So what's the information that you've selectively withdrawn from me about ranking up?" Shawn asked while waiting patiently for a response.
[As you continue to rank up, you utilize more energy to use in maintaining your worlds. This is the reason why you were asked to create a timer]
"So what if I didn't create a timer?"
[Then the amount of stress that your body would experience would be excessive.]
"So literally each time I spend here saps the remaining energy left from an already stressed day?"
[Yes] The system replied.
"But wouldn't that drain the limit that my body can take?"
[The system is careful not to drain too much from your body energy which is why you were given two hours before you were brought here.]
"So you mean that my gathered strength is already being sapped?"
[Not quite]
"Huhn! What do you mean?" Shawn asked with a confused face.
The answer that the system provided was more than enough for Shawn to just sigh.