
All in your Head

The Land of Dawn, a fantasy world full of conflicts. It also happens that world of the setting of her favorite game, Mobile Legend: Bang Bang.

Despite my initial shock and fear, I can also feel a sliver of excitement.

Who wouldn't!

I can't believe this would actually happen to me! \(>O<)/

Then, then, then... could it be that I was reborn in the body of a hero?!

W-Who could it be? O////O

Miya? Fanny? Lolita? Or Ruby? Maybe a Lesley?

System: ....

[Host... the body you currently possess is called Selena, a dark elf.]

Eh? Selena?

My mind raced, running a mile a minute to retrieve all necessary information about Selena in Mobile Legend.

Okay, she's a mage/assassin, can summon the Will of the Abyss, can transform into a demon, long range stun, plant traps, her first skill can give shield, second skill is a blink... uhh what else..

What about her background? I heard she's Karina's sister? I think...

Aaand.. she also seemed to be a villain...

[Based on the basic information that the system manage to gather, Selena is a dark elf that was sacrificed to the Shadow of Abyss.

A basic warning for the host. Other than the system, two other forces also exist in your current body. This are probably the energy from the Will of the Abyss and the Moon God.

Because of our alien status, if we are found out by the aboriginals, there's a 89% chance of being obliterated. So please don't let anyone know of your difference.]

I stiffened at the system's words, cold sweat breaking out on my forehead.

I remember now. Selena was a dark elf that was both blessed by the Will of the Abyss and the Moon God, sparing her from death like the previous sacrifices. It also means that she can use the Abyss dark energy, and command demons.

This person is currently her...

"S-System.. I'm scared." I called out to my only companion, wrapping my arms around myself and shivering from a cold coming from deep inside me.

[Please do not worry too much Host. You can act whatever you wanted as nobody in this place knows the real Selena. My warning is only about the Host revealing yours and the systems identity and existence.]

Hearing the system's reason, I finally breath a sighed of relief. Yes, the system is correct. Nobody knows how the real Selena acts so she can just adjust.

All she have to worry is how to get those emblems to get home.

In the game, she can purchase emblems, or from free treasure chest and gift packs... But in her current reality, obviously no free treasure chest or packs will appear, she needs to look for them.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself completely, accepting this new and familiar setting.

I steel my nerves, solidified my resolution, and looked ahead towards the darkness in front of me.

I don't know where I am going, I don't know what to expect. I have been thrown to an extremely unfamiliar world with only a voice inside my head as my ticket home.

I'm scared. But I still decided to push forward. Only moving can give me the opportunity to achieve what I wanted.

---(cut scene - insert random commercial here lololol)---

Gathering strength to my legs, I stood up shakily. Staying in one place won't do me any good so I need to at least know my surrounding.

I stared at the dark fog that surrounded me, and the more I look the more creeped out I felt, feeling goosebumps appearing on my arms.

Ah.. I'm really scared...

"System. Where exactly am I?" I sat down again, watching the fog warily while waiting for the system's reply.

[... We are currently on the Host mindscape that the system created. The host body outside is on a sleeping state.]


"My... mindscape?" What does it mean?

[Due to having other entity inside the Host body, the system cannot easily show its presence. As a solution, the system created a space hidden death within the Host mind where only the system and the Host can reach.]

Oh, like a private room.. okay.

Then.. the entire time I was inside my own head?

[That is correct.]

I let out a light laugh, amused by my own silliness. This place is my own mind, she can control everything here... probably...

I took a deep breath, this time, getting ready to face the world outside, the Land of Dawn.

"System, I would like to wake up now."

[... understood. The system will wake up the host body. Please remember not to reveal anything about yourself or the system and if the host needs to ask questions, you can speak to the system using your thoughts.]

"...okay. I'm ready."

[Please be careful host.]

the juices just keeps flowing.. and i still havent entered the story proper.

anyway, please support my story here!!


<3 lots of love <3

irusen98creators' thoughts