
transmigrating in a world...??

transmigrating without choice and receiving many things from items, abilities and powers. Our protagonist will have to live a new life with powers in a seemingly normal modern world. [the characters that will appear apart from my oc do not belong to me, all credits go to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

-[chapter 7]-

"Are you saying that watch jumped and stuck to your wrist?" – Max asked after listening to Ben's explanation.

Now after all the fire calmed down, we are back to the camper, Ben is still transformed and Gwen is past the surprise after seeing Ben turned into heatblast.

"Yes and this time it wasn't my fault, really." – Ben said and I can't imagine that he has done so many things that he had to say that that way.

"Yes, I believe you Ben." – Max said calmly, trying not to upset Ben just in case, because well literally not long ago he burned down a part of the forest...

"Will he always remain a monster?" – Gwen asked as he saw the fire and rock golem sitting eating marshmallows.

"He is not a monster, he is an alien." – Max suddenly said with a serious look and seeming very sure of what he said. Needless to say, we didn't stare.

"I mean, just look at it, what else could it be?" – Max said quickly, trying to get everyone to look away from him. I say, I'm surprised how long Max and the aliens' secret has lasted, he's bad at lying.

"I think it's a golem like those from fantasy stories, just look at it, made of rock and fire." – I said while nodding to my theory, seeming very sure of what I said.

Apart from the fact that Ben was more worried about not being able to play baseball being a burning rock. The omnitrix on his chest began to ring and then in a green light, Ben returned to his original form.

"Well, we don't have to look for a solution anymore" – I said while watching Ben try to remove the omnitrix, of course without success.

"It's best that you don't move anything until we know what exactly that is, I'm going to the impact zone, stay here while I come back" – Max said as he headed towards where the Omnitrix fell.

[Time after]

After Max left, everyone went in different directions. I went to the camper to look for my Trench Coat, although I only made it appear, since I was already wearing it, but it was stored somewhere on my body.

Since I have it, I keep it with me all the time, this trench coat will become part of my costume when I am using my powers. since it is so useful and since I merged with the abyssal wings, the storage space of the Trench Coat was freed up and I can store more things inside. Although I only have a few things for now. Things like 5 20-liter bottles of water and 5 glasses, 20 boxes of grape-flavored lollipops and candies and 2 with varied flavors, 5 changes of clothes and the skull of focused wisdom, among other various unimportant things.

The most wonderful thing about the Trench Coat is that it is bulletproof, it has resistance to cold, heat and acid, it can hide my face if I put on the hood and it can hide my presence, but the most important thing is that it is super comfortable.

It truly is an important piece for a hero costume…

Well, with the Trenchcoat equipped and after spending a few minutes inside the camper "looking for it", it is time to return while I wait for the robots to appear.

"What are you guys doing?" – I asked as I approached Ben and Gwen who were sitting around the campfire.

"I'm trying to remember how this works" – Ben said while he was fiddling with the watch. – "I think I already remembered how it worked, I will try it again, just once"

"Ben, I don't think that's the best thing, look at what happened before, part of the forest burned down because I was messing with it." – I said as I approached and sat next to Gwen who was toasting a marshmallow. And even though I said that, at no point did I stop Ben from doing it, Ben has to learn that the things you do have consequences and he is too stubborn to listen to others. Well, he is a 10-year-old boy… A 10-year-old boy, with one of the most powerful "Weapons" that exists.

"Yes Ben, don't do it." – Gwen said, looking truly worried.

"Yes, of course I will." – He said and then pressed the clock and began to transform.

*Sigh* - I sighed because of how Ben is from the beginning.

Then just like the original, Ben transformed into Wildmutt.

[name: Benjamin Tennyson] [age: 10] [danger level: H]

As you can see, wildmutt is not very strong, but his usefulness, talent, strength or whatever you want to call it comes from his enhanced senses of smell and hearing.

"Awww, that thing is more horrible than you already are… and put on a flea collar buddy." – Gwen said making me laugh, but at the same time move away since I don't want to be close to Ben while he drools.

While I wait for the robot, I watch as Ben and Gwen do their antics without interfering, I don't really care much what they do, it's not like they're going to hurt each other. Ben soon left again and Gwen started yelling at him.

"And why didn't you do something to stop it?" – Gwen told me as she pointed to where Ben had gone.

"What do you want me to do? Ben won't even listen to you or his own grandfather, what could he do with someone he met a few hours ago?" – I said as I shrugged and ate my freshly toasted marshmallow.

"(Sigh)" – Gwen sighed at my response. She then went to the camper, grabbed a shovel and started walking into the forest in the direction where Ben went.

'So that's what I had the shovel for, huh?' - I thought as I watched her leave, but I quickly followed her because I remembered that the little robots first met Ben who had become wildmutt.

[Time after]

"BEN!! "BEN, WHERE ARE YOU?!!" – Gwen shouted as she looked around looking for Ben.

While I was just accompanying her. Although she was also looking around in case she saw Ben, it's assumed that in the original she almost didn't count it when one of the little robots almost killed him after her transformation ended.


While I was starting to get bored, Gwen and I heard the sound of an explosion not far from us, Gwen's eyes widened after hearing it.

"Ben!!...if something happens to you, Grandpa is going to kill me" – Gwen screamed and quickly headed towards where she heard the sound of an explosion, I could hear her murmur while he followed her closely. Not that close, but my senses are enhanced so I could hear her murmuring, even though she was several meters away from me.

'I think this is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate my powers' – I thought, I really don't want to just remain an observer, which I could, but the truth is I'm really getting bored.

Me having powers while I'm in a modern world without many problems is really boring and although I could go out and become a "hero" stopping petty criminals, I'm not really very interested… well, at least for now. It's not like I could go out at night when the house I live in is very well guarded and I wouldn't want to use my skills on my family if I can help it.

But well, as Gwen and I ran in the direction we heard the sound of the explosion, now guiding ourselves better because we can now see the smoke from it, Gwen and I saw Ben back to his original form celebrating.

Although her celebration ended quickly because another small robot appeared, Gwen ran faster, but I passed her while she activated [one for all], I jumped in the direction of the robot and gave it a flying kick that sent the robot away. .


"HUH??? But what?" – I heard Ben say and when I turned to see them, he and Gwen had a look of total confusion on their faces.

"I told you, didn't I? Strange things have happened to me too." – I said while she had a smile on my face, I think I must have looked good. My appearance next to the trench coat and being surrounded by flashes of lightning traveling through my body, I should have looked great.

"WOW!! Haru, how did you do that?" – Ben asked, curious and amazed, Gwen seemed to have the same question. Well, I don't blame them, it's not every day you see someone with powers.

"Well... it's not that I don't want to tell you, but we have to go back, Mr. Max may have already returned. I'll tell you later." – I said while laughing a little, even though this is what I wanted it makes me a little uncomfortable, I've been carrying this secret for 5 years now and it feels strange to tell it to someone. Although I haven't told them anything yet.

Of course, I'll only tell you a story I made up based on what happened to get the powers, but nothing about me being a transmigrate, of course.

[Time after]

"Ben, Gwen, Haru, where have you been, I was worried" – Max asked worriedly as we approached.

"I'm sorry about that, it's just…" – I started to speak and was going to tell why we weren't here, but Ben interrupted me while jumping in the direction of Max.

"GRANDPA, HARU HAS POWERS!!" – He said making me stop in my tracks and Max and Gwen look surprised. Max of course because of what he just heard and Gwen because he didn't think Ben would say something like that, just like that.