* Ding! Congratulations. You have received 2,000 CP for the laws you created.*
*Ding! Congratulations, your world has broken through the third rank and is now in Stage Two.*
Shawn watched and listened as all of this unfolded; the dark room where he was suddenly seemed bigger and the screen showed the world of Ornio having a small black hollow circle covering the whole of its circumference.
“A world border?” he thought.
*A world border is between one world and another. Also, the entrance and exit between the world involved can be regulated to require one to first be strong enough to cross it.*
Beside Ornio was a black-colored spatial mist that orbited with the world.
*New World
Name - ???*
A new tab appeared the moment his finger touched the formless, shapeless planet on the screen; upon scrolling down the Name text, description, and other details, he found a gear icon that contained the settings for the new world like that of Ornio.
It included the World shape, World setting, Energies, System presence or not, and many more.
He clicked on the icon for the world and chose fantasy. For world shape, he chose a new one called cross-world. For a world with power systems like levels or others, he chose none.
After taking time to implement the settings, Shawn began with planning the landscape, making three large continents surrounded by islands at all sides, and then moved on to start creating the biomes. Then he placed the races into the world. After a long time spent creating, he remembered the two races that were not yet placed in the world when he broke rank 1 and 2, “Can I place those races into this new world?” He probed the system.
*Yes, you can add races that you unlocked from certain quests as well as the races from the old world; not all races need to be limited to just one world. Hence, they can also be in multiple ones with entirely different cultures.*
Shawn nodded then continued with his work on the new world.
"How about I name it Yorn?" He answered, coming back to the first requirement required for him to finish.
*Allocating the name Yorn to New World.*
*Congratulations you have completed the settings of the world Yorn!*
"Are there any quests available for the new world?" He queried.
*Though Yorn is a new world, you will still receive tasks but note that the world Yorn will be dependent on Ornio for its upgrading. You will still have to focus on tasks from Ornio and as Ornio upgrades the world Yorn will also upgrade till you reach the seventh stage.*
"So what can I do for now since you haven't given me Quests?"
*A silly question. You can start placing any of the races you have into the world of Yorn before the Quests update.*
Shawn stared at two worlds from the expanded room and smiled.
Taking a closer look, he noticed a round world similar to Earth (Although the Earth is elliptical). Close to it was a world shaped in the form of a square, but one would notice that the sides expanded beyond the square's length and were filled with land and water, giving the shape of a cross with void edges.
"Does the fast-forward time work for Ornio and Yorn together or separately?"
*If it is for both worlds it would cost you double the CP.*
"Ok," Shawn changed the topic and asked other questions, to which the system gave answers.
"It is time to put the races in place in Yorn," He declared, then checked the races section and bought the goblin and kobolds.
“I wonder where I should place them?” he wondered.
*On land of course.*
"Shut up!"
He looked at the continent and the new biomes, smiling as he searched for the ideal biome to place them. At the current moment, he was just unaware of how many he could place in line with the recent ones he unlocked.
Then a thought took root in his head, “How about I just place them at different locations and points?"
He planned to make Yorn a world for monsters and halflings, that was why he kept delaying himself from placing them in Ornio.
Then he had another thought, "Damn! I haven't yet checked the new races that I should have unlocked."
He opened the races tab again and saw the other races that were present. "Oh let's see. We got Demons, Cat Kin, and Aqua people. Hmmm.” he mumbled for a while.
"I'll send the Demons into Yorn,”
*Quest Tab updated.*
“Now let's check the quest,”
Complete all Quests
1 Earn at least 60,000 CP - 35,000/60,000.
2 Witness a new change that occurs in the world of Yorn - 0/1
3 Create 2 new realms for yorn - 0/2.
4 Create new energies to place into the world - As many as you want.
5 Have an overlord being - 0/1.
6 Have Ten races in Ornio - 8/10
7 Complete at least 25 quests - 15/25.
8 Set rules concerning the boundaries between Ornio and Yorn - As many as you want.
9 Get overlords from the Yorn Real. - 0/...
10 Watch the next 1000+ years of progress in Yorn and 500 years of Progress in Ornio - 0/500, 0/1000.
11 Have an extended realm - 0/1.
12 Have two realm races - 0/2.
Shawn felt quite dizzy after seeing the huge number of quests he had to complete, "Are all of these tasks for Rank 4? Then how many ranks will be five and six and even stage three? How long will this keep going?"
*You stop collecting world quests when your world reaches the final rank which is rank 9.*
"Oh rank 9." Shawn calmed down a bit before panicking again. "How many quests will I require to reach rank 9?" He asked.
"I need to rest. All of these must stop" Shawn said.
*Concerning your rest and world time conflict issues. You should probably solve it by using the settings. Also, now that you are in the second stage, you can come and go as you please. All you have to do is to get yourself into the game before sleeping.*
After stating all these things, a new tab appeared with the words “Game settings
Upon clicking it, the tab updated, showing some words and functions he had not seen before, and there was one in particular that caught his eye, “Real world time.”
*Set the amount of time you would like to spend in the game world in association with the real world. Also, note that if you don't complete the time before you log out, the world will expand the pending time you have not completed, which will hinder your world's development even if you complete all the tasks.*
"I will try to keep up with that," He replied, rubbing his throbbing forehead. "I will be spending a maximum of six hours in the creator game world and a minimum of five hours," Shawn announced the time he will be set on playing in the game world.
*Noting downtime.*
Shawn's gaze returned to the world of Yorn and he proceeded to place the races into the new world. However, the emergence of Yorn had some influence on the other realms and the higher beings in particular.
The eight higher beings could feel something tingling within them, “Isn't this feeling of welcome?” said Kadan.
“Does the world have another one?” said Dulgol, earning loud laughs from the others. He wasn't wrong anyway.
Shawn was still in the phase of placing the new races into the giant continent. He bought the Demon race and the Cat kin, then proceeded to place the Catkin race, kobolds, and goblins into the continent, which he named monster continent that had the shape of a crab with broad backs, which he later named Crabak before sending them out into the other continents.
When he checked the world info he was impressed.
Name of World - Yorn
Rank - 1.
Creator - Shawn Roland.
Sentient Races - 0.
Races - 3.
Number of Realms - 1
Population of Sentient Beings - 18,000
Population of Animals - 8,000,000.
Number of Overseers - 0
Number of Higher beings - 0
"Ok, that is a lot for a new world," he said. He had spent over 5,000 CP on the races and world arrangement of Yorn and had around 8,000+. He then returned his gaze to the world of Ornio with confusion. "Now where do I start from?"
*How about you just log out* He heard a voice say.
"Huhn. But that isn't supposed to happen or is it supposed to happen?" Shawn said in confusion.
*Logging Creator out of the world in 3,2,1....*
Before Shawn knew it, he was back in his room, but this time, he could hear the sound of an alarm, and at that moment, he instantly knew that was the reason for all of this.
The Alarm of his room was ringing. "It seems like the system rewarded me for rising early today due to me entering rank four as quickly as possible.
"Well, time to go." He said as his eyes closed before they promptly opened.
"Damnit! It's the weekend!" He roared, "Might as well sleep it off," He added before jumping back on the bed and closing his eyes to sleep as it was still nighttime.
Name of World - Ornio.
Rank - 4.
Creator - Shawn Roland.
Sentient Races - 8
Number of Realms - 3
Population of Sentient Beings - 1,200,000
Population of Animals - 240,000,000.
Number of Overseers - 6
Number of Higher beings - 8.