
Departing 2

They made their way towards the hanger. It was a giant structure with many ships docket, ships the size of small houses, and at least ten of them were stored in the hangar.

"This is what we, plebeians who can't teleport or rip space use to move around." Aur raised her arms as the door to the hanger opened.

It was a massive structure, the ships were way bigger than he expected.

'Those things could eat a space a shuttle, hell, an airplane and have space to spare.' As Ellianor marveled about the spaceships, Kissenn caught on another topic.

"Wait, you guys can teleport and rip space?"Her head moved to Aur, who grinned, holding her chin as she sized what ship she wanted to take this time.

"Some of us do. Goreas for example has… his brand of doing things. Dear Muriel also has something similar. For teleport… Hm. Somethings are better left unsaid."

Kissenn blinked a few times in annoyance. Aur spoke, but her words had no meaning. 'Who is Goreas? And why does he have something similar to that of Goreas? Why some things are better left unsaid?'

It was infuriating. 'She is talking as if we knew whatever that means' Kissenn turned to her friend, in search of sympathy and acknowledgment towards Aur's ass-pulling.

Sadly, he was too enamored by the ships to care or notice what she had said.

Kissenn groaned, as Aur finally chose one ship to take. "I hope no one had used that one. It will be awkward."

Finally, the spell placed on Ellianor by the machinery of the spaceships was broken, his head snapping at Aur.

"What do you mean by that?" Aur raised two fingers as if it meant something to them.

"Simply, if they left their stuff in, they will have to wait until we come back to retrieve their stuff." Aur laughed, unbothered by her words.

'That is hella mean.' Beyond mean, it was an active hindrance towards other members and their property.

Now Muriel's words made more sense. 'Who needs an enemy when they have a coworker like that?'

Kissenn's face palmed, regretting having joined the Wardens. "Can't we trade her for Muriel or Yuri?" She complained out loud, as Aur waved her hand at them, her smile wider, almost a grin.

"I am afraid you are stuck with me. Don't worry, I would rather have a mission than babysit you two." Both winced at the retort. They were not ready to sass a superior.

Not yet. "Oh well, since we are both here, I guess it is time to let you both in what the mission will entail." Aur walked to a ship and signed for them to get in.

Without any choice on the matter, the duo followed after her. Inside the ship, it was different from the space station in aesthetics.

It looked more like a nice medieval tavern than the oriental aesthetics the space station had, just as charming.

"Oh, I know who usually uses this own. Yeah, we are on the green. Make yourselves at home, kiddos." The first room they were in was not a decompression room or a decontamination chamber.

It was like a lobby or living room, with one sofa, one armchair, and a big TV with a console on it, despite the rustic aesthetics of it.

Ellianor looked at the light bulbs, and they were placed, and colored in a way to remind torches or lamps.

Kissenn looked around, impressed by the fake stone and wooden floor beneath their feet. Truth be told, even Ellianor was impressed by how they managed a faithful recreation of a tavern.

'Those guys must be geeks, or lovers of yer olden times.' It was a reasonable explanation when they had members as old as galaxies.

Ellianor was reminded of the book given to him by Urien, and how he should stop to read it one time. The duo decided to explore the spaceship.

It had relatively large corridors, it wouldn't crush them like a can of sardines, already a positive point for that spaceship. 'Good that no one here is claustrophobic.'

At least, Kissenn and Aur didn't show it outwardly if they were. The black-haired man looked around in search of their senior, but she was nowhere to be seen.

With a sigh, he went to the sofa, throwing his back against it.

"That place is nice and cozy. Well, I hope our senior is not a butcher, otherwise, the voyage will be crap."

The black-haired woman shook her head, as the senior in question appeared before her. She was not as tall as Kissenn, so the intimidation tactic effect didn't work as it should.

'Sneaking up on someone taller as an intimidation tactic is kind of… embarrassing.' Aur awaited behind Kissenn, her face a blank mask with a smile, but the few veins jumping on her face denounced her mood.

She was not having a good time. Ellianor placed a hand over his mouth to hide his blatant laughter. "What? Why are you smiling?" Kissenn turned around to see Aur.

The blue-haired woman was on the verge of her patience. "Despite your concerns, I assure you that I'm capable of flying this ship without hindrance. I appreciate your thoughts, although."

Without a single additional word, Aur turned away and vanished in one of the corridors. Kissenn kept a neutral face, dumbfounded at the sudden appearance of their senior.

She turned her head to look Ellianor in the eye, a small smile over his lips now that his hand was not blocking his mouth anymore.

Kissenn smiled too, giggling a little.

"That was strange. Very strange." Kissenn barely held herself together, fending off her laughter, Ellianor did the same.

"Yeah. Well, you are tall, so those tactics of looming over you do not work." She was tall, almost as tall as him. He was sure he was at least six feet in his past life, and that life was no different.

'That places you at five feet eleven inches?' It was not every day a girl could bump shoulders with him.

"Yeah, I mean, she was standing there. pff!" She broke into laughter, followed by Ellianor.

Volume 1 is nearing its end right now. I am a bit excited for volume 2, hehe.

Laziest_Pillowcreators' thoughts