
Before It All Happend (3)

I took a deep breath, stood up, and relaxed my limbs. I circled Ki through my whole body and felt the warm sensation. I lifted up my arm and saw the blue aura trail after it, my Ki-color had turned from the normal yellow to blue and everything went slower but I was faster than ever. The world was a complete light blew grey and people were the only things who still had color

I looked over the three clones in front of Lucas, if he wanted he could make hundreds of clones even conjure weapon's in their hands. I started running towards the clones, no reaction It was as if I had almost stopped time. I punched the clone in front of me with flawless speed and power, the blue aura was still following my movements. I then kicked the two clones behind it In the side.

I repeated the process three more times before I stopped the technique and time started to flow normally in my eyes again. The clone I had punched in the head had gotten its head blown off and blood gushing out from the nose of the flying head, the one's I had kicked in the side their torso had fallen off from the body.

Everything Happened almost instantly after I had deactivated 'Motionless world'

Lucas had a surprised look on his face, I heard people around us whisper about how I was moving so fast that seeing me with the naked eye wasn't longer possible. I didn't hear them say anything about a blue aura so the aura was Only available for me to see.

But 'motionless world' was tiring to use, my perception would be weaker than normal for a while. I looked at Marcus I activated 'motionless world' one more time, this time the world was flowing faster but it had slowed down. I punched him in the face, before he could fall down I grabbed him by the hair and kneed him. I saw the blood bounce on my knee, I held his hair while breathing heavily as the strain was taking more effect. I slammed his face in the nearby wall and watched as the blood trilled down the wall.

I dropped his hair and he fell on his knee and then to his side, I then unactivated the 'motionless world', and everything was flowing naturally. I retracted my Ki and the faint yellow light surrounding me vanished.

"I win," I said before I fell on my knees, Lucas's clone is sure troublesome. I wonder if he also developed something similar to mine 'motionless world'.