
Martial artist from another world

Noticing girl in front of him closing her wound with unknown way. Giving commander a little bit surprised but in just moment he calms down and prepares to finish her off.

But suddenly girl rushes towards him with speed that impossible for her. Commander prepares to deflect her strike just like last time. But right at moment, their sword connects girl's sword instantly changes direction and slides down on his flat side of his sword aiming his fingers.

Immediately Commander changes his sword grip and pushes her sword away powerful swing at the same time sends punch aiming toward's throat but he saw girl spins on the ground using a force of his swing easily dodging his punch at the same time attacking his sides.

With a sound of steel clashing commander successfully blocked girl's strike with one hand but this time he used a qi to strengthen his body but immediately he saw incoming kick towards his face.

If it normal kick he will just ignore it because of his strengthened body but this kick was just too fast even faster than 9th rank warrior. He doesn't get how can this girl fighting against him is girl begging her life in minutes ago.

With loud sound girl's kick lands on his face but only pushing him one step in their strength difference was too large.

"Tsk! you good but can you block this!"

Said girl after clicking her tongue she sheaths her sword and takes a low-crouching stand. On moment hand her hand placed on a handle of her sword

The air around them becomes tenser when her hand placed on handle same time commander also prepares himself to face girl's attack but suddenly blood begins to drip non-stop from girl's mouth. After wiping off the blood girl spoke.

"Sh*t to think I can't even handle simple technique!"

Then she stands up and leaves the arena under the eye of dumbfounded soldiers. Even commander got silly expression plastered on his face watching girl leaving an area like it was a normal thing. What happened to the previous serious atmosphere?


Inside the small tent a girl sitting in front of a fire while observing her dislocated shoulder.

"To think this body can't even handle simple limit release. But now thanks to that idiot I can fix my mistake "

Said she places her palm on the ground with a strong twist pops her shoulder back in. Neron was his name, he is a practitioner of Hoshi-Ryu also a first martial artist that transplanted his gear and brain to the artificial body in search of strength but exploded into pieces by practising his ultimate technique 'God slayer'.

His technique it self-was sounds absurd to slay being that only exist in legend. But because he doesn't know the exact strength of a god so he created the most insane technique. By manipulating the structure of his circulatory system he created a circle-shaped circuit around his chest area surrounding his gear.

By colliding energy and element that provided from his gear that circuit slowly produces antimatter and stores it. And by God slayer, he releases all antimatter through his sword made of a magnetic element with osmium core.

Everyone thought it is insanity but Neron created and used in real combat but his body exploded into million particles because of his artificial body can't regenerate damages dealt with the circulatory system. His technique wasn't failed him but his body was failure.

Feeling the pain that he stopped felt for 300 years through his new body Neron sucks cold air while feeling energies around her. Then his smile gets bigger noticing this world's energy is same as his previous word but more abundant. Unlike his previous self, he now has the knowledge to evolve this body.

Thanks for reading my novel. I will release three or six chapters depends on my free time.

For_Researchcreators' thoughts