
Ch.49: Son Of Gluttony.

It was 7 o'clock a.m. on the dot. From behind a small shed, a little boy slowly got up while giving out a weary yawn. 'I think..its my birthday..' He said with his apatthic look. He had brown hair and brown eyes to match.

For a child, he looked mature. He had apparent scars on his back and some on his face. 'Not like it matters..' For a 5 years old, turned 6 year old, he was aware of most things. His place in life. How to speak well for his age.

How to take care of everything for himself. He then began reaching into a garbage can, only to take out a ruined muscle tshirt. It had small holes in it and wad covered in all sorts of stains.

'Is mother..fine..?' He went around the small shed and looked through a window. The inside was comprised of a table with sheets on top of it. Behind the table was a box full of beer and apples with a single stove eye that you'd plug into a wall.

'She's..okay..' As he saw his sleeping mother, someone stood behind the small boy. 'I shouldn't bother her. It was..bad last night..' The figure then picked the small boy up by the head resulting in a whimper.

"What are you doing, boy?" The man had a belly on him while drinking on a bottle of beer. 'Already...?' He frowned while scrunching his face from the smell of his father's breath. "Boy. I'm speaking to you. You know the drill.."

The small boy's eye furrowed as his dad began walking to the back of the shed. On his way, he kicked down the small fort his son made, laughing in his face in the process.

After walking for a bit, the man arrived at a dead tree with a metal wire hanging down from it. 'Another day..' His dad tied him by the hands to the wire. 'Another beating..' His dad reached for a black wire and threw the bottle away.

"Boy. First you check up on your mother and then you ignore me? What's gotten into you?" He waited for an answer to which he didn't receive. "You're as disobedient as always. I love you so much, Aric.."

What sounded out next were a series of snaps and groaning. You could hear laughter at times that made the birds flock away. After an hour, his father was finished and decided to leave.

Aric was now hanging freely by wire with a red back. He had to get down himself and he did that by swinging back and forth until the branch came off. He then asked someone for his help in which took a few hours.

'People are aware of what's happening and yet, they don't do anything like calling the police..' He never once thought of doing it himself however as his father provided for his family. He...needed him.

He then went back home, only to find his mother with even more bruises on her face. 'I've..caused you more pain, mother. I-I'm sorry...' He walked through the broken down door and had to crawl under the table to get to the other side of the table.

"M-Mom, I-" She slapped him across the face then patted his head. "You are to speak back to your father when he's talking with you! Do you understand?!" He slowly nodded as his mother kept yelling at him.

'The same mistake everyday..' He thought to himself with his head down. 'In the end, I try to change but I never learn. From this moment forward..'

He promised himself not to be a nuisance, his mother asking him how he slept in the background, completely letting his previous thoughts dissapear.

"F-Fine. I slept perfectly.." He tried to stop shaking but he couldn't. "I see. Well, what do you want for your birthday, Aric?" She placed her hand on his head with a forced smile. Kazemi couldn't help but blush from his mother's touch.

"U-Uhm, nothing is fine, mom. Can you just...can you just keep doing this please..." He asked in the most innocent voice he could muster. "Sure, my little boy..." She said in a warm voice and continued. It's been like this for his last few birthdays as well.

She would ask him that question and he'd respond in same. 'This is fine though. Her warmth is all I need right now...'


The time was exactly 9 o'clock p.m. Aric was sitting in his mother's chair as she walked through the door. In her hand was a rounded, white object that was no bigger than a steering wheel. 'What...is that..?'

Aric thought in confusion. His mother then began singing him happy birthday to which he sang along. His mother then sat the cake down, crawled underneath the table and soon stood up near him. If she cleaned herself up then she'd be a beauty.

"M-May I ask...what is that?" He pointed at the rounded white object. There was also colored sticks in the middle which confused him even more deeply. "Hm? It's a cake, sweety.

White chocolate to be exact. And these....these are candles. You put a fixed amount in representing the age and light them on fire.."

She explained to him, nodding in the process. "How did you...how did we get this, mom..?" She covered her arms while scratching the back of her head.

"That's uh...a surprise! I'll tell you when you're grown.." She then reached into the back of her rags and pulled out a small, hollow circle.

"And I'll give you this as well when you get older. Its mine and I'll pass it down to you when the time is right.." She showed him the ring for a couple of seconds before putting it away.

'That's so pretty..' His eyes had sparkles in them. "Mommy,..will I make..for a good man one day..?" He asked her a question that caused her to bend down and place her hand on his head. "You'll..make a fine man, Aric. Me and your father both see it.."

She kissed him on the forehead then continued. "Kazemi. I know...we treat you very harsh and we can't forgive ourselves for that. But I just want you to know...that we both deeply love you with all our being. You just don't know how much we appreciate you..."

She knew herself worth and that she shouldn't have had a child. She wasn't in the right mindset at the time and could barely even take care of herself.

"T-Thanks, mommy.." A bright smile came to his face, but it soon turned into a frown when his dad walked in.

"Aye, boy. Itz somebody birthday or someshin?" He was drunk and still drinking. "H-Honey, welcome home..." His mom forced an awkward laugh, completely bringing the mood of the room down.

"Hey, shuh up, woman! Anyways, here boy. Hally birthday. I ain't forget..." He reached into the back of his pants to pull out a jet black glock. Seeing such a sight, his mother screamed in horror.

