
Transmigrated With Raphael who now acts like an Onee San

Izumi from Earth was transmigrated in Miyamura Izumi before High School and the world was a mixture of Animes with slight AU characteristics. Sorry to Hori-San but she won't be the heroine. Later it will get into a Multiverse Journey because Cote isn't Finished. . . . . Schedule - 1 chapter every day The extra chapter will be available on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

Dealing with Devils

Hearing him, Amaterasu was stunned. It was true she wasn't his Goddess nor has she done anything for him. But considering that she was a Goddess, should he at least respect her a little? Hmph, It seems she has to show him what a goddess can do.

"Nope! I don't want to see what you can do." Izumi said as he looked at her. Seeing her face, and then comparing it to Girls he had seen in anime, he knew what she was about to say.

This time, Yasaka and Amaterasu were stunned. Yasaka looked at her Goddess, and seeing the Look on her face, she knew that his Boy was Right.

"Anyways! Let me check who sent them." Saying this, Izumi went to one of the Devils, His Form changed to vampire Count Form and then he looked at the Female Devil.

Opening her eyes, he made her look into his eyes and said, "Who is the Leader here? The One who has most information among You."

He spoke in a charming voice, Even though His Vampiric Charm wasn't as potent as it was on a vampire, It was way Powerful for a Middle-Class Devil to Ignore. Coupled with the fact, he had used Pleasue Magic on her, The Female Devil replied, "I am the Leader here. I was made the Leader even though I am Middle Class, It was to fool others if we were caught."

Izumi nodded at her and put his hand on her cheek, rubbing it slightly and using Pleasure Magic, which made the Female Devil flush red, he asked, "No My Dear! Tell me what were you doing here? If I am Pleased by You, I might even reward You."

The Female Devil was already lost in Pleasure and started to tell everything, The Thought of her getting a reward excited her, "We were tasked to Kidnap Kyoto Leader's Daughter, We are a group which worked as mercenaries in Devil World, A hooded man came to use and he was A High-Class Devil. He gave us a mission and told us that we only have to take the Attention of Yasaka, But The Information was wrong. You and Goddess Amaterasu were also here."

"Were you told who will help you?"

"No, We were even Paid Early for this. Now that we have Failed, We will either be on the run, or we will Die."

Izumi nodded at her and said, "Here is Your Reward."

Saying this he increased the Potency of Pleasure magic but made sure he wouldn't break her.

Turning towards Yasaka and Amaterasu, He saw Yasaka closing Kunou's Ears and Eyes, while Her Tails were swinging around, Her face was flushed red.

It was the same for Amaterasu, but she could control it, but one could see her ears were red. Rolling his eyes, Izumi changed back to his Normal Form and then said, "You have heard her, What do you want to do?"

"Hmm! Send them back to the underworld and ask for Compensation?" Yasaka said while trying to control her Tail.

"What about you, Amaterasu? You know a God was also involved here."

"Indeed, But Shinto Faction can't do anything, After all the One who was involved was..."

"Goddess of Night, Nyx."

As soon as Izumi said it, Light disappeared from the Place, and Night Appeared.

Then they heard the laughs of a Woman.

"Fufufufu! You are Interesting, So Interesting. It's My First Time Seeing Someone Like You. Boy! Do you want to come With Me?"

Izumi who heard her, started laughing.

"Pffff! Hahahahaha! You? Want me to come with You?"

Then he changed back to his Count Form and said in a deep Voice, "Dream On Woman."

Saying this, he unleashed his Pleasue Magic, With Runes attached to It. Two Light Swords appeared in the Place and the whole Domain of Night disappeared, and Once the Domain disappeared, a Light Sword Flew away from the Place.

"Idiot! Who told you to say her name, and stop releasing your magic, Yasaka is going in 'Heat'." Amaterasu said. She was about to release her Divinity, but Izumi attacked first.

Hearing Her, Izumi looked at Yasaka, whose tails were swinging faster and faster, and from her face, It looked like she was stopping herself from Jumping at Him.

Izumi changed back and stopped releasing the Magic, The Six Devils had become unconscious.

"Haha! Sorry, I Lost it."

'Fuck! The Desires are getting harder and harder to suppress. I still need to wait for 4 days, And I don't want to be like a crazed animal.'

"Huh! Let's Go and Take them with us!" Izumi said as he picked the Six Devils with Telekinesis.

"Where are you Going?" Amaterasu asked.

"Really? Are you really a Goddess? OF Course, I will go with you all. Or Do you want me to hypnotize someone and live in their House?"

"No! You will be coming with us." Yasaka said, before Amatearsu could Speak.

"Hahaha!" Izumi laughed as he looked at the look Yasaka was giving to Amaterasu.

"Fine! Fine! Come with us! It's Not Like I wanted to invite you or something."

"Eh?" "Eh?"

'Tsundere, So that's how it is.' Izumi thought as he understood her behavior.

'Woah! I didn't know Goddess could say something like that. What type of Person are they? Tsu, Tdere, Ugh! Whatever! Yasaka thought as she heard her.

"What?" Amaterasu said as she looked at the weird looks the Two were Giving to her. She felt they were thinking something weird about her, but she couldn't say anything as she had to maintain her image as Goddess, which had already been destroyed in Izumi and Yasaka's Minds.

As the group left, A woman appeared at the Place.

"This Smell, this Place," she said as she stood at the place Izumi was standing. Her legs were shaking, and she was breathing heavily.

'I Love It. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it.'

Izumi didn't know his actions against Nyx led to the birth of Yandere. It seems Scathach was right about his Punishment being rewarded For Them.

[A/N: The Scenes in the Arc are the basis of the world they are in. Though they may be Illogical for some, The world itself was illogical if you think about how Issei became so strong. Even though Scared Gears work on 'Desires', Issei's Power-Ups were Bullshit.]


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