
Chapter 82: Swift Demise


The sound of gunfire echoed as Simonov's jeep accelerated, distancing itself from the trucks behind. As they approached the checkpoint, a muffled shout emanated from behind the cement pillars.

A barrage of bullets erupted from the checkpoint!

In response, G36 and Jaeger in the jeep swiftly retaliated, taking out several rifle-wielding adversaries. Simonov slammed on the brakes, positioning the jeep sideways in front of the tire spikes.

Facing the gunfire from the checkpoint, they tore off the jeep's door to use as cover. Despite its limited protection against bullets, it offered some defense against lesser firearms.

Meanwhile, Vector, jumping out of the car on the other side, hurled incendiary grenades towards the checkpoint.

Jaeger, already on the move before the car stopped, vanished from the enemies' view with her electronic camouflage cloak.

"Trucks, slow down and halt. MDR, secure the area around the trucks. BM59, with the RPG, follow me," Renault commanded, parking the truck behind the convoy.

MDR and others swiftly disembarked, while BM59, armed with an RPG-29 and thermobaric grenades, joined Renault in advancing towards the engagement area.

The RPG-29 was a relic from the attackers who raided Griffin, now in Renault's hands. His resourcefulness ensured a steady supply of such weapons.

By the time Renault and BM59 reached the front of the convoy, the intense gunfire had significantly subsided. The two trucks Renault intended to destroy were now engulfed in flames, courtesy of Vector's incendiary grenades.

In this open area, destroying the enemy's transportation proved more strategic than targeting scattered foes with incendiary grenades. Plus, eliminating the vehicles likely prevented them from calling reinforcements.

Although this tactic might provoke a fiercer response, Renault and his doll team remained undeterred.

The clash between humans and dolls, the outcome was predictable.

Without Renault's direct intervention, most of the roadblock bandits fell under the assault of G36 and SPAS-12. With the addition of Simonov, Vector, and Jaeger, the tide turned decisively.

Before Renault could reach for his grenade launcher, the gunfire ceased.

"Well done. Clean up the battlefield and bring the survivors here. Grant a swift end to those barely clinging to life," Renault instructed, addressing Simonov and the others.

Is there really a difference between those clinging to life and those barely alive?

Nonetheless, Simonov found a fortunate soul—broken arms, a lone leg. By the time he was presented to Renault, he had transitioned from clinging to life to barely alive.

"You dolls! Damn dolls!" the man uttered before losing consciousness.

"Check if the jeep can still move. If not, board the truck behind. We'll tow the jeep," Renault directed, inspecting the man's face. He didn't fit the profile of the typical Yellow Zone bandit—a sturdy, well-fed appearance, likely a hired mercenary.

The jeep's condition was dire—missing door, shattered windows, bullet-riddled seats.

"Such a sorry sight," remarked Simonov upon returning to the truck, ready for departure. MDR, eager to document the aftermath, prepared her phone.

Although G36's team swiftly dispatched the mercenaries, they also suffered casualties...

Simonov bore a bullet lodged in her forehead, halted by her synthetic skin. G36 fared worse, with multiple wounds to her arms and head, as did Vector.

SPAS-12, with her ballistic plate, sustained minimal injuries compared to the others.

Seeing their condition, MDR snapped a photo of Simonov's forehead.

"Why me? Why not Vector?" protested Simonov, knowing MDR's habits.

"Don't be stingy. Your injury won't get us censored. It's just a bullet hole. Click! Sent!" replied MDR.

Sensing trouble, Simonov urgently asked for a mirror.

P38 provided one, allowing Simonov to see her current state.


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