
Transmigration In The DC Universe

A time traveler is dead and something happened to burn paper. Thea Queen merged the memory of the time traveler and knew that she would become the following hero as the Green Arrow's sister. She would not be content with this situation. This is a story about the growth of a heroine who becomes self-sufficient. [ //Chinese original fanfic Original website: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/59982/ ]

The_MandalorianoGF · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

The first step as heiress

"Thea, my dear, we need... to attend... the funeral. Get dressed, we'll wait for you downstairs." The middle-aged woman choked back sobs and covered her mouth as she descended the stairs.

"Okay, mom, I'll go right away." Sitting beside the bed, Thea Queen watched her mother's figure disappear from view and thoughts continued to flood her mind. It had been three days since she transmigrated or merged, and she was slowly accepting her current status.

I transitioned from a young person with a relatively successful career to a wealthy lady whose family suffered misfortunes. The past life, let's call it the past life, memories of the past emerge constantly like movie clips. Birth, enrollment, graduation, marriage, all these things seem real and dreamlike. There is no happiness or resentment. I just watch from an external perspective, calmly and indifferently.

What was my original name? I can't remember it anymore. Compared to the past life, my current physical condition is basically controlled by Thea's original emotions, which are sad, sorrowful, and depressed. I could only be Thea before, now, and in the future, and I will be only Thea!

I disregarded the black dress. Although the majority consciousness in my heart, still resisted feminine clothing. She put on the white vest, black trousers, and medium-heeled black leather shoes prepared by her mother. Fortunately, Thea was still not an adult. It would have been a disaster for her to wear high heels on such an occasion.

After fixing her hair in the mirror, Thea had long dark brown hair, very fair skin, light green eyes, and her calm eyes also showed her longing for her deceased loved ones.

She was sure of her situation after watching the news on the first day she came here. This was a world similar to the TV series Arrow. Perhaps it was, perhaps not. There was too little information to evaluate the specific situation. I had already watched part of this series in my previous life, if I'm not mistaken I'm the younger sister of the protagonist Green Arrow, a rebellious, irrational, and problematic girl.

Grabbing her purse and descending the stairs, fortunately, Thea was still in the phase of being a good girl at this time, and she hadn't acquired many bad habits due to the death of her relatives. Two souls, her mental power was stronger than that of ordinary people, and the spirit was fed back to the body. Although she was a thin fifteen-year-old girl, her steps were still powerful.

She walked up to her mother, Moira Queen, and said softly, "Let's go, mom."

Moira hugged Thea without saying a word, and the two quietly got into the car.


"Robert Queen was born in 1958 and died in 2007 at the age of 51. He was an excellent businessman in our Star City and our mentor. With his passing, we lost a great father and a sincere friend. ..."

"Oliver Queen was born in 1985 and died in 2007, at the age of 22. He was a son of our Star City and a gift from God. He..."

Listening to the priest's statement on stage, Thea's thoughts became a bit scattered. The pastor was effusive in his praise of her father, Robert, but didn't say much about her brother, except for a few words.

"My brother really doesn't have any notable achievements for others to comment on. He's charming, sentimental, irresponsible, and basically has no merits except being handsome. for the city's disaster, it would be the prodigal son who would save everyone in the critical moment."

The death of her loved ones still left Thea very sad, and she covered her mouth to contain the tears. Although she knew her brother wasn't dead, her father, whom she had always considered hers, had indeed passed away.

Yes, it's ironic that she is treated as a daughter; she is not a member of the Queen family. Father always knew the truth, but still treats her as a daughter and never felt dissatisfied.

Reason could no longer suppress the burst of emotion, and Thea leaned on her mother's shoulder and cried.

"My dear, just cry, just cry," Moira gently stroked Thea's hair and said softly.

Soon after, the funeral ended. Two empty coffins were buried in the Queen family cemetery.

"My condolences, Moira, my condolences, Thea," a stern-faced middle-aged man said first.

Quando Thea viu este homem, ela imediatamente o reconheceu como seu pai biológico, Malcolm Merlyn. Este homem é um completo maquinador e carreirista. Ele orquestrou o naufrágio do Queen's Gambit e foi o vilão final da primeira série de TV Arrow.

This guy seems like a gentle man. But actually, he's very skilled in martial arts. His codename is Black Arrow. He's proficient in archery, fencing, and combat. In the first movie, he defeated the Green Arrow twice.

Moreover, this person has a strong presence. The first four seasons of Arrow were extremely active. Before the conclusion of the fifth season, Thea had already passed away. I don't know the situation, but given this person's survival ability, he probably won't die.

