
transmigrating in a world...??

transmigrating without choice and receiving many things from items, abilities and powers. Our protagonist will have to live a new life with powers in a seemingly normal modern world. [the characters that will appear apart from my oc do not belong to me, all credits go to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

-[chapter 12]-

It didn't take long to reach Dr. Animo and without giving him time to react I kicked him in the left arm, sending him flying.

"AAHHHHHH!! ARGH!! MY ARM!!" – After the cry of pain and scream fell through his left arm while he grabbed it with his right arm. He turned to look at me and I realized that the lenses on his helmet were broken a little, his helmet was a little dented and his nose was bleeding.

'I think it's over… I should learn to restrain myself with normal humans.' – I thought. Although I don't feel bad for having done that to Dr. Animo. I think that I should learn to control my strength since even though I am only using 5% of the power of [One for all] it is still an increase that leads me to have superhuman abilities.

"Okay, it's over, you have no escape, now you have to wait for the police to arrive." – I told him and although I sounded calm and like I wasn't tired, the truth is I'm just pretending, I'm not calm at all and I'm very tired.

I'm not calm, because now that I'm realizing it, the police haven't arrived yet and a good few minutes have passed while I was facing the mutants.

"(Snort) Do you think I'm stupid? If you are waiting for the police to arrive because of the security alarm then you should know that they will not come, I was in charge of turning it off as soon as I arrived and I had already taken care of the security guards in advance." – Dr. Animo said, trying to hide his pain with a false performance of confidence and arrogance while he looked at me with undisguised fury.

"Oh? Ooohhhh!! I understand, well, I just have to call them so they can come then." – I said while nodding, well, it makes sense, as intelligent as Animo is, I would be even more surprised if he didn't do it.

"Well, enough talk, now sit still, don't think I don't know what you're trying to do." – I told him while I deactivated the facial concealment of the Trenchcoat and used [Intimidating Look] on Animo and then began to walk slowly towards him. He should really learn how to intimidate without the need to use any skills, just like batman.

"NO!! GET AWAY FROM MY MONSTER!!" – And it didn't take him long to get scared after that, although I turned a deaf ear to his screams, but before I could reach him I heard two sounds not far away.

*Mutant parrot screech* *Scream of a frightened Gwen*

"OOOHHHH PLEASE!!" – I screamed with frustration and anger, I don't know how many times today things haven't gone the way I want and I'm supposed to have the passive skill of [Luck] on my side.

I turned back and then looked up and saw the parrot flying while holding Gwen in her paws. Without thinking further I started running while increasing the [One for all] to 15%, I ignored my muscles bulging and screaming from exhaustion, I grabbed a trash can from the museum while I mentally thought. – 'This is for making me feel bad thinking that I had killed you... and for giving Gwen a hard time.' – and without mercy I threw it hard at the bird, I hit it on the head, it screamed and it let go of Gwen.

"GWEN!" – I heard Max's scream, I guess he is seeing how his granddaughter is falling from about 7 meters high.

"AAAAHHHH!!" – Gwen, like a normal person, started to scream louder when she saw that she was falling, but that was something she was not going to allow. I started running again and then jumped about 3 meters and held Gwen like a princess.

Already in my hands, we began to fall and I fell to the ground without much trouble with Gwen in my arms, all thanks to using a greater amount of the power of [one for all], although my muscles were already demanding that I stop.

"Are you okay Gwen?" – I asked Gwen even though I had her in my arms, not for nothing, but I can't let her go without knowing if she is or not.

But as I focused my attention on her, she remained silent and did not speak, making me tilt my head slightly in confusion.

"AH? Oh yes, yes I'm fine, thank you." – She said quickly a little red as she looked away from me.

"Oh… well, that's good." – I said after understanding why she got like that, I left her on the ground and turned my gaze away and remembered that... indeed. I had turned off the Trench Coat's facial concealment to scare Animo and had forgotten to turn it back on.

"Gwen, are you okay?" – Max said coming to where we were.

"Yes grandpa, I am now, I just got a little scared." – She responded while I thought that was everything but a little, I could feel her body trembling, but well that is not something that I am going to point out.

So I ignore them while I sigh because the truth is, this seems like a plan made on purpose to make Gwen fall in love with me using my [charming look] ability. This is the second time it has happened to me just one day apart, the truth is it is annoying, because in these 5 years I have been taking care that this does not happen and now it seems that I don't even try.

Shaking his head as he thought he should be more careful. Then I just turned my gaze to see that Animo was not in the place I had left him, I looked around and saw him limping and holding his left arm while he walked towards the t-rex skeleton.

"OH NO! Not this time!" – I said while I put my right hand into the interior space of the Trench Coat and took out a rubber ball, I activated [One for all] at 5% and threw the rubber ball with force in the direction of old Doctor Animo.

"ARGHH!!" – He screamed after the ball had hit him in the head and he fell to the ground, I aimed at that specific place since he was protected by the helmet, so the impact of the ball was not much.

"Well it looks like he fainted." – Said Max while he looked at Dr. Animo on the floor without moving… the truth is if we see it that way it seems like something else, we better go on the positive side.

"YEESSS… Mr. Max, you better call the police because Animo had deactivated the alarms." – I told Max while he remembered what Dr. Animo had said before.

"Yes, right, it seemed strange to me that no one came." – He said as he nodded and before he could do anything else Ben appeared.

"Hello, I'm here, what did I miss?" – Ben said while he appeared still transformed into four arms which means that 10 minutes have not passed yet, I could also notice that he seemed dizzy.

'It seems like he was very dizzy not long ago, that must be why there was no wine even with Gwen and Max's loud screams...'. – I thought and I seem to remember that, in the original to knock out the mammoth, Ben turned very quickly while he was holding him and then threw him towards a wall.

"Not much" – I said as I shrugged my shoulders and downplayed what had happened. Max quickly left to make the call to the police.

"Not much? A giant parrot lifted me into the air and I almost died from a fall from about 8 meters high!! and you say not much!" – Gwen said and it seems like I shouldn't have spoken.

"Oh come on Gwen, I wouldn't have let that happen." – I said to turn to see her and when we made eye contact I saw how she froze, and I quickly looked away while I activated the facial concealment.

"I'll go check on old Doctor Animo." – I said after finding the perfect excuse to leave quickly.

[Time after]

It had been a while, Dr. Animo had been easily arrested thanks to one of the exterior security cameras recording him breaking in before he turned them off.

Now we are in the camper heading to the next destination of this trip.

"Last night was great, Ben rescued people from a burning building, I stopped a robbery and we all stopped a crazy creator of mutants who wanted to conquer the world and all in one night, I just hope that not every night is like this. " – I said as I leaned back in the seat, I'm already a little more recovered from the overexertion, only now my muscles hurt as if I had gone through an intense workout.

"And without forgetting that you saved me, thank you." – Gwen said while he had a small smile on his face.

"Don't worry." – I told him while he gave him a smile and inside he thought. 'I just hope it doesn't become customary.'

"Yes well, not so great, in the end I couldn't get the sumo wrestler card." – Ben said as he leaned his head off the table and let out a sigh.

"(Sigh) You know what, ben, here." – I said while I made my Trenchcoat appear and took out from its interior space a sumo wrestler card that Ben wanted. I got this letter shortly before coming on the vacation trip and in the end I decided to throw it in the raincoat, I am not a fan of sumo wrestlers and I thought it would be a good help to increase Ben's favoritism towards me. You know in the future if everything goes well, Ben will be a powerhouse, having him as a friend wouldn't be bad.

I know, I'm a manipulator...

"THAT!? WOOAW!! SERIOUSLY FOR ME?? WHERE DID YOU GET IT!?" – Ben said excitedly after seeing the letter, although when he tried to grab it, I pushed it aside.

"From a box of cereal. But listen Ben, I'll give it to you, but I want you to listen to me first." – I said, making Ben nod as he looks at the letter.

"You want to be a hero, right? So if you want to be one, you can't be doing things that villains would do, what you were doing in the store is wrong and not at all like a hero." – I said trying to make Ben understand, which I could see I managed a little since he lowered his head after listening to me.

"I just hope that you understand that what you did is wrong, in this short time of knowing you I see you as a friend and I don't want to see how my friend uses his powers in that way. Here, take this as a thank you for helping those people in the fire and for helping me, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have been able to stop Dr. Animo, thank you for the help." – I told Ben, I'm a hypocrite for saying this since I'm not the best example of a hero, but now I was being totally sincere. I see him as a friend and I don't want him to end up being evil, it would be difficult to stop him... now. I don't even want to think about when he gets the other watches.

After saying what I had to say I gave him the letter.

"T-thank you. But and you?" – Ben thanked while grabbing the letter, but then asked while looking at me.

"Oh me? Don't worry about me, I'm fine like this." – I said while smiling and thinking about the invention that I took from Dr. Animo, I can't use it nor do I want to use it, but who knows one day I might use it. This wasn't stealing, it's just the winner's prize, even the original Ben kept a part of Dr. Animo's machine.

"(Yawn) Well, I'm sorry, but I'm sleepy, I moved a lot last night and I need to recharge my batteries." – I said as I got up and headed towards the back of the camper to rest.

'Well, I think it's time for my well-deserved rest... good night.' – I thought as I quickly fell asleep.