
Transmigration Upgrade Specialist

[New Artwork credits to Sleepwrite (Fellow Authors). Thank you for your great Cover!] After transmigration, Zhang Wu Ji is reincarnated into a youngster body with the same name. Their differences? Before reincarnated, he was a poor librarian that have to sleep in the library because he can't afford to rent a room. After reincarnated, he was a poor bastard that was despised by his two elder brothers because he was born with a worthless Martial Constitution. But as a Transmigrator, he possessed a special System, [Upgrade] that allows him to strengthen anything in this world. How would he fare when he will need to earn, create, upgrade, and upgrade even more to reach the peak of the world? Or chat with me in my discord: https://discord.gg/df3jZzs (I am still new with this so it may be a little boring here) If you're feeling boredom from waiting for this novel, do check my other slower novel named [Last Fortress of Humanity] where adult content is pretty much happening there too. Please support me as much as you can, if you enjoy reading my humble piece of work. Most Recent Note: 1. I'm trying to promise 7 chapters weekly, with a more daring try to add seven bonus chapter based on the number of power stones and the spot I stand in every week. - 2. Chapter's length reduces from 3k words to 2k words to shorten the delay and lighten my burden in trying to fulfill the number of words each chapter. - 3. English is not my first language, so please forgive me for my broken grammar and lack of descriptive sentences when you're enjoying my novel. - 4. Last but not least, please support me by giving me a good review, a comment, and approach me for any question or correcting my mistake. I'm sorry I have no time to read the comments on earlier chapters, thus I might miss some comments there. As long the Support is positive, I will promise that this novel will not be dropped. If it's possible, I will try my best making this a minimum 900 - 1200 chapters Novel.

yungsern87 · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
161 Chs

Tomb of an Inner Qi King (3)

The moment they hover past the Tomb of Inner Qi King, a flash of light blinded their sight. When they managed to open their eyes again, the two of them and their Iron Kong-Que is already captured into an underground chamber.

For them, it was not a weird thing to happen considering the strength of the owner of this tomb. But when Zhang Wu Ji took the key out from his Spatial Ring, their description changed.

19th King's Remnant Key to the Tomb of King Jiang Nan He

-Usage: The Key has activated the moment user enter the tomb. The user can insert 100 strands of Fighter Qi to activate the unlock function on all access doors. To leave the Tomb, the User must destroy the key by paying 1,000 Strands of Fighter Qi.

"Miss Meng Ran..." Zhang Wu Ji handed the key for her to keep as he took the initiative to check their surrounding.

Up to his suspicion, his quick inspection allowed him to discover a total of fourteen footsteps belonged to different people walking around here. The number fourteen tells him that including himself, eight keyholders appeared here before them, and everyone most probably come in a different time.

His reason for such impression is because the Natural Energy gathered around them is quite dense. It indicates that no fight happened here at least for the last 24 hours. Furthermore, the ground is void of any trash that came from food, relief, and even pills or dust that appeared from sharpening their weapon.

This means, everyone rushes into the walking passage as soon as they came in.

But the Master Senior is too absorbed in his own inspection and did not notice the hint of Meng Ran trying to question him about something. The two gently take their steps to the walking passage to get rid of their footsteps.

But before they entered Walking Passage, Zhang Wu Ji heard a sound of pebbles hitting the wall. At this instant, his hand pushes Meng Ran to stay closer to the wall, unaware that his palm is touching at somewhere else! The action caused Meng Ran to become speechless at that moment.

To make thing worst, Zhang Wu Ji continues to grab her chest as he peeked into the Walking Passage. After a while, Zhang Wu Ji presumes it was safe and turned his attention to Meng Ran standing close behind him. As he gets ready to speak, Zhang Wu Ji noticed his hand is grabbing something else.

"Breast?" he was speechless with his perverted hand that attacked his respected companion. Looking at how Meng Ran's face blushed, he knows that he caused a grave mistake! Based on his experience in handling a woman, his next expectation is going to get slapped!

"Pok." Instead of slapping Zhang Wu Ji with her 9th Stage Inner Qi Fighter Strength, Meng Ran knocked his head once and pointed at the entrance. From this attitude alone, Zhang Wu Ji knows that Meng Ran is not as aggressive as the previous Guan Qing Han.