From his portrayal in the series, it seems that although he's extremely sinister, he still loves his children. Maybe I can learn martial arts from him? In the original plot, Thea was trained by Malcolm to become the assistant of the Green Arrow, the Red Arrow, in the third movie. Will she be able to progress in this process? Thea is very unsure right now, although it's still five years before the official plot begins, and Oliver is still stuck on Purgatory Island. But she saw a bright name on the guest list just now, searching from Wayne Enterprises. If I remember correctly, this is Batman's company! What kind of world have I entered?

It's unclear whether he currently knows that she is his daughter. As a mother, Moira definitely knows. Will she tell Malcolm? What does the play say? Thea really couldn't remember that Malcolm wasn't a kind person. If he didn't know the truth, he would have lost his life by making mistakes and getting into trouble.

At the same time, Thea also resisted a lot in acknowledging Malcolm. After all, it was he who killed her adoptive father and left her half-brother wandering for five years. He was physically and mentally tortured. Although this was the price of a hero's growth, it was too high.

Anyway, I don't have a good idea at the moment, so I can only abandon this idea.

Staying silent next to Moira, watching her mother express gratitude to each guest for their condolences. She's truly a complicated woman. She knows all about Malcolm's plans. Doesn't she love her family? The facts proved that she devoted all her emotions to this family and was willing to give up her career and even her life for her children. However, she sat and watched her husband and son's shipwreck. The regret and guilt she showed after the shipwreck couldn't be faked. It's really a contradiction. Maybe I can only describe her with an ostrich mentality. As long as I don't die in front of her, I'll feel better? Maybe Malcolm took advantage of her mentality.

"Thea, let me introduce you, this is Walter Steele, your father's right-hand man," Moira introduced the bald black man in front of her.

According to the plot, this man will become her stepfather in the coming years. Thea behaved very distant and nodded slightly without saying a word. Her feelings for Moira are very vague now, neither close nor alienated. She has no objections or support for Moira to find another man. Maybe that was Thea's original attitude.



Thea ignored everyone who came to comfort her and kept a cold face. In fact, she didn't know many people and had no memory at all. This shows that the original Thea had very little contact with these families. No one found it strange. After all, she was a fifteen-year-old girl. Her father and brother had died. It was normal for her to seem distant. It would only be a problem if she greeted someone she recognized.

"Thea, my condolences." A young man ignored her expressionless face and gave her a pat on the shoulder.

The young man is the only one Thea currently knows. He's a close friend of her brother Oliver, named Tommy, Tommy Merlyn. He's the son of Malcolm Merlyn, her only son, and her blood half-brother.

It's a bit funny, Oliver and Tommy, one of her two brothers has the same father, and the other has the same mother. The relationship is very complicated.

After all, the relationship is different, Thea nodded and whispered, "Thank you."

Tommy was very sad, and his whole being was immersed in a painful state of mind. He grew up in the Queen family, and his feelings for Robert and Oliver were like father and brother. Now the death of both left him extremely sad. Hundreds of people in the audience seemed very sad, but the truly sad ones here were actually the two halves, Tommy and Moira. Thea knew that Oliver was still alive, so she could hardly count as half.

Giving Tommy a gentle hug, Thea returned to the car alone, without lingering in the crowd.

Seeing her heading back to the car, Moira quickly broke away from the crowd, and the two returned to the Queen family mansion without saying a word.

Rejecting Moira's suggestion that mother and daughter sleep together, Thea returned alone to her room."

There are still five years left before the plot begins. I shouldn't waste this time. This world is very dangerous. Throughout the entire Arrow plot, someone close to Oliver was kidnapped, and then he would rescue them with all his might. Every time the protagonist rescued one, the villain would kidnap another, and then the protagonist would rescue another. This repeated for five seasons. It was truly a senseless story.

And was this the story after the Green Arrow returned home and before he returned? This is a five-year interval, and she is now the sole heir to the Queen Group! Kidnappings and extortions are very few. The bodyguards hired by the Queen family remain useless as ever. The strongest bodyguard here is probably John Diggle, but he's still ridiculed by the League of Assassins and made to look like a child.

The most important thing is whether Malcolm, a great conspirator, will be tempted by the vast properties of the Queen family. In theory, if he marries Moira and then she kills herself, this vast estate will belong to him! Thea felt that if he didn't know she was his daughter, there was a 70% to 80% chance he would act. It would be very tragic if she were killed by her biological father, who didn't know the truth.

She no longer feels rushed to learn martial arts. Life and death are the most important things. Does he know the truth now? This question made Thea's head spin.

