
Transmigrator Commander of Girls Frontline must not be a Reckless man

The Commander who claimed to be a Transmigrator said to have traveled through several different worlds, and even blew up a planet with his bare hands, and tore off his system with his own hands... Even them Tactical Dolls were not willing to believe such outlandish claim. But seeing how this guy even wanted to unscrew and taste a bottle of Collapse Fluid... They felt that this is most likely true, and their commander...was more like a complete reckless man! -XXXXX- A Google Translated Fic from the Chinese Fic of the same name with some slight edits here and there for fixing, there seems to be a lacking of GFL fanfics and even with those present have too much gloom and this fic is pretty much a breath of fresh air and pacing. I just want to port this so people can see this gem that ive found in the rare GFL fanfics that ive come across. Original CN name; 少女前线的穿越者指挥官必不可能是个莽夫! Disclaimer: I aint own anything, and a mere 'translator' or 'editor' to show gems.

Bismarck_Imperia · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
297 Chs

Chapter 99: Four Aren't Enough, Bring Three More

After purging the viruses from each of the doll units, Reno casually activated one of them, intending to inquire about what had transpired before she lost consciousness.

"Hey! Wait! Commander! You'd better choose another one! She's..." CF05 interjected hastily, seeing the T-Doll beside Reno.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Reno had already initiated the activation sequence, and she didn't disappoint CF05.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she disregarded the data cable on her neck, raised one leg high, and aimed a downward kick straight at Reno's head!

"Huh?" Reno was taken aback.

Was this girl always so fierce? It was rare to see a doll launch an attack immediately upon awakening.

He caught the foot, which could easily crack a normal person's skull, removed the data cable from the girl's neck, and said, "Can't you be calm and talk things through?"

"Hmph! You! You managed to clear those mind overwrite viruses unscathed! You must be in cahoots with those Doll Rights Protection Association people! Die!"

A-91, caught by Reno by the ankle, obviously didn't trust Reno's words and unhesitatingly pulled out a dagger to attack.

"Tsk, CF05, remind me earlier in situations like this next time." Reno twisted A-91's wrist, avoiding a bullet from the pistol hidden in the dagger.

"Cough, there might not be a next time. A-91 is probably the only one like her." CF05 scratched her head somewhat embarrassedly, but unfortunately, her exoskeleton fingers only touched the helmet on her head.

"CF05? You're the private security contractor!?" Perhaps hearing CF05's voice or because she was helpless with her hands held by Reno, A-91 finally stopped struggling and turned her gaze towards CF05's direction.

But without looking, what she saw first wasn't CF05's face but a huge hydraulic cutter fixed on the exoskeleton arm, and on the other arm was a minigun with its stock and grip removed.

The ammunition belt extended from the back ammo box, connecting to the gun.

What the heck!? Where are the T-Dolls!?

Even though A-91 was full of rage, CF05's completely different appearance from the usual still frightened her.

"Ah, it's me. Anyway, calm down first, Simonov. Where's your stash? Hurry up and give A-91 a sip; otherwise, she won't calm down." Simonov, who stood at the door, hurriedly controlled the exoskeleton to shrink behind the door when she heard CF05 asking about her stash. However, Reno's gaze had already fallen on her, so even if she didn't want to, she had to reluctantly walk over.

The exoskeleton opened a gap, and a hand reached out from it, holding half a bottle of booze and directly stuffed it into A-91's mouth.

And as soon as A-91 tasted the alcohol, she seemed to change completely. The angry expression disappeared instantly, replaced by flushed cheeks and a drunken demeanor.

Simonov reluctantly let go of the bottle, closed the exoskeleton's hatch, and walked back to the door in frustration.

"Burp... Ah, I'm alive. I didn't expect it to be you guys. It seems quiet for a few months, but when action is taken, it's quite a scene. But Commander Reno, are you sure this is okay? Won't Statesec come after you for doing this?" A-91, released by Reno, asked Reno in a leisurely tone.

As she asked, one hand held the bottle, while the other picked up her dagger gun and imprint weapon, moved a chair, and sat down casually beside Reno.

The entire Doll Rights Protection Association building now looked like a ruin, with the exoskeleton's movements within the building turning the floor tiles into rubble.

Plus, the various furniture and debris knocked over in the chaos made this newly built Doll Rights Protection Association headquarters look like a disaster zone.

"That's no big deal. First, tell me how you were captured and whether you've seen this person." The person Reno pointed to was the president of the association.

"Of course, I've seen him. After all, these guys protest in front of our house every day. How could I not have seen him? But we weren't captured; we walked over by ourselves after being controlled by that virus. The fat guy by your side opened the door." Even though she had lost control of her body, A-91 still remembered clearly what happened after she was controlled by the virus.

"And then you covered up all the traces on your way over?"

"Yeah, that's right. We didn't even realize we were being tricked. We'll have to be more careful with those strange automatic installation files in the future."

Because there were indeed many of these files, and many storefronts would use this method to advertise their goods or services to the Dolls.

Once the Dolls knew, they could inform their employers, naturally attracting business, which was much more effective than advertising.

"Hey, did you hear that? You opened the door. Get up and tell me what happened." Reno kicked the supervisor still crouching on the ground and looked at the time. It had been almost two hours since he had locked up Nicholas from the Security Bureau.

Two hours; those two guys were almost here. He didn't expect the members of the Doll Rights Protection Association to conduct black operations. They had already snatched four advanced T-Dolls from Griffin's hands and were still unsatisfied.

Well, let's see what happens. After all, the exoskeletons were so large that there was no way they could move without leaving a trace. StateSec's people would find out sooner or later.

He had stayed here a bit too long. Those two would be here soon.

"Supervisor! What's going on? Is what this Doll said true?" Makayev, who had been steadfast until now, asked the crouching supervisor incredulously.

"Shut up! She's lying to you! Don't believe her!"

"Hey hey, even if I'm drunk now, I won't lie, especially not to you. Besides, what I just said wasn't directed at you." A-91 looked at the chubby supervisor and thought to herself, why was this guy talking nonsense as soon as he opened his mouth? Didn't he know dolls don't lie?

"Commander, there are people approaching outside, ten people, including three T-Dolls." BM59, who had been on high alert nearby, suddenly spoke up to remind Reno.

"Leave two people here to watch. The rest follow me. Don't let that guy escape."

It seemed his half-day wait hadn't been in vain. These guys had really gone to cause trouble; did they really want Griffin's tactical Dolls that badly?

Want to read advanced chapters? go to my patréon for 300+ chapters.


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