
Chapter 1:Transmigration

The northern border of Yan kingdom.

On camp built in on a snowy mountain. There are soldiers are gathered around training area to watch a fight. All of those soldiers are part of the deadliest shock infantry regiment in kingdom serving directly under general's command known as Wraith.

Now they are observing an idiotic girl in late-teen equipped with armour and moderately curved long sword about to fight their commander. Everybody knows this girl's fate already decided but they wanted to watch the death of this idiot.

This idiot is the former eldest miss of royal Kelsey family Kelsey Echo. Why this idiot banished from the royal family is because despite her lineage she can't use qi or mana making her embarrassment of entire royal lineage. So head decided to get rid of this filth by sending her off to military and let her die an untimely death.

After boosting her confidence and arrogance to the limit they send an idiot to Wraith. As expected moment her arrival Echo calls their commander for a duel calling him as a dog of general.

Inside the area with smile Echo attacking man in his late 20s with black hair deflecting her attack with a double-edged straight sword easily. After deflecting Echo's sword few times man cuts her left arm clean off with a cold expression.

Suddenly feeling pain in her left arm Echo drops on the ground holding with her right arm. It was too painful to even scream for her but it was not the end.

Realizing their difference Echo tries to plead her life but it was already too late.

"P-please I was wrong hel-HUck"

Without finishing sentence, a man kicks her stomach sending her flying towards to arena's wall. Hitting the hard wall Echo felt all of her insides crushed combined with blood loss her last string holding her life breaks.

That moment girl called Echo disappears from this world. At the same time, an unknown soul enters her body.

When commander right about to call someone to bury her body he notices girls finger begin to move then a minutes later she slowly opens her eye and begins to laugh while touching her body.

"HAHAHA! I am alive"

"is she gone crazy ?"

"Yeah definitely is"

Seeing girl laughing maniacally soldiers thought she gone insane from pain. Suddenly they hear a loud slapping sound and they saw the girl stop her bleeding from left-arm magically then she picks up her sword from the ground.

"Heh boy! you will be my first test dummy" while pointing her sword towards their commander said a girl with smile.