After pondering on it, I fell asleep in the middle of the night. In my dream, I dreamt of the battle between Superman and Batman in Dawn of Justice and died like an ant in the chaos.

Starting to break into a cold sweat, Thea couldn't fall back asleep and was dazed for a long time until Moira asked for breakfast.

"Oh, Thea, why do you look so bad? Do you want to see a doctor?" Moira hugged Thea and asked, concerned.

"It's okay, Mom, I... didn't sleep well last night. I'll lie down for a bit."

Tommy also came to join us for the meal. He stayed at the Queen's house much longer than at his own. Seeing him chatting with her in a familiar way, Thea suddenly realized where her breakthrough was! In Tommy!

Her mother always knew the truth, so there was no need to test her. She just wanted to see if Malcolm knew. She made some intimate moves with Tommy in front of him. If he knew the truth, he would surely stop her with all his might.

Although being with a man made me uncomfortable, this is the only way for now! Fortunately, Tommy knew me well and didn't get too disgusted. I can only bear with this little life!

In fact, in the original plot, Thea was somewhat interested in Tommy. Fortunately, the writer had some sense and didn't create such an inhumane scenario. Tommy, who didn't know the truth, rejected Thea severely, saying they were just brother and sister. In fact, they were blood relatives. They are truly brother and sister. It must be said that it's a blessing that they didn't become the American TV series version of Game Of Thrones.

In the following days in front of Moira, Thea still behaved normally, getting closer to Tommy behind the scenes. On the one hand, she attracted the attention of the boss, and on the other hand, she also pulled Tommy out. Tommy's amulet prevents the boss from attacking you. Well, actually, both aspects should be used against Malcolm. There's no way around it. He's the invisible emperor in Star City now. If he wants to live and lead a wonderful life, he must agree to it.

Fortunately, I am his daughter. This is an unchanging reality. As long as the facts are clear, I'll be as safe as a rock!

The few people around her didn't interfere much with her neutral attire of suits and leather pants every day. Everyone thought she had undergone a big change, and her mindset was a bit unbalanced. It would improve after a while. In fact, Thea threw all those short skirts and high heels at the back of the closet and unless Superman turns into a villain, she won't wear them again!

I must say Tommy is really a good friend. He doesn't mind being bothered by Thea every day. He thinks she's very hurt and keeps trying various tricks to make her happy, even his official girlfriend, Laurel Lance. I don't care anymore.


Tommy has been living a very fulfilling life lately. He runs around the city with Thea during the day and does strenuous physical exercises with Laurel at night. He has no energy to fool around in bars and nightclubs.

Laurel might have had a fling with Oliver because he had a fling with her sister when they were dating, so, for revenge, the two quickly had a fling with Tommy's few words to connect them.

There's a saying that foreigners have no friends and wives that cannot be bullied. Didn't you see in the original plot that the determined companion of the Green Arrow, Diggle, was such a loyal black brother? He loved his younger brother so much that he almost killed himself after his younger brother died. He almost asked his nephew to call him daddy! At that time, the hero Green Arrow didn't realize anything was wrong and still rooted for his companions. So, although Tommy was saddened by the death of his friend, he didn't feel psychological pressure to take over his friend's girlfriend. Laurel was the future Black Canary. After a few days of intense workouts, Tommy lost a lot of weight.

Thea probably understood what happened, but she deeply despised the behavior of holding the deceased friend's girlfriend in his arms while crying over the friend's picture, so she continued to drag him around the city after seeing that Tommy wasn't about to die. Gallop, fight for Malcolm, if there's only one eye and one ear in the city, he'll surely know!

Today, Thea took off her feminine suit and put on a sleeveless vest. She had no choice but to show her arms because the weather was warming up.

Looking at the bulge on her chest, a cruel fact appeared before her eyes: she would never become a man again! Fortunately, the body itself is not so unstable. It has currently reached only level B. Although it may be higher in the future, the size is still within normal limits. It won't make other people bleed from the nose when moving, which is good! If it grows and looks like two basketballs, she will have no choice but to give up learning martial arts.

"Ding dong" I heard someone ring the doorbell and opened the door with random thoughts. I was surprised to see a middle-aged man standing at the door.

"Hey, Thea, looks like you're recovering well!" The middle-aged man smiled, though speaking seriously.

Damn, the boss finally arrived! Thea was exhausted from running with Tommy in the past few days, but there was no movement. Sometimes she wondered if Malcolm would be wandering somewhere when he wasn't home!


I rehearsed this scene many times in private. Regaining composure, I calmly said, "Good morning, Uncle Merlyn."

