
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Anime e quadrinhos
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69 Chs

Ch.53: Round Table.

In the pits of hell, 7 'humans' sat at a round table. They each had features that were unique and they each had charms that could give God himself a second glance.

"Gluttony, I didn't expect you to be the first to be honest."

The one who looked over at Gluttony was Lucifer, the Sin Of Pride. He had long, crimson hair that went down to the middle of his back. He also had red pupils that matched the color of blood. On his forehead, he had two long and void black horns that curved back like the handles to ghost riders bike.

"Didn't expect?! Before that bastard died, he went to millions of worlds, planted his seed in hopes of finding an heir! He had it planned out from the start!"

Satan, Sin Of Wrath. Ruler Over Demons, Subordinate, yet best friend of Lucifer. Satan spoke with aggression like he was in control. He hated all the sins besides Lucifer and thought of them as lower species, even though they all came from the same hole.

Satan had horns like Lucifer excepted for the fact that they were smaller and grey, meaning they had the same design and nothing more. He had grey pupils and black hair, wore regular clothing and had the features of a young man.

"Now, Now, You have to give it to him, Satan, none of us thought of doing such a thing..."

Lust, Sin Of...Well, Lust. A beautiful woman who goes by no specific name besides Lust. She had dark green hair with purple streaks it, her eyes matching as well. Whenever she spoke, she would cause all the other sins to drool slightly.

The other 3 sins voiced out in the end which lead Gluttony to ultimately say,.. "You guys are just dumb. We are all at a point in time where we need to pass our power on to an heir. It's been like this for eons. Me being me, I'm able to travel across multiple universes, planting the seed into whatever or whoever I want. Luci, you thought like this too, but found it unworthy of your stature. Lust, you hate the fact that you have to sell yourself in order to pass your power. Satan, you just have too much of an ego to do what I did. Sloth is just lazy, Envy just ain't confident enough in...anything, and Greed... You just don't want to give up your power. We all have a choice on what to do, it's only me however who made one."

He had too much power in his disposal and had to get rid of it. From the hole he crawled out of with his other brothers and sister, he devoured an entire universes power. Since then, he kept growing and growing in power until one day, he suggested that they should pass their power to an heir.

They all agreed on this...ish, as they all had too much power in themselves and passing it on to their offspring would save themselves while continuing their legacy. A child of a sin is supposedly suppose to be the perfect power holder. There's more to it buts that's just the beginning.

"You're right, Gluttony. We all made the choice and you're the only one to go through with it." Lucifer words caused the dormant anger of the others to slightly diminish.

"Gluttony, your heir has awakened his power and it's up to us to follow close behind. You've always been ahead of us, and it's time for that cycle to end. While you have always been ahead, your son from earth was always behind. That's why we ignore 'Humans' and go after more intelligent species."

Lucifer got up, his eyes closed which gave off an aura of a wise man. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking my leave." As he said that, the other Sins got up, scoffed at Gluttony and left. Before they were all laid back, but now that someone has awakened an heir, it was time to get serious.

'By using a power, I was able to hold them all off from having thoughts of having heirs. But now, that power is gone...' He looked down at his hand. 'My powers are slowly diminishing. I've...done everything in my power to keep you safe until now, son. It's up to you to finish the rest..'

He began to remember the past. His and Aric's. 'I was known as 'The One With Infinite Power'. Now, you'll be known as, 'The One Who Takes Reality', a title that not me, nor my fellow brother could get. Son, I believe in you. I always knew that you would have been my Heir. Me...and your Mother always knew..'

Gluttony, the power to devour any and all things. The power to take, the power to control, the power to be above all. 'I have little time left to live, but I hope that it's enough to see you grow. I won't ask for forgiveness, but I hope that...I hope that you'll atleast thank me...for giving you...

This Hell.'