Who knows how many slaps will Guan Qing Han sent to his face for such a small mistake. But she was gone. Still, thinking about how lucky is the previous brat to eat her first time, he got jealous of his former's heaven-defying luck.

The two of them entered the Walking Passage, and by utilizing his stealth technique, Zhang Wu Ji went forward to check on the trap and safety, but not without a string on his leg. This is prepared for the sake of pulling the Master Senior back if he went somewhere and failed to come back.

This decision is made according to her understanding of Zhang Wu Ji's Direction Blind Symptom. Even by following the breadcrumbs he can still get the wrong way, tying a part of him with a string is the best idea she can think of for now.

Suddenly, a pull came from where Zhang Wu Ji is located. Noticing that his pull is consistent, it means that he found something, and it was safe to come over immediately. When she reaches where Zhang Wu Ji stands, she looked at him injecting some Fighter Qi into the key and turned the key inside the keyhole.

"Krak..." the door is unlocked. This sight shocked Meng Ran because the previous people might come across this door too, why did they not open the door? Meng Ran questioned herself. But before she can start, Zhang Wu Ji pulled her hand as they went inside the room.

"Why...Shhh!" Meng Ran can only be alert as she entered the room.

But under the illumination like the Walking Passage, this room is filled with some high-quality Night-Glowing Pearl attached on every corner of the ceiling. The room looked like a storeroom for plenty of undegradable material due to the room's design and how the shelves are constructed.

"Brother Wu Ji!" Meng Ran called reminded him of one thing.

This tomb belonged to an Inner Qi King! Will treasures stored inside here worth lesser than a piece of Advance-Grade Pure Iron? Without further ado, the duo quickly split their works and begin collecting the treasures that were covered with an inch thick of dust.

At first, Zhang Wu Ji collection speed is almost two times faster than Meng Ran. It was due to his experience as a thief cleaning the treasure vaults of his enemy, but the moment he caught the quality of the treasure, he quickly wore out of interest.

As Meng Ran is not an experienced merchant, she got no insight against the treasure she's so excited to collect. But for Zhang Wu Ji, it was a disappointment when his UPGRADE System description pop up.

Basic-Grade 3% Tomb Silver


Military-Grade 6% Fool Silver


Military-Grade 7% Moon Silver


Most of them are treasures in their 2nd-Tier Quality, which wasn't extremely helpful for him at all because based on his Apprentice Hall's ability, they can collect what he got here in a single day of shopping.

Still, a toad's leg is still meat. With a few attempts of refining, this stack of trash will worth some good price once again. But as they cleared the room from treasures, the voice from two different people flowed inside the room. Looking at Meng Ran, Zhang Wu Ji shows her a quiet hand sign.

The two slotted their set of the key into the keyhole but failed to unlock the door. After struggling for a minute or two, the two started to speaks again loudly. From how they speak, this two are completely idiot in the term of Tomb Exploration.

Only after they left Zhang Wu Ji tried to unlock the door again. But like how he opened it earlier, he will have to pay a hundred strands of Fighter Qi to activate the key. Believing that none of them will be that generous to spend so many Fighter Qi to open a door, Zhang Wu Ji is confident with his gain in this tomb.

After he opened the door, Zhang Wu Ji went out with his leg with a string like usual. As soon as he confirmed that the Walking Passage is clear, Zhang Wu Ji pulled gently to get Meng Ran out from the room. To make thing clear to them but not others, Meng Ran purposely scribble some engravings on the door.

Sneakily, the two cleared five rooms under their quiet and careful headings. And in between of this five rooms, the caught a total of four different teams trying to open the doors randomly. But from the way they speak, none of them succeed in getting the door open.

At their sixth room, Zhang Wu Ji noticed that this room has been looted! Except for some low-quality pills and those out of medicinal value pills, nothing usable is left inside this room. At this instant, Zhang Wu Ji can assume that at least one team possess the knowledge on how to open the door.

On his seventh and eighth door, it was untouched again. But things changed on the ninth door. Zhang Wu Ji caught the team that learned the way to use the key. Looking at how they entered the room and started to rummage the item in a very professional way, Zhang Wu Ji knows what they are.