This etiquette was entirely consistent with the two families' previous experiences. Malcolm didn't speak much, just smiled and nodded, and Thea stepped aside to let him enter the house.

The plan for the long day was decided today. She pretended to watch TV and saw him enter her mother's room out of the corner of her eye. Thea immediately grabbed a cup of tea. Since she didn't know the level of martial arts in this world, she also didn't know Malcolm. After training with a ninja master to a certain extent, I was afraid of being noticed, so I took off my shoes and quietly walked up to him with quick steps.

"Hey, Moira, you look so beautiful." It was evident from Malcolm's tone that he was in a good mood. This man hadn't been happy for a day since his wife's death. Being able to speak so fast was already the limit.

"Sr. Merlyn, o que você está fazendo aqui?" Cada vez que os dois se contactavam, sempre subiam ao topo de uma montanha por uma pequena estrada. Essas visitas corretas eram muito raras.

"Haha," Malcolm não respondeu diretamente, apenas sorriu e serviu-se de uma taça de vinho.

"You know, Moira, besides my wife, you're one of the few women in the world who can attract me. I originally planned to marry you, but I didn't expect... Haha, I found something interesting!

Moira seemed to have not heard anything about marrying her and looked at Malcolm. "What's the matter? Our deal is done, you can't interfere in my life anymore!"

"What do you think about Tommy and Thea? What a coincidence, don't you think? You have only one daughter and I have only one son! There are no obstacles ahead for us! The Merlyn Group and the Queen Group can establish closer ties!"

Thea outside the door immediately knew that Malcolm didn't know the truth. Moira didn't tell him the truth. Surely, beautiful women can lie. She, an old cockroach, is also an expert in deceiving people. She seemed to get confused about it. A man is always the best, no matter how insidious he is!

When Moira heard this suggestion, she immediately exploded: "No, absolutely not!"

To be honest, such a strong reaction was a bit beyond Malcolm's expectations. Over the years, no one, except the ninja master who scared him and made him wet his pants, managed to speak to him at such a high decibel level. With his past personality, maybe he would have a bow and arrow in hand, just to shoot at him.

Moira also realized she was speaking a little too loudly, but still glared and said, "No, I don't agree."

"My request cannot be refused, Moira Queen." The idea of ​​being the woman he loved most besides his wife had long since disappeared, and Malcolm was never afraid to look at it.

Thea outside knew the show was about to begin, so she raised the tea cup very high. This is a classic scene in TV dramas. When the truth is revealed, the tea cup is thrown away! I wonder if foreigners in this world have seen this kind of TV series? It's a pity that the floor is wooden, so the effect is not good. Hopefully, Malcolm will be able to hear it after a while, when his mind is agitated.

"Listen to my explanation." Moira was also startled by Malcolm's wide-eyed stare. She searched and took a sip from the wine bottle, thinking frantically about what to do.

Seeing her abnormal behavior, Malcolm also realized something was wrong. He was able to escape from the ninja master who had lived for over seven hundred years. This ability to observe words and emotions had reached its peak. Anxiously, he sat down slowly, ready to hear her explanation.

Moira thought about it and couldn't think of any good reason. To avoid this, her husband and son were quietly sent to death. There was no reason to resist her daughter's marriage so much. If he didn't agree, he would surely attack Thea, which would be a human tragedy.

After thinking several times, this secret was already known to both of them before, but after her husband's death, it became their secret. Now, to tell the truth, it simply changed from one person's secret to two people's secret. I can still accept this. As long as Thea herself doesn't know, everything will be fine!

"Thea is your daughter." After saying this softly, she closed her eyes and sank deeply into the sofa, as if thousands of kilograms had been lifted off her body.

Thea outside couldn't see Malcolm's expression and was a little afraid that her hearing would be affected by too much stimulation, but she had to shoot the arrow when it was on the string. She quickly dropped the teacup on the floor with a muffled "pop" and there was nothing she could do. The wooden floor affects the effect too much!

I believe he won't remain idle for long. The strength point of the teacup falling to the ground under the acceleration of gravity will push back the height of the teacup. After all, this is the generation of the Black Arrow, not the generation of the God of Death.

Upon hearing the strange sound outside the door, Malcolm was worthy of being one of the top graduates of Nandaparbat. Although his mind was still a bit dizzy, his body had already reacted. He quickly ran to the door, opened it violently, and looked at Thea, whose eyes were dull, a little confused, even for a main figure with such a calm mind, and looked so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.

What did you think of this chapter one? Please, give me some power stones

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