
Mission, start! 1

After their morning routine, Ellianor checked his clothes in the mirror of the shower room.

They were nice and clean, even smelled nice, with no traces of blood or damage. 'Did I get a change of clothes?'

Ellianor could not remember where he got those clothes, but they looked exactly like the ones he had before. A type of fancy suit, orange and black, almost like a uniform of some kind.

It was not all that good now that he thought about it.

'I would prefer a coat, pants, and a nice shirt.' His clothes changed to his thoughts, the strange uniform swapped to his preferred clothes.

A black and orange suit with strange symbols and emblems on it, black pants with some bits of armor, and a simple, and plain grey shirt. It was how he thought, but it was nice.

'Can the system just change my drip at will? Dawn, that's useful.' Ellianor looked at the mirror, checking his clothes, and the next big thing reflected on the glass.

Big and long hair. It was the biggest he had seen on himself, reaching past his waist, and that was because chunks of it were blown and cut back in the corrupted space station.

'Cutting it will make such a mess. Can you hand me some hair-tie or something?' In a good mood, the system gave what was asked of it. Ellianor smiled, tying his hair immediately.

It was held in one big ponytail, it felt heavy on his head and brought his body backward. 'How heavy is that thing?' It was Ellianor's first time with long hair, and it felt troublesome.

He stretched his limbs, and the dark blade appeared on his hand. He was relatively ready to fight. 'Now I have to figure out more prowess to use since Chivalry is a cheated skill.'

Exiting the shower room, Aur and Kissenn awaited him, the latter sending death glares to the former, who smiled back at her. "Oh, it seems that the princess finished her shower. We are on our target."

A vein jumped on his forehead because of Aur's teaching. "I was just checking myself to see if everything was alright. I finished bathing hours ago while you two played thug of war."

Kissenn smiled wolfishly, still bitter about being "swapped" to Aur. "Oh, So you take hours to finish something as simple as showering? How shameful…" She grinned, and Aur chimed in.

"You know boys… they gotta do what they have to in the showers, I can't blame him, after all, I am beautiful." The death glare became a smirk, a malicious smirk that threw Ellianor out of the loop.

'Were you two at each other's neck moments ago? From where came this camaraderie?' Did they join forces to tease him? The black-haired man shook his head, feeling the ponytail swing to the rhythm of his head.

"Whatever, how we are going down there?" The pilot's cabinet was locked, so Ellianor had no way of knowing where they would land the spaceship. Kissen dropped her smirk to stare at Aur, who cupped her own cheek.

"Three. Two. One. Down we go." She pointed down, their bodies vanished into a ray of light.

They were immediately placed on what Ellianor thought was the surface of the Scrapyard. It was a pile of mismatched buildings and designs, quickly stitched together like patchwork.

The ground was uneven, and the space was visible, the spaceship they used lurked on the horizon, distant from the Scrapyardd itself. 

There were many buildings, places, and píles of garbage and materials, as well as makeshift lights of all kinds littered around the place, people walked and talked, as some locals sold stuff.

From food to broken weapons and… unsavory things. It was a myriad of styles and themes slapped together as one in that place. "How do we breathe? I can see space from here?"

Kissenn's eyes shone like that of a trash panda, awestruck by the useless trash sold on the markets. Ellianor held on her shoulder, to stop her from trying to buy anything despite knowing they lacked currency.

"That place has its artificial atmosphere, and air, as well as gravity generators. It is a floating patched ship of trash and fragments, debris of other places." Ellianor nodded, he could only imagine how big the place was.

It looked big from the small glimpse they had of the entire thing. Suddenly, an image jumped before them.

It was the hologram of a faceless robot, its metal laced in black and green. "I see you have made planetfall. Good. My name is Goreas, and I am your current employer for this mission."

Kissen stepped back, a little startled by the sudden apparition of the hologram. "This is a pre-recorded message, so don't bother asking questions. Sadly I can't answer them."

The mechanic's voice continued as the robot brought a paper up to its faceless face. "I have reason to believe that a dangerous group called the Terminal Slayers has been there, I want you to search for them."

Its mechanical form turned to Ellianor and Kissenn. 

"I am aware that you two are new to this word, so I will keep it brief. The Terminal Slayers are a group of ruffians who seek to cause as much mischief and chaos as they possibly can while exploiting machines in the process."

The robot dropped the paper on the ground, before looking at it. "I can't cut that out. The Terminal Slayers are a group who seek to use as much weaponry and power to cause a great amount of destruction."

He bent down and picked up the paper, showing it before them. "Those are your main suspects. Riam "The Golem Maker", Anne "The Satellite", and "Weapongazer"."

Three photos appeared before them, one with a rough-looking, slightly humanoid being that looked like a mix of human and crow, Riam. 

One creature is slightly humanoid, but with tentacles and a body mixed between metal and flesh, and a robot that looked like a sphere strapped with as much armament as it could carry.

"They are highly dangerous, but I trust Aur to keep you all safe."

Nothing like forced teleportation to start your day.

Laziest_Pillowcreators' thoughts