"Haha. Shut Up Woman." Like the drunk in him dissapeared, he spoke in a deep, but clear voice. 'A...gun..?' Aric stared at the gun in which was passed down the table and to him perfectly.

"Use it well..." He burped and sat down in a chair. 'Thanks,..I guess..' He picked the gun up in which he found sort of heavy and hot. What he didn't know was that his dad was looking out the corner of his eye at him.

'Tonight's the night..' His mother took the gun out of his hand while standing far away. "L-Let me get this for you, okay?! Okay!" She put it in the basked of food and coughed. "N-Now.. let's enjoy some cake?" She asked for permission in which his dad complied.

She cut a slice for her husband first and then for Aric. She didn't want a slice for herself and so she sat down and watched them eat. "So you're 6, huh? I remember when you were nothing but sperm in my nutsack, boy.." He laughed while his mother forced a laugh.

Aric continued eating his cake, his mind and soul experiencing something it's never had before. 'It's so sweet...and creamy. It just melts..' An unconscious smile formed on his face to which his father hit him on his head.

"Wipe that smile off your face and enjoy my jokes damn it!" Peices of cake came out his mouth and onto Aric. Aric looked at the man then looked back down, causing him to get up. "I've 'bout had it with you boy! Today's the day where you'll show me respect!"

His mother crowed under the table in fear. "Okay.." He continued eating his cake, not minding how 'angry' his father was getting. 'Out of all my kids, you're the most disobedient. And that's why, you're my masterpiece..'

He then had a plan and went with it. "You can never have good things because of that face you have. You know that?" He reached across the table and pushed the cake off, making Aric freeze.

"Be more like you fucking mother, okay?! Obedient!" Aric got up with his head down. "My...cake.." His lips were quivering, no tears being shown. "M-Mommy got me that..." As he bawled his fist, his father smirked.

'None of my children show such raw emotion like you do. They only follow orders while You...you retaliate. Or try to which is more than anything my other kids do...' He turned towards his father and said...

"L-Leave us alone! You always make things worse!" He then covered his mouth, not wanting to say what came out. 'I-I spoke without realizing?! Oh, no...' His father stopped using a power and nodded. "I see. I'm glad you see me in that light.."

He then started trampling across the chairs, leaving Aric to fall back and into the 2 person fit kitchen. 'H-He's gonna beat me?! W-Why am I scared..?' He's gotten used to it but now he's finnaly feeling the fear?

"I-I'm sorry! Dad, please don't hurt me...!" He cried out while looking around. His father shook his hand, a bottle of beer appearing out of nowhere and into his hand. Aric was too focused on trying to escape that he didn't seem to notice such an act.

'The...the gun..' He reached into the box until be felt a slightly hard object. He pulled it out and aimed whatever side at his father, hoping to scare him and to not actually hurt him.

His father however seemed to become faster as he now held Aric's wrist. "What were you planning on doing with this, huh?!" He screamed in his face, causing him to whimper. "J-Just leave me alone..." He was shaking in fear, his pupils shinning brighter and brighter as he did.

"6 long years.." He kept pulling at the gun that had a barrel aimed towards his face. "I've stayed with you all, supported you even though you're the lesser species.."

His strength was overpowering Aric's. "And this is how you treat me?! I FEED you! I CLOTHE you. I put a roof over your head and what do you do? You sleep outside for christ sakes!"

He yanked the gun away, causing it to go under the table. "What do you have to say for yourself." He picked Aric up by the front collar and held him up toward the ceiling.

"I..." He softly said. "I..hate you! You take care of us out of pity! You use us to take your anger out on! As long as you're alive, I'll NEVER show you any form of respect!"

[Seal Unlocked.]

His mother slowly emerged from under the table, gun in hand. "S-Stop it! Stop all this madness!" She cried out to the duo but mostly at Aric. "Shut up woman!"

With a single thought, the gun disappeared and reappeared into his hand, replacing the beer bottle. Aric clearly saw this while his Mother bowed her head and became quite.

"In The Face Of Overwhelming Power, Just Give Up."

He pointed the gun at his head. "I'll show you...discipline. Something I should have done long ago.." Like someone took the driver seat, Aric's body moved on its own.

He grabbed his dad's sack, causing him to squeal, drop Aric and most importantly, dropping the gun. Aric caught the gun mid air, placed both his hands into the gun and aimed it directly at his father's head.

"I'll show you..." He shot at his dad, aiming to kill him on the spot. Fate didn't allow this however as his dad's skin turned green in color, causing it to bounce off and pierce the shoulder of the person who didn't deserve to be hurt at all.

His Mother.

She cried out in pain amd agony, causing the backseat drive to leave. 'Huh..' His looked at his mother who was bleeding out onto the floor. A grave mistake for him...and his father.

A beer bottle appeared in his father's hand and swung towards his son's temple. 'Is this what you wanted, Aric?' The bottle connected with the temple on his forehead, knocking Aric out on the spot.

Like a reflex however, he pulled the trigger, a bullet easily piercing the dad's head and causing him to die on the spot. 3 people know laid on the floor. One dead. One unconscious. And one on the verge of death, calling her son vulgar names.

It wasn't explained how the kid and mother survived, considering the kids age and the health of the mother. It was like God himself watched over them, putting a small miracle..onto..



(An: The well deserved backstory. If you made it this far, thanks, and uhm...yeah. Oh yeah, uhm..I'm not tryna gas myself up here but I will say that there will be plot twist coming all throughout the future.

I think atleast. Depends if I remember.)