"Mountain Bandits!" after having Meng Ran followed into the room slowly, Zhang Wu Ji stealthily sneaks into the room and waited for Meng Ran to shut the door. At the same time, he checked their attitude to decide whether to kill them or spare them.

But the moment Meng Ran shut the door, it helped Zhang Wu Ji to make his decision.

"Hey... Look at that girl... Did she just locked the door?" one of the asked.

"I think the door is locked now. Look at that body... I think the size of her breast is bigger than the one you rape before we came in here." the other guy immediately destroyed the forgiveness Zhang Wu Ji considered to give them.

"Girl, how about you undress and walk to this brother... Aargh!" the first guy tried to finish his sentence, but a smack from a piece of extremely hard Pure Iron Ingot smashed his two peaches dangling on his crotch. At that moment, his cry alarmed everyone exploring the outer tomb!

"My eggs! My eggs are smashed." the guy keeps crying, while the second guy swung his sword around him to expect some sneak attack. But when Meng Ran simple undoes one of the buttons on her robe, the second guy pointed his sword on Meng Ran.

"Bitch! You better not trying to come out with some tricks!" he warned Meng Ran, but at the same time, carrying the expectation to see more button is undone. But that short window of opportunity gave Zhang Wu Ji the chances to land a killing strike.

The Collapsing Fist came from his blind spot and sent him down on the ground. But what was more shocking is the fact Zhang Wu Ji's Collapsing Fist sent his opponent's head to explode. The scene shocked the first guy until he cried, but with a simple palm strike, Zhang Wu Ji sent him to see his maker too.

And at this moment, the door is knocked from the outside.

"Open the door! I know somebody is inside!"

"Yes! Open the... Senior brother, there are other people inside this tomb too!"

the two people that knocked on his door seems to be attacked by others when everyone started to rally outside of this room.

But inside the room, their situation is different. While Zhang Wu Ji is inspecting the bag from this two Mountain Bandits, Meng Ran continued to pack the item into the Wooden Universal Plate in her hand. Their cooperation is very smooth, and in an instant, the room is cleared from any treasure.

With Meng Ran standing at the corner of the room, Zhang Wu Ji opened the door for the four people fighting outside to look.

"The door is opened!" the four fought for their opportunity to enter the room, unknown of the danger coming from behind them. Using her top speed after the four fighters charged inside the room, Meng Ran successfully exit the room under their watchful eyes.

Two of them is the fastest among the four and tried to capture the female hiding inside this room, but what they did not expect is the door is closing without anyone controlling it!

"Pang!" their claw and palm hit the door the moment it was shut tightly. It seems that among the twenty keyholders, Zhang Wu Ji and Meng Ran just handled the threat from four of them. With only thirty more opponents to go, they walked past the Outer Tomb and entered the Walking Passage to the Inner Tomb.

And not even ten minutes after they entered the Inner Tomb, the fight between four cultivators in the open area of this Inner Tomb already begin. Two of them wearing clothing with the character of [Xue/Blood], and the remaining two are dressed like a businessman.

Without bothering to guess, they're the people from Blood Art Sect and Upper South Merchant Corporation! Looking at the fight between the four, Zhang Wu Ji felt that it's the opportunity for him to collect the treasure first, but when he took a step forward, the Wooden Universal Plate on Meng Ran's hand falls on the ground by accident!

"Who's there!" the four stopped their fight and stared at where the sound came from.






[Author's Note]

Hopefully, I did not do too bad in this chapter out of a rush. Although it was a little late, please enjoy this chapter!

Guys, guess what is inside this tomb? Is it a profit, or will it be a troublesome encounter?

26th November Pledge once again.

4/7 Chapters for the week.


200 Powerstones = Updated! (Chapter 92)

400 Powerstones = Updated! (Chapter 94)

600 Powerstones = 1 Extra Chap

800 Powerstones = 1 Extra Chap

1,000 Powerstones = 1 Extra Chap (WOW)


If we managed to enter the top 100 spot and steady in that range before Saturday, I will promise additional Chapter for Saturday and Sunday.


This means, if everything goes well, we're gonna have 14 chapters update for this week!

yungsern87creators' thoughts