
Mission Start 3

Ellianor's eyes narrowed. Guard outposts mean they keep the monsters at bay, and because of this, they are surrounded by the stragglers left by the chaos on the surface.

Maybe the monsters such as gragas had grown bolder now that they thought the possibility of winning and looting against villages and guards was feasible.

Pest control was an accurate description of what they would be doing. Ellianor smiled, his hands itched as the marks of a phantasmagoric dark claw overlapped with them.

The [CLAW OF NIHILITY] was there. In comparison to the [ECLIPSE WAVE], it was easier to use, as well as "eager" to manifest itself.

Ellianor had to wonder if it was because of the classification it had. [CLAW OF NIHILITY] was an Ultimate grade skill, while the Eclipse Wave was of an unknown grade.