
True Eclipse 2

"I am afraid not. You are the start of everything and the end of all. The sun and moon. Reality and dreams, where all join and sever each other. The breaking point of all matter, before it becomes something new."

The star took an edge to its voice, building up to a snapping or a higher pitch, but never achieving it.

"This is the small moment where "everything is", and "everything is not". This is what happens when the Schorindinger's cat is in the box."

"In other words, an eclipse."

Ellianor completed the star's speech. It was the melting point of both aspects that would be undone, it could only happen for a moment in a long cycle, if it happened again at all.

"You are correct." The star answered. Ellianor was not in the box, a box between his life and death, time and space.

It was what the voice wanted to say in its roundabout way.

"I see. I am here because the voice that sent me where wanted me to… awaken something called the Eclipse Force, which I think is related to you."

Now that Ellianor looked at the star, it was the spitting image of an eclipse.

"I can't give it to you, not without a good reason, despite her wants." The star answered, and something became obvious: it knew the voice's true identity, who "she" was, and wanted.

Ellianor sighed. "I thought so. Anyway, I don't care much about it. Such is life, but… can you help someone?"

The star, for a moment, seemed confused.

"I was on the verge of death before I ended here, and someone almost died there, she almost died protecting me. And someone wants… to kidnap her. Something."

ELlianor looked eye, his eyes shaking.

"I honestly don't care about dying, but she… does not deserve it. She has a life ahead of her, and she lost her memories. She shouldn't die here." A small, self-deprecating laugh left his mouth.

"I know it is selfish, and preposterous to say "should" to… something like you, but that is how I feel. Her life has more worth, because she hadn't got to live, and she has no memories." She was a clean slate, thus free of sin, and evil.

If her past self was satan himself or an angel of God wasn't important for him. She was free of those things, for now, she had no recollection of it, a fresh start. The same couldn't be said about him.

"That's… the most selfish and selfless thing I have ever heard—"

"I don't care about my moral standing in this. It is unimportant. Even if I die, I would her to at least live." The star sighed but wasn't angered by his interruption.

"I see. Don't you care about how she may feel? That you abandoned her? That you sacrificed yourself to keep her alive?" It was a genuine question, but Ellianor laughed it off.

"She is a sturdy girl. She will endure." The star went silent for a few seconds as if pondering something.

Then, it had a retort ready. "Don't you think how she may feel? Walking through a world so familiar, yet alien to her, without anyone by her side." The star took on a tired tone.

"IF she was a criminal, she would lose a friend in you, a friend who would believe in her. She may forget you if she was a saint, replaced by the hordes worshipping her."

The star awaited Ellianor's response with eagerness.

Its eagerness was repaid immediately.

"I don't care, while the former will make me sad, I trust her to pull through, and who cares about the latter? Sure, I will be forgotten, this dying a second time, but I will have already died a long time ago by then."

In the end, it did not matter, it would be good to be remembered, but if he wasn't, why care?

"If she dies, I end forgotten, anyway. I would rather that she at least lived." Make good use of his life.

"Are you ready… for her to walk this strange path?" Ellianor nodded, and the voice giggled a hearty giggle. "I will fulfill your wish. Welcome, Spokesman of the Eclipse."

The star laughed.

"Welcome, my Slayer of the Void."

Ellianor was pulled from the strange space, and back to reality.


"Now. You will come with me, fallen star…" The monster reached its hand for Kissenn. Behind it, a surge of energy happened. It looked back at the stupid boy.

The blade was out of his chest, and spinning in there, a cheerful laugh came out of the ancient object.

A golden-black aura surrounded the boy, taking the form of a great wolf's skull projected out of his body.

Its form undulated, but the dark silhouette of the great wolf was there, much to the being's terror.

"The eclipse… it is impossible. It never had chosen anyone." As if to prove him wrong, the wolf skull grinned.

Flesh and fur grew out of its shape as the skull changed shapes, from a wolf to a tiger, the energy condensing into something more, the form of the skull, of the beast, more concise and whole, not a wolf, but a great feline.

"That is it. I am out of here." An explosion happened behind it, a strange purple and dark portal ripped across space, it awaited from behind the monster, but the sword stopped spinning in the air.

With a bestial roar from the boy, it was shot forward like a projectile clad in dark gold.

The energy transformed into that of a running wolf, before it became that of a tiger, sprinting at full speed against the mortal and the monster.

Before it could grab Kissenn, the portal behind it was ripped to shreds by Testament and the Eclipse's energy, and its hand was torn to pieces with all of its gauntlets.

The monster changed postures, it advanced against Ellianor, aware of Eclipse energy in the form of a tiger's head surrounding the boy, but it couldn't be helped, the boy had been proven as a greater threat.

"Not so fast."

The ceiling collapsed, and a man clad in black, white, and blue descended with a great sword, the world came to a painful halt, as the great sword and gauntlet clashed against each other.

Well, very bad things happened while I was editing this chapter, like, very nasty.

My brother has been ran over by a motorcycle, so chapters may take longer to be posted or be posted out of schedule as I and my family sort things out.

Laziest_Pillowcreators' thoughts