleam of viciousness and fierceness radiating from his eyes.

Then all of a sudden, the grenade appeared in his right hand which he immediately unhooked and threw with a lot of force into the inn, just a second before they could tightly shut the inn's enormous magically-enchanted gate.


A powerful explosion immediately occurred within the central hall of the inn, exactly where the thugs were gathered and reduced them to thousands of roasted flesh pieces that entirely littered the ruined marbled floor of the inn. Also, due to the terrifying fireblast that surfaced, and the destructive violent discharge of air that accompanied it, the inn immediately developed numerous cracks in many areas of its surface.


[System Notification!]


[Host has successfully completed 1/5 of the Prompt Mission: Thug Extermination; The Grim Reaper]

[Host has been rewarded with 509 points!]

[Host has unlocked Side Quest Log]

[Host has unlocked Money Bank]

[Time left for expiration of mission: 2 months; 2 weeks; 6 days]


Maxmillan read the notification message and beamed a smile in face, which was in sharp contrast to his previous demonical look that could give one endless nightmares and excessively terrifying visions.

"I am slowly getting there. I will acquire more weapons, soon!" He said with the smile in his face becoming broader, and the feeling of excitement beginning to shroud his whole being as he walked.

But after reeling himself back to the situation around him, since he recalled that he had unleashed both chaos and hell here, and that Law Enforcement authorities would definitely arrive soon to control the situation, he said as he looked around him to make his escape, "Let me quickly leave here before some sick-ass master of magic will arrive here to deal with me for the ruination that I unrestrainedly evoked in this place."

However, just as he was about to leave, someone that looked thirty-some and had a brilliantly dazzling, resplendent aura of divinely power and incomparable might revolve around his towering figure, spoke from the inn's rooftop that he floated many feet above with frost-evoking coldness and exceeding wrath in his tone, "Just who are you? And what do you mean by the destruction that you caused in this place?"

"Oh. Is it your inn, if I may ask?" Maxmillan questioned without fear in his tone.

"No, it is not mine. But that of a sworn brother who is currently in meditative isolation. However, I do enjoy the money that flows from here into my vault."

"But now that you have destroyed it, you have blocked that channel." The person who was utterly surprised at Maxmillan's fearlessness before him, replied with a really wrathful tone in his voice and was ready to unleash a powerful attack that would immensely awe the entire city.

"But who are you? And what do you mean by the actions that you carried out here without restraint? Why did you make certain that you eliminated everyone within the inn? How have they offended you? I would like to know before I turn you and everything within ten feet around you to dust!" The person who wore a thick crimson robe that had the embroidery of seven small stars circling round a large purple star, asked with great indignation in his tone.

"Well, just carrying out an important mission. So, it's none of your business. And as a word of advice, do look away and return to whence you came from."

"Unless you really want to get killed by me, then you can come down here to face me. But I promise you, you will die a ghastly death and join the people in this inn in the bleak, forlorn and fiery underworld." Maxmillan said confidently.

But he was only putting up a front, a facade of fearlessness and valor, since he essentially understood that the man before him must be a fiercely powerful caster of magic, and was one that his weapons of low firepower and low penetrability might not be able to hurt in any way.

"Hmm. That's bold of you to say. Do you know who I am?" The man with the star-embroidered crimson robe asked with a vicious smile replacing the indignant look in his face.

"Well, Lord of Seven Stars." Maxmillan replied speculatively, while the man looked at Maxmillan more with his brows deeply furrowed.

He was trying to see through Maxmillan's rubber mask to see the face of the person that spoke. But he couldn't see anything and stopped gazing hard at Maxmillan who was marveled by the glance that the man gave him.

"Well, you are surprisingly right, youngster." The robed man said with eyes that gleamed with amazement in the light endlessly shining from the sun.

He then said further with a self-praising tone in his voice, "I am the unpopular and solitary founder of Seven Stars Institute. I am not known anywhere or by anybody simply because I find no joy in building fame or obtaining popularity. I basically have no interest in such."

"My elite legacy students refer to me as Constellation Lord of Seven Stars, or Seven Stars Crimson Lord, which you guessed almost correctly. So, I will give you a thumb up for that."

"Furthermore, I am a kind of person that will dip hands into any water that will cause money or certain amounts of treasures to flow to me. Just like this inn that you destroyed which is an investment for me."

"Anyway, before I digress farther away from what I want to say, which is, for a common caster of Astra Mystralis like yourself to speak to an Astra Spellcraft Lord in a really rude manner in the way that you did, is astonishingly bold of you. Although I like bold people. But not foolishly bold people like yourself. Haha!"

"So, as your punishment for blocking one of my remittance channels, and for your unbridled utterances towards me, I will take you with me to my underground institute where I will refine you."

"I will help you shed off your layers of crudeness and polish you into a magnificently civilized person, that is a puppet that obeys all instructions and follows all orders. But if I am not fully satisfied after all that, I could reduce you to countless bloody splinters of decomposing flesh and withering bones that I can feed to my corpse-devouring, corpse-loving pet!" The Seven Stars Crimson Lord suddenly said with a tyrannical tone in his voice that began to sound like multiple unseen beings were speaking all at once.

Then all of a sudden, without the Seven Stars Crimson Lord doing anything, tens of thousands of feet around Maxmillan became still, both in space and time. While a transparent colossal sphere that radiated an unknown mystical power of epic proportion, as it caused the blue sky directly above it to become cloudless and completely change in color to another, abruptly surfaced and fully enclosed Maxmillan's